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Read Processing

Run the JGI RQCFilter pipeline (BBTools v38.22)

Runs the JGI reads data preprocessing pipeline

By: msneddon

Filter Out Low-Complexity Reads with PRINSEQ - v0.20.4

Filter out low-complexity paired- or single-end reads with PRINSEQ.

By: jkbaumohl

Add Insert Length to Reads Libraries - v1.2.2

Add insert length and standard deviation to paired-end ReadsLibraries objects.

By: dylan

Merge Reads Libraries - v1.2.2

Merge multiple Reads Libraries and/or ReadsSets into one Reads Library object.

By: dylan

Randomly Subsample Reads - v1.2.2

Split a reads library into a set of randomly subsampled reads libraries.

By: dylan

Split Reads - v1.2.2

Split a Reads Library into smaller, evenly sized Reads Libraries.

By: dylan

Translate Reads Libraries' Quality Scores - v1.2.2

Allows users to translate reads libraries' quality scores from phred64 to phred33.

By: dylan

Batch Create Reads Set - v1.4.0

Allows user to create a ReadsSet without specifying names

By: dylan

Build ReadsSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to create a ReadsSet object.

By: dylan

Merge Multiple ReadsSets into One ReadsSet - v1.7.6

Use this App to merge multiple ReadsSets into one consolidated ReadsSet.

By: dylan

BFC - Bloom Filter Read Error Correction

Error correction for short illumina reads

Cutadapt - v1.18

Removes the 3' or 5' adapters from reads using cutadapt.

By: msneddon , dylan , qzhang , jmc

Compute Simple Read Library Stats

Run the EA Utils program fastq-stats to compute and print basic summary stats.

By: pranjan77

Join Overlapping Mate Pairs with ea-utils FASTQ-JOIN

Run the ea-utils program fastq-join to join overlapping mate pairs.

By: dylan

Assess Read Quality with FastQC - v0.12.1

A quality control application for high throughput sequence data.

By: seaver

Filter Reads with Filtlong - v0.2.1

Filter long reads using Filtlong.

By: jmc

Trim Reads with Trimmomatic - v0.39

Trim paired- or single-end Illumina reads with Trimmomatic.

Import SRA File as Reads From Web - v1.0.10

Import an SRA file from a web URL into your Narrative as a Reads data object.

By: tgu2

Import Paired-End Reads from Web - v1.0.12

Import a Paired-End Library into your Narrative as a Reads object.

By: tgu2

Import Single-End Reads from Web - v1.0.12

Import a Single-End Library into your Narrative as a Reads object.

By: tgu2
Genome Assembly

Create Up/Down Regulated FeatureSet and ExpressionMatrix

Create up/down regulated FeatureSet and ExpressionMatrix from differential expression data based on given cutoffs.

By: tgu2

Assemble Reads with MEGAHIT v1.2.9

Assemble metagenomic reads using the MEGAHIT assembler.

Modify Bins in BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Add or remove specific bins by name in BinnedContigs data

By: tgu2

Extract Bins as Assemblies from BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Extract a bin as an Assembly from a BinnedContig dataset

By: tgu2

Import Excel File As BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Import Excel File As BinnedContigs

By: tgu2

Velvet Assembler - v1.2.10

Velvet consists of two main parts - Velveth and Velvetg

By: qzhang

Fractionate Contigs - v1.2.0

Separate Contigs in Assembly objects by presence/absence with respect to another object

By: dylan

Assemble Reads with IDBA-UD - v1.1.3

Assemble paired-end reads from single-cell or metagenomic sequencing technologies using the IDBA-UD assembler.

MaSuRCA Assembler - v3.2.9

Assemble reads using the MaSuRCA assembler.

By: qzhang

Assess Genome Quality with CheckM - v1.0.18

Runs the CheckM lineage workflow to assess the genome quality of isolates, single cells, or genome bins from metagenome assemblies through comparison to an existing database of genomes.

Filter Bins by Quality with CheckM - v1.0.18

Runs the CheckM lineage workflow to assess the genome quality of isolates, single cells, or genome bins from metagenome assemblies through comparison to an existing database of genomes. Creates a new BinnedContigs object with High Quality bins that pass user-defined thresholds for Completeness and Contamination.

Assemble Reads with SPAdes - v3.15.3

Assemble reads using the SPAdes assembler.

