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Annotate Microbial Assembly with RASTtk - v1.073


By: chenry, olson


Annotate a bacterial or archaeal assembly using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).

This KBase annotation App (Annotate Microbial Assembly) uses components from the RAST (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology) toolkit [1,2,3] to annotate an assembled bacterial or archaeal genome.

The release versions of the RASTtk component services used in this app are:

The required input is an Assembly object (older Narratives used the term ContigSet object). An Assembly can be generated using any of the Assembly Apps, by importing a FASTA file, or by uploading an .faa file directly from NCBI via FTP (Upload File to Staging from Web) and then importing.

Assemblies have three essential metadata fields that must be completed: scientific name, domain, and genetic code. The default genetic code for bacterial and archaeal genomes is genetic code 11. KBase annotation also supports genetic code 4 for Mycoplasma and genetic code 25. For more information on genetic codes, please refer to this NCBI document. All metadata fields are required because they affect conditional parameters in various programs that are being run. Use existing scientific names whenever possible.

The App annotates the Assembly-typed object (a set of contigs) and generates a Genome-typed object with both coding and non-coding features. By definition, Assembly objects have no annotation (only sequence) and the default is to select nearly all of the available App options. The available annotation features are in the advanced parameters and are discussed in more detail below.

For addition help, view this Tutorial for Annotate Microbial Contigs.

The Default Annotation Pipeline
Clicking "Run" will run the default pipeline. For a typical 2-5 MBp genome, this should take about 5 minutes. Because this is the first annotation for this assembly, the default pipeline consists of the following steps:

Advanced Annotation Options
If you wish to customize the features in your annotation, click the "show advanced options" link. This will display the full set of available annotation options. The "Call features prophage phispy" option is unchecked because it is slower.

The Results

GUI Output
The GUI output currently consists of three tabs. The "Overview" tab provides basic information on the annotation job, the "Browse Features" tab allows the user to scroll through the features that were called, and the "Browse Contigs" tab provides information on the contigs in the genome. Users can sort on the various types of features. Note that some features will overlap (e.g., "prophage" and "CDS").

Additional Information
For more information on the steps of the default RAStk pipeline, please refer to our publication on this (publication forthcoming). For more detailed tutorial information and to explore the additional functionality of RASTtk not currently available in the Narrative interface please refer to

Team members who developed & deployed algorithm in KBase: Thomas Brettin, James Davis, Terry Disz, Robert Edwards, Chris Henry, Gary Olsen, Robert Olson, Ross Overbeek, Bruce Parrello, Gordon Pusch, Roman Sutormin, and Fangfang Xia. For questions, please contact us.

The authors of RAST request that if you use the results of this annotation in your work, please cite the first three listed publications:

Related Publications

App Specification:

Module Commit: 7171090d87fccc8b7ecf1a1d02398995dcc2dd45