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Compare Models


By: dejongh


This App compares Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) models based on reactions, compounds, biomass, and protein families.

This App enables users to compare various features of FBA models such as compounds, reactions, and biomass compounds. Optionally, reaction-associated proteins can also be compared, but this requires the computation of a pangenome. The pangenome must contain all the genomes that are associated with the FBA models to be compared. To compute a pangenome the Build Pangenome with OrthoMCL and Compute Pangenome Apps can be used. The output report lists the presence or absence of the compounds, reactions, biomass compounds, and reaction-associated proteins across the models being compared.

Compare Models Output
The 5 tabs in the Compare Models output report are as follows:

For additional information about metabolic modeling, visit the Metabolic Modeling in KBase FAQ. For help with microbial metabolic modeling, see this Narrative Tutorial. For questions, please contact us.

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App Specification:

Module Commit: b083384ac00d4f9d7cb796a664ee3ffd017cf248