Generated August 22, 2022

Ecological and genomic responses of soil microbiomes to high-severity wildfire: linking community assembly to functional potential

Nicholas C. Dove, Neslihan Taş, Stephen C. Hart \ [email protected] or [email protected]

Background: Increasing wildfire severity, which is common throughout the western United States, can have deleterious effects on plant regeneration and large impacts on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling rates. Soil microbes are pivotal in facilitating these elemental cycles, so understanding the impact of increasing fire severity on soil microbial communities is critical.

Methods: We assessed the long-term impact of high-severity fires on the soil microbiome. In the original paper Dove et al. (2022) we we employed high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and the ITS region as well as shotgun metagenomics and reconstruction of microbial genomes (metagenome-assembled genomes--MAGs). We paired these sequence data with previously published soil and vegetation data collected from the Central Sierra Nevada Fire Chronosequence Dove et al. (2020) to elucidate long-term changes in soil microbial structure and function following high-severity wildfires.

In this narrative we focus on the annotation of MAGs. These MAGs we extracted from 16 metagenomes sequenced from the Central Sierra Nevada Fire Chronosequence (Figure below). Briefly, raw reads were trimmed and quality filtered using Trimmomatic (v 0.36), Samples were co-assembled using MEGAHIT with a minimum contig length of 1000 bp. Then, each individual sample was mapped back to the MEGAHIT contigs with bbmap, and we extracted unmapped reads. Next, unmapped reads were concatenated and re-assembled using SPAdes in the “meta” setting. The newly assembled contig folds were merged with the MEGAHIT contigs. Genome fragments that were larger than 1 kb were clustered into MAGs using MaxBin (v 2.2.5) and MetaBAT2 (v 2.12.1), and MAGs were dereplicated using DASTool (v 1.1.10). Potential mis-binning was identified with CheckM, and bins were further refined to remove contamination following Xue et al. (2020).

Bins were then imported into KBase where they were taxonomically classified with GTDB and functionally annotated with DRAM and RASTtk.

Results: We find that high-severity wildfires result in a multi-decadal (>25 y) recovery of the soil microbiome mediated by concomitant differences in aboveground vegetation, soil chemistry, and microbial assembly processes. Our results depict a distinct taxonomic and functional successional pattern of increasing selection in post-fire soil microbial communities. Changes in microbiome composition corresponded with changes in microbial functional potential, specifically altered C metabolism and enhanced N cycling potential, which related to rates of potential decomposition and inorganic N availability, respectively. Based on MAGs, we show that bacterial genomes enriched in our earliest site (4 y since fire) harbor distinct traits such as a robust stress response and a high potential to degrade pyrogenic, polyaromatic C that allow them to thrive in post-fire environments. Taken together, these results provide a biological basis for previously reported process rate measurements and explain the temporal dynamics of post-fire biogeochemistry, which ultimately constrains ecosystem recovery.

import samples from NCBI