visualize assembly and mapped reads using Circos
Circos is a visualization tool with unique applications to displaying assembly coverage information.
Implemented for KBase by Sean Jungbluth([email protected])
This method assumes that you have a method to generate a DNA assembly.
Assembly Object: The Assembly object is a collection of assembled genome fragments, called "contigs".
Reads Object: The raw reads used to produce the original assembly and to be used for assembly improvement.
Read Mapping Tool: The read mapping tool used for coverage assessment and generation of the Circos diagram.
Output Object: A KBase reports Object is output.
Downloadable files: The relevant output of the Circos run may be downloaded as a zip file. Contents include the clean sequence assembly files and Circos input/output files.
Circos diagram description: inner-most black circle represent assembly contigs, mapped read are visualized in the red/grey/green colored outside ring where red is 0x-5x, grey is 5x-10x, and green is 10x-[Max Coverage Detected].
Related Publications
- M Krzywinski, J Schein, I Birol, J Connors, R Gascoyne, D Horsman, SJ Jones, MA Marra. Circos: An information aesthetic for comparative genomics. Genome Research. 2009. doi:10.1101/gr.092759.109 ,
- Circos source: ,
App Specification: Commit: 57b821ebf7b0e785b40cec3673ee9d54c0ab1ecb