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FeatureSet/SequenceSet Object Info


By: landml


Create text info files based on a FeatureSet or a SequenceSet

This intended purpose of this app is to produce a downloadable TEXT file about an object.

Most KBase data objects already have some type of pretty HTML table, either as output from an app or by dragging the object onto the narrative. This app serves a different purpose. This app creates one or more files that are downloadable and used with local tools such as Excel or computer scripts.

This app creates a file on the contents of a FeatureSet or a SequenceSet. A Summary section has a preview of the full output. It is intended to be a preview of the downloadable file. If the file is tab or comma delimited, it may appear misaligned on the screen but readable by a computer script. The HTML link opens a new tab with the full output. The link for downloading the files is in the Files section of the output.

The inputs are:

The output:

  1. The output depends on the input feature set or sequence set. In general, sequence sets will be a fasta file and feature sets will be a listing of the references to the features in the set. For example 'BW244_0025 27092/5/1' is the feature 'BW244_0025' and it can be found in narrative 27092 in the object with the ID of '27092/5/1'.

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App Specification:

Module Commit: f41cd0b3c9767eecc436a8474806d8c639ad3f8a