By: gaprice

Assemble Reads with HybridSPAdes - v3.15.3

Assemble reads using the HybridSPAdes assembler.

By: qzhang

Assemble Reads with metaSPAdes - v3.15.3

Assemble metagenomic reads using the SPAdes assembler.

By: gaprice , dylan

Batch Create Assembly Set - v1.2.0

Allows user to create an AssemblySet without specifying names

By: dylan

Build AssemblySet - v1.0.1

Allows users to create an AssemblySet object.

By: dylan

Compare Assembled Contig Distributions - v1.1.2

View distributions of contig characteristics for different assemblies.

By: dylan

Bin Contigs using CONCOCT - v1.1

Group assembled metagenomic contigs into lineages (Bins) using depth-of-coverage and nucleotide composition

Assemble the transcripts from RNA-seq read alignments using Cufflinks.

Optimize Bacterial or Archaeal Binned Contigs using DAS Tool - v1.1.2

Optimize bacterial or archaeal genome bins using a dereplication, aggregation and scoring strategy

Assemble Long Reads with Flye - v2.9.4

Assemble long reads using the Flye assembler.

By: jmc

Bin Contigs using MaxBin2 - v2.2.4

Group assembled metagenomic contigs into lineages (Bins) using depth-of-coverage, nucleotide composition, and marker genes.

By: dylan , tgu2

Polish Assemblies with Polypolish - v0.6.0

Polish genome assemblies using Polypolish

By: jmc

Assess Quality of Assemblies with QUAST - v4.4

Run QUAST (QUality ASsessment Tool) on a set of Assemblies to assess their quality.

By: gaprice

Assemble Transcripts using StringTie - v2.1.5

Assemble the transcripts from RNA-seq read alignments using StringTie.

By: tgu2

Assemble Reads with Unicycler - v0.4.8

Assemble reads using the Unicycler assembler.

By: jmc

Batch Import Assembly from Staging Area

Import FASTA files from your staging area into your Narrative as Assembly data object

By: tgu2

MetaBAT2 Contig Binning - v1.7

Bin metagenomic contigs

By: jfroula
Genome Annotation

Annotate Domains in a Genome - v1.0.10

Annotate a Genome object with protein domains from widely used domain libraries.

Compare Metabolic Annotations

Conduct a side-by-side comparison of various metabolic annotations mapped into a genome

Import Annotations from Staging

Import a file in TSV format from your staging area with new annotations to add to an existing genome

Bulk Import Annotations from Staging

Import a file in TSV format from your staging area with new annotations to add to an existing genome

Merge Metabolic Annotations

Merge multiple metabolic annotations into a single merged annotation based on thresholds

Annotate Assembly and Re-annotate Genomes with Prokka - v1.14.5

Annotate Assembly and Re-annotate Genomes with Prokka annotation pipeline.

Annotate Metagenome Assembly with Prokka - v1.14.5

Annotate Metagenome Assembly with Prokka annotation pipeline.

By: slebras

Annotate Microbial Assembly with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate a bacterial or archaeal assembly using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , olson

Annotate Multiple Microbial Assemblies with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate bacterial or archaeal assemblies and/or assembly sets using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: landml

Annotate Genome/Assembly with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate or re-annotate genome/assembly using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , olson , qzhang

Annotate Metagenome Assembly and Re-annotate Metagenome with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate Metagenome Assembly and Re-annotate Metagenome with RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , qzhang

Bulk Annotate Genomes/Assemblies with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate or re-annotate genomes/assemblies using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , qzhang

Annotate Microbial Genome with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate or re-annotate bacterial or archaeal genome using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , olson

Annotate Multiple Microbial Genomes with RASTtk - v1.073

Annotate or re-annotate bacterial or archaeal genomes and/or genome sets using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

By: chenry , olson

Annotate with Snekmer Apply

Annotate Genome or Protein Sequence Set Object with Snekmer Apply.

By: jjacobson

Annotate and Distill Assemblies with DRAM

Annotate your assemblies, isolate genomes, or MAGs with DRAM and distill resulting annotations to create an interactive functional summary per genome or assembly. Use for KBase assembly objects.

Annotate and Distill Genomes with DRAM

Annotate MAGs with DRAM and distill resulting annotations to create an interactive functional summary per genome. Use for KBase genome objects.

Annotate and Distill Viral Assemblies with DRAM-v

Annotate vMAGs with DRAM and distill resulting annotations to create an interactive auxiliary metabolic gene summary. Use with the VirSorter KBase app.

Batch Create Assembly Set - v1.2.0

Allows user to create an AssemblySet without specifying names

By: dylan

Build AssemblySet - v1.0.1

Allows users to create an AssemblySet object.

By: dylan

Search for matches to HMMs of MicroTrait environmental bioelement cycling families using HMMER 3

Search for matches to Bacterial and Archaeal Phylogenetic Marker families using HMMER 3

By: dylan

Search for matches to dbCAN HMMs of CAZy carbohydrate active enzyme families using HMMER 3

By: dylan

Annotate Plant Enzymes with OrthoFinder

Annotates transcripts in a Genome object with metabolic functions using OrthoFinder.

By: seaver

Annotate Domains in a GenomeSet

Annotate domains in every Genome within a GenomeSet using protein domains from widely used domain libraries.

Annotate Plant Transcripts with Metabolic Functions

Annotating transcripts with metabolic functions

By: seaver

Batch Import Genome from Staging Area

Import files (GenBank or GFF + FASTA) from your staging area into your Narrative as a Genome data object

By: tgu2

vConTACT2 0.9.19

Viral cluster automatic cluster taxonomy

By: bbolduc
Sequence Analysis

Run Fama Genome Profiling - v1.1

Generate a functional profile of genomes with Fama

By: kazakov

Curated Blast (M Price)

Run Morgan Price's program, "Curated Blast", on a Genome in KBase.

Align Reads using Bowtie2 - v2.3.2

Align sequencing reads to long reference prokaryotic genome sequences using Bowtie2.

Join Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSAs) - v1.3.0

Allows user to concatenate two (or more) MSAs

By: dylan

Assess Reads Alignment Quality using Qualimap - v2.2.1

Display BAM quality control information for a ReadsAlignment or ReadsAlignmentSet using QualiMap.

By: msneddon

Search for untranslated feature matches to a nucleotide query sequence.

By: dylan

Search for protein matches to an input protein sequence.

By: dylan

Search for protein matches to an input nucleotide sequence.

By: dylan

GBLOCKS Trim Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) - v0.91b

Trim a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) to remove hypervariable (gappy) regions with Gblocks

By: dylan

Align Reads using HISAT2 - v2.1.0

Align sequencing reads to long reference sequences using HISAT2.

By: wjriehl

Search for matches to all MSAs that are within workspace using Hidden Markov Model (HMMER) Search.

By: dylan

Search for matches to a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) using Hidden Markov Model Search (hmmsearch).

By: dylan

Search for matches to HMMs of MicroTrait environmental bioelement cycling families using HMMER 3

Search for matches to Bacterial and Archaeal Phylogenetic Marker families using HMMER 3

By: dylan

Search for matches to dbCAN HMMs of CAZy carbohydrate active enzyme families using HMMER 3

By: dylan

MUSCLE Multiple Sequence Alignment (DNA) - v3.8.425

Build a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) for nucleotide sequences using MUSCLE.

By: dylan

MUSCLE Multiple Sequence Alignment (Protein) - v3.8.425

Build a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) for protein sequences using MUSCLE.

By: dylan

Run PaperBLAST on a Protein Sequence

Find papers related to a protein sequence with PaperBLAST.

By: jmc

Align Reads using TopHat2 - v1.0.1

Align sequencing reads to a reference genome using TopHat2 to identify exon-exon splice junctions.

By: tgu2
Comparative Genomics

Compute ANI with FastANI

Allows users to compute fast whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) estimation.

Build FeatureSet from Genome

Create a new FeatureSet by selecting features from a Genome.

By: jjeffryes

Compute Pangenome

Allows users to compute a pangenome from a set of individual genomes.

By: dejongh

Compare Genomes from Pangenome

Compare isofunctional and homologous gene families for all genomes in a Pangenome.

By: dejongh

Compare Two Proteomes

Compute bi-directional-best-hits between the proteins present in two input Genomes. Produces a dot plot matrix showing corresponding genes in two Genomes, as well as a table of gene differences.

Build Pangenome with OrthoMCL - v2.0

Create a Pangenome object by performing OrthoMCL orthologous groups construction on a set of Genomes.

By: rsutormin

Build GenomeSet From Tree

Allows users to extract a set of genomes (GenomeSet data object) from a SpecieTree.

By: rsutormin

Insert Set of Genomes Into SpeciesTree - v2.2.0

Add a user-provided GenomeSet to a KBase SpeciesTree.

By: rsutormin

Insert Genome Into SpeciesTree - v2.2.0

Add one or more Genomes to a KBase SpeciesTree.

By: rsutormin

Propagate Model to New Genome

Translate the metabolic model of one organism to another, using a mapping of similar proteins between their genomes.

By: chenry

Join Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSAs) - v1.3.0

Allows user to concatenate two (or more) MSAs

By: dylan

Add Genomes to GenomeSet - v1.7.6

Allows user to add a Genome to a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Batch Create Genome Set - v1.2.0

Allows user to create a GenomeSet without specifying names

By: dylan

Build GenomeSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to create a GenomeSet object.

By: dylan

Build GenomeSet from FeatureSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to extract a GenomeSet from a FeatureSet.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two AssemblySets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two AssemblySets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two FeatureSets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two FeatureSets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two GenomeSets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two GenomeSets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Merge FeatureSets - v1.7.4

Use this App to combine multiple FeatureSets into a single consolidated set.

By: dylan

Merge GenomeSets - v1.7.4

Use this App to combine multiple GenomeSets into a single consolidated set.

By: dylan

Remove Genomes from GenomeSet - v1.8.0

Allows user to remove Genome(s) from a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Slice FeatureSets by Genomes - v1.8.0

Allows user to slice FeatureSets by Genomes and/or Metagenomes.

By: dylan

Split GenomeSet - v1.9.0

Allows user to evenly split a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Summarize GenomeSet - v1.8.0

View Genome summaries within a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Find Gene Set Interconnectivity using Cross Validation with RWRtools CV

RWRtools CV (Cross Validation) performs cross validation on a single gene set, finding the RWR rank of the left-out genes.

By: dakota

Find Functional Context using Lines of Evidence with RWRtools LOE

RWRtools LOE (Lines of Evidence) uses RWR to rank genes in the network starting from a Feature Set.

By: dakota

Build Phylogenetic Tree from MSA using FastTree2 - v2.1.11

Build a phylogenetic reconstruction from a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) using FastTree2.

By: dylan , psdehal

Functional Enrichment for GO Terms - v1.0.8

Compute gene ontology (GO) term enrichment for genomic features.

By: tgu2

GBLOCKS Trim Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) - v0.91b

Trim a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) to remove hypervariable (gappy) regions with Gblocks

By: dylan

Classify Microbes with GTDB-Tk - v2.3.2

Obtain objective taxonomic assignments for bacterial and archaeal genomes based on the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB)

Calculate Pangenome with mOTUpan - v0.3.2

Calculate pangenome for microbial genomes, including MAGs of varying quality

By: dylan

MUSCLE Multiple Sequence Alignment (DNA) - v3.8.425

Build a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) for nucleotide sequences using MUSCLE.

By: dylan

MUSCLE Multiple Sequence Alignment (Protein) - v3.8.425

Build a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) for protein sequences using MUSCLE.

By: dylan

Annotate Domains in a GenomeSet

Annotate domains in every Genome within a GenomeSet using protein domains from widely used domain libraries.

Trim SpeciesTree to GenomeSet- v1.4.0

Allows users to reduce a SpeciesTree to match the genomes in a GenomeSet.

By: dylan

View Function Profile for Genomes - v1.4.0

Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.

By: dylan

View Function Profile for FeatureSet - v1.4.0

Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a given FeatureSet.

By: dylan

View Function Profile for a Phylogenetic Tree - v1.4.0

Examine the distribution of functional gene families for organisms in a phylogenetic SpeciesTree.

By: dylan

Pangenome Circle Plot - v1.2.0

View a microbial Pangenome as a circle plot.

By: dylan

Phylogenetic Pangenome Accumulation - v1.4.0

View a Pangenome in a phylogenetic context.

By: dylan

View Tree - v1.4.0

Allows users to view a SpeciesTree object.

By: dylan
Metabolic Modeling

Compare Metabolic Annotations

Conduct a side-by-side comparison of various metabolic annotations mapped into a genome

Import Annotations from Staging

Import a file in TSV format from your staging area with new annotations to add to an existing genome

Bulk Import Annotations from Staging

Import a file in TSV format from your staging area with new annotations to add to an existing genome

Merge Metabolic Annotations

Merge multiple metabolic annotations into a single merged annotation based on thresholds

MS2 - Build Prokaryotic Metabolic Models with OMEGGA

Using ModelSEED2 pipeline, construct draft metabolic models based on input annotated genomes.

By: chenry

MS2 - Improved Gapfill Metabolic Models with OMEGGA

Identify the minimal set of biochemical reactions to add to draft metabolic models to enable them to produce a desired flux in a specified media.

By: chenry

Run Flux Mutual Information Analysis

Explore the mutual information between model flux and media inputs

Build Metabolic Model

Construct a draft metabolic model based on an annotated genome.<b>This app is now obsolete, replaced by the new ModelSEED2 app: <i>MS2 - Build Prokaryotic Metabolic Models</i>.</b>

By: chenry

Build Metagenome Metabolic Model (v0.1)

Generate a draft metabolic model based on an annotated genome.

By: chenry

Build Multiple Metabolic Models

Construct draft metabolic models based on annotated genomes.

By: chenry

Bulk Download Modeling Objects

Bulk download many modeling objects as one file.

By: chenry

Check Model Mass Balance

Check the mass balance of all reactions in a metabolic model.

By: chenry

Compare FBA Solutions

For each flux balance analysis (FBA) solution, compare objective values, reaction fluxes, and metabolite uptake and excretion.

By: chenry

Compare Flux with Expression

Compare reaction fluxes with gene expression values to identify metabolic pathways where expression and flux data agree or conflict.

By: chenry

Compare Models

This App compares Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) models based on reactions, compounds, biomass, and protein families.

By: dejongh

Edit Media

Curate/edit an existing media formulation.

Edit Metabolic Model

Edit a metabolic model by adding, removing, or altering compounds, reactions, or biomass formulations.

Fit Model to Exometabolite Data

Identify the minimal set of biochemical reactions to add to a draft metabolic model to enable production and consumption of as many exometabolites as possible

By: chenry

Gapfill Metabolic Model

Identify the minimal set of biochemical reactions to add to a draft metabolic model to enable it to produce biomass in a specified media.<b>This app is now obsolete, replaced by the new ModelSEED2 app: <i>MS2 - Improved Gapfill Metabolic Models</i>.</b>

By: chenry

Merge Metabolic Models into Community Model

Merge two or more metabolic models into a compartmentalized community model.

By: chenry

Propagate Model to New Genome

Translate the metabolic model of one organism to another, using a mapping of similar proteins between their genomes.

By: chenry

Run Flux Balance Analysis

Predict metabolite fluxes in a metabolic model of an organism grown on a given media using flux balance analysis (FBA).

By: chenry

Run Model Characterization

Runs a variety of algorithms on a model to characterize its quality, pathways, and auxotrophy.

By: chenry

Simulate Growth on Phenotype Data

Use flux balance analysis (FBA) to simulate multiple growth phenotypes.

By: chenry

Build Fungal Model

Build Fungal Model

Import JSON File as EscherMap from Staging Area

Import a JSON file from your staging area into your Narrative as an KBaseFBA.EscherMap data object

By: tgu2

Integrate Abundances with Metabolism

Integrate gene abundances with a plant primary metabolic network

By: seaver

Reconstruct Plant Metabolism

Reconstruct the metabolic network of a plant based on an annotated genome.

By: seaver

Cluster Expression Data - WGCNA

Perform weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) to detect gene clusters and expression patterns.

Filter Expression Matrix

Filter an expression matrix using either Log Odds Ratio (LOR) or ANalysis of VAriance (ANOVA) algorithms.

View Multi-cluster Heatmap

Explore an expression matrix as a multi-cluster heatmap of gene expression levels.

View P-value Distribution for Differential Expression

Display the P-value distribution of differentially expressed genes to filter an expression matrix based on P-value cutoff or number of features.

Create Average ExpressionMatrix

Create an average ExpressionMatrix data object with one column per condition.

By: tgu2

Filter ExpressionMatrix with FeatureSet

Create a subset of gene expression values including only genes, which match genes provided in a list.

By: jjeffryes

Create Up/Down Regulated FeatureSet and ExpressionMatrix

Create up/down regulated FeatureSet and ExpressionMatrix from differential expression data based on given cutoffs.

By: tgu2

Cluster Expression Data - Hierarchical

Perform hierarchical clustering to group gene expression data into a dendrogram.

Cluster Expression Data - K-Means

Perform K-means clustering to group expression data for observing and analyzing patterns of gene expression.

Reconstruct Hierarchical Clusters

Produce new hierarchical clusters from existing ones based on a new tree cutoff parameter.

Estimate K for K-Means Clustering

Compute reasonable values of K for use in K-means clustering.

Associate Expression Matrix to Genome Features

Associate an ExpressionMatrix with an annotated Genome that contains features referenced in the matrix.

Impute Missing Expression Values in ExpressionMatrix - v1.0

Replace missing expression values in an ExpressionMatrix with the average of all other values present in a given row.

View Expression Matrix Heatmap In Feature Table

Explore an Expression Matrix as a sortable heatmap of selected features.

View Expression Matrix Heatmap in Condition Table

Explore an Expression Matrix by viewing a sortable heatmap of selected conditions.

View Pairwise Correlation for Expression Data

Explore pairwise correlation values of selected features as a heatmap.

View Expression Profile

Explore the expression profile of an Expression Matrix.

View Sample Properties 2D Plot

View 2D plot of samples for a selected pair of properties

View Sample Properties Bar Chart

View bar chart of all property values for a selected set of samples from SamplePropertyMatrix

Create RNA-seq SampleSet

Allows users to provide RNA-seq reads and the corresponding metadata to create an RNASeqSampleSet data object.

Create RNA-seq SampleSet With Condition Set

Provide RNA-seq reads and the metadata to create an RNA-seq Sample Set

Compare Flux with Expression

Compare reaction fluxes with gene expression values to identify metabolic pathways where expression and flux data agree or conflict.

By: chenry

Align Reads using Bowtie2 - v2.3.2

Align sequencing reads to long reference prokaryotic genome sequences using Bowtie2.

Assess Reads Alignment Quality using Qualimap - v2.2.1

Display BAM quality control information for a ReadsAlignment or ReadsAlignmentSet using QualiMap.

By: msneddon

Create Differential Expression Matrix using Ballgown - v3.5

Create differential expression matrix based on a given threshold cutoff (for eukaryotes only)

Assemble the transcripts from RNA-seq read alignments using Cufflinks.

Create Differential Expression using Cuffdiff - v2.2.1

Identify differential expression in the gene and transcript expression level using Cuffdiff.

Create Differential Expression Matrix using DESeq2 - v1.20.0

Create differential expression matrix based on a given threshold cutoff

By: tgu2

Functional Enrichment for GO Terms - v1.0.8

Compute gene ontology (GO) term enrichment for genomic features.

By: tgu2

Align Reads using HISAT2 - v2.1.0

Align sequencing reads to long reference sequences using HISAT2.

By: wjriehl

Assemble Transcripts using StringTie - v2.1.5

Assemble the transcripts from RNA-seq read alignments using StringTie.

By: tgu2

Align Reads using TopHat2 - v1.0.1

Align sequencing reads to a reference genome using TopHat2 to identify exon-exon splice junctions.

By: tgu2
Microbial Communities

Run Fama Read Profiling - v1.1

Generate a functional profile of sequence read libraries with Fama

By: kazakov

View Fama Functional Profile - v1.1

View a functional profile generated by Fama

By: kazakov

Assemble Reads with MEGAHIT v1.2.9

Assemble metagenomic reads using the MEGAHIT assembler.

Modify Bins in BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Add or remove specific bins by name in BinnedContigs data

By: tgu2

Extract Bins as Assemblies from BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Extract a bin as an Assembly from a BinnedContig dataset

By: tgu2

Import Excel File As BinnedContigs - v1.0.2

Import Excel File As BinnedContigs

By: tgu2

Annotate Metagenome Assembly with Prokka - v1.14.5

Annotate Metagenome Assembly with Prokka annotation pipeline.

By: slebras

VirSorter 1.0.5

Identifies viral sequences from viral and microbial metagenomes

By: bbolduc

Merge Metabolic Models into Community Model

Merge two or more metabolic models into a compartmentalized community model.

By: chenry

Classify Taxonomy of Metagenomic Reads with GOTTCHA2 - v2.1.7

Uses GOTTCHA2 to provide taxonomic classifications of shotgun metagenomic reads data.

Assemble Reads with IDBA-UD - v1.1.3

Assemble paired-end reads from single-cell or metagenomic sequencing technologies using the IDBA-UD assembler.

Assess Genome Quality with CheckM - v1.0.18

Runs the CheckM lineage workflow to assess the genome quality of isolates, single cells, or genome bins from metagenome assemblies through comparison to an existing database of genomes.

Filter Bins by Quality with CheckM - v1.0.18

Runs the CheckM lineage workflow to assess the genome quality of isolates, single cells, or genome bins from metagenome assemblies through comparison to an existing database of genomes. Creates a new BinnedContigs object with High Quality bins that pass user-defined thresholds for Completeness and Contamination.

Assemble Reads with metaSPAdes - v3.15.3

Assemble metagenomic reads using the SPAdes assembler.

By: gaprice , dylan

Find Strain Genomes with StrainFinder v1

Runs the StrainFinder v1 method to obtain haplotype modes

Compare Assembled Contig Distributions - v1.1.2

View distributions of contig characteristics for different assemblies.

By: dylan

Bin Contigs using CONCOCT - v1.1

Group assembled metagenomic contigs into lineages (Bins) using depth-of-coverage and nucleotide composition

Optimize Bacterial or Archaeal Binned Contigs using DAS Tool - v1.1.2

Optimize bacterial or archaeal genome bins using a dereplication, aggregation and scoring strategy

Classify Taxonomy of Metagenomic Reads with Kaiju - v1.9.0

Allows users to perform taxonomic classification of shotgun metagenomic read data with Kaiju.

Bin Contigs using MaxBin2 - v2.2.4

Group assembled metagenomic contigs into lineages (Bins) using depth-of-coverage, nucleotide composition, and marker genes.

By: dylan , tgu2

Call Microbial SNPs

Call Microbial SNPs relative to a reference sequence, using BCFtools mpileup

By: jmc

Map Reads to a Reference Sequence

Map short reads to a reference sequence with SAMtools

By: jmc

Calculate Pangenome with mOTUpan - v0.3.2

Calculate pangenome for microbial genomes, including MAGs of varying quality

By: dylan

MetaBAT2 Contig Binning - v1.7

Bin metagenomic contigs

By: jfroula

Build FeatureSet from Genome

Create a new FeatureSet by selecting features from a Genome.

By: jjeffryes

Create Chemical Abundance Matrix Template

Create a template file for Import Chemical Abundance Matrix app

By: tgu2

Build Correlation Network

Create a Network with a filtered CorrelationMatrix object

By: tgu2

Collapse Matrix

Collapse Matrix - group and collapse amplicons by taxonomy

By: tgu2

Compute Correlation Matrix

Create a KBaseExperiments. CorrelationMatrix with KBaseMatrices object

By: tgu2

Compute Correlation Matrix Between Two Matrices

Compute Correlation Matrix Between Two Matrices

By: tgu2

Perform Mantel Test Analysis

Compute correlation between distance matrices using the Mantel test

By: tgu2

Perform PCA Analysis

Perform PCA analysis on Matrix object

By: tgu2

Perform Similarity Percentage (SIMPER) Statistics Analysis

Perform Similarity Percentage (SIMPER) Statistics Analysis

By: tgu2

Perform Categorical Variable Statistics Analysis

Perform Categorical Variable Statistics Analysis on a Matrix object

By: tgu2

Rarefy Matrix

Generate randomly rarefied matrix from input matrix

By: tgu2 , swwang

Transform Matrix

Performaing Standardization/Ratio Transformation Algorithm from input matrix

By: tgu2 , swwang

Transform Selected Variables From Matrix

Performaing Standardization/Ratio Transformation Algorithm from input matrix on selected Variables

By: tgu2 , swwang

View Sample Properties 2D Plot

View 2D plot of samples for a selected pair of properties

View Sample Properties Bar Chart

View bar chart of all property values for a selected set of samples from SamplePropertyMatrix

Taxonomy Abundance Barplot

Create a relative abundance bar chart at all main taxonomic ranks, along with optional grouping of bars based on sample metadata.

Fractionate Contigs - v1.2.0

Separate Contigs in Assembly objects by presence/absence with respect to another object

By: dylan

Assembly Object Info

Create a text info file for an Assembly Object.

By: landml

Assembly Set Object Info

Create text info files based on an Assembly Set data object

By: landml

Domain Annotation Object Info

Create text info files based on a DomainAnnotation object.

By: landml

FeatureSet/SequenceSet Object Info

Create text info files based on a FeatureSet or a SequenceSet

By: landml

Genome Object Info

Create a text info file based on a Genome object.

By: landml

Genome Comparison Object Info

Create a text info file for an GenomeComparison Object.

By: landml

GenomeSet Object Info

Create a text info file based on a GenomeSet object.

By: landml

Multiple Sequence Alignment Object Info

Create text info files based on a Multiple Sequence Alignment data object

By: landml

Proteome Comparison Object Info

Create text info files based on a Proteome Comparison data object

By: landml

Join Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSAs) - v1.3.0

Allows user to concatenate two (or more) MSAs

By: dylan

Copy Object - v1.3.0

Allows user to copy an object of a limited number of common types

By: dylan

Count Workspace Objects - v1.1.0

Allows user to count workspace objects by type

By: dylan

Update Genome Species Name - v1.1.0

Allows user to add/change the Scientific Name field of Genome objects

By: dylan

Add Insert Length to Reads Libraries - v1.2.2

Add insert length and standard deviation to paired-end ReadsLibraries objects.

By: dylan

Merge Reads Libraries - v1.2.2

Merge multiple Reads Libraries and/or ReadsSets into one Reads Library object.

By: dylan

Randomly Subsample Reads - v1.2.2

Split a reads library into a set of randomly subsampled reads libraries.

By: dylan

Split Reads - v1.2.2

Split a Reads Library into smaller, evenly sized Reads Libraries.

By: dylan

Translate Reads Libraries' Quality Scores - v1.2.2

Allows users to translate reads libraries' quality scores from phred64 to phred33.

By: dylan

Add Genomes to GenomeSet - v1.7.6

Allows user to add a Genome to a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Batch Create Assembly Set - v1.2.0

Allows user to create an AssemblySet without specifying names

By: dylan

Batch Create Genome Set - v1.2.0

Allows user to create a GenomeSet without specifying names

By: dylan

Batch Create Reads Set - v1.4.0

Allows user to create a ReadsSet without specifying names

By: dylan

Build AssemblySet - v1.0.1

Allows users to create an AssemblySet object.

By: dylan

Build GenomeSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to create a GenomeSet object.

By: dylan

Build GenomeSet from FeatureSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to extract a GenomeSet from a FeatureSet.

By: dylan

Build ReadsSet - v1.7.6

Allows users to create a ReadsSet object.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two AssemblySets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two AssemblySets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two FeatureSets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two FeatureSets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Venn Slice Two GenomeSets - v1.7.6

Allows users to slice two GenomeSets according to their Venn overlap.

By: dylan

Merge FeatureSets - v1.7.4

Use this App to combine multiple FeatureSets into a single consolidated set.

By: dylan

Merge GenomeSets - v1.7.4

Use this App to combine multiple GenomeSets into a single consolidated set.

By: dylan

Merge Multiple ReadsSets into One ReadsSet - v1.7.6

Use this App to merge multiple ReadsSets into one consolidated ReadsSet.

By: dylan

Remove Genomes from GenomeSet - v1.8.0

Allows user to remove Genome(s) from a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Slice FeatureSets by Genomes - v1.8.0

Allows user to slice FeatureSets by Genomes and/or Metagenomes.

By: dylan

Split GenomeSet - v1.9.0

Allows user to evenly split a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Summarize GenomeSet - v1.8.0

View Genome summaries within a GenomeSet

By: dylan

Compare Assembled Contig Distributions - v1.1.2

View distributions of contig characteristics for different assemblies.

By: dylan

Export Object JSON To Staging Area

Export a KBase object's JSON represenation to the Staging Area.

By: gaprice

Export Data Object To Staging Area

Export files associated with a Reads, Genome, Assembly, Annotated Metagenome Assembly, Alignment or SampleSet object to the Staging Area.

By: tgu2

Unpack a Compressed File in Staging Area - v1.0.12

Unpack a compressed file in the staging area.

By: tgu2

Upload File to Staging from Web - v1.0.12

Upload a data file (which may be compressed) from a web URL to your staging area.

By: tgu2