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Call Microbial SNPs


By: jmc


Call Microbial SNPs relative to a reference sequence, using BCFtools mpileup

This method uses BCFtools [1] to call SNPs in a reference assembly. It will first map short reads to this assembly using the "map reads to a reference sequence" app.

The first step is to create a raw VCF file containing SNPs: bcftools mpileup -a FMT/AD -B -d3000 -qMIN_MAPPING_QUALITY -Ou -f CONTIGS_FILE BAM_FILE | bcftools call --ploidy 1 -m -A > RAW_VCF_FILE

This raw file is then filtered and variant data are output to the filtered VCF: bcftools filter -s LowQual -e 'DP>MAX_DEPTH || DP FILTERED_VCF_FILE

This method also displays a figure showing the distribution of genotypes/strains across reads libraries, assuming each reads library represents a single metagenome sample. In each sample, a major genotype/strain is defined as concatenated major alleles where DNA polymorphisms were detected. The left panel of the heatmap lists the reference alleles. The right panel lists the position/locus of a DNA polymorphism on the reference genome. A disagreement with the reference allele is highlighted corresponding to the mutation types (transitions to transversions), and an agreement is colored in grey. The figure may be downloaded from the report.

The version of BWA-MEM [1] used to map reads to the reference is from the Git repo at, with commit hash 3ddd7b87d41f89a404d95f083fb37c369f70d783.

The version of meta_decoder [2] used to make the figure is from the Git repo at, with the py3 branch and commit hash 192bb32b13b0d0b73cdea872602171d8b5032649.

Meta_decoder in turn uses strainFinder version 1 [3], from the Git repo at, with commit hash 720087d84b4998a0ab7308880e48249c184dd0c2.

This method should create a Variants object to store the result. However, because this object type is not yet available in KBase, this method creates a report on the SNPs instead. The BAM file and filtered VCF file can be downloaded from the report.

Team members who deployed this App in KBase: John-Marc Chandonia. For questions, please contact us.

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App Specification:

Module Commit: 2c0fd8e0b7df5b9a564cd2e8deffd55c35ea1b4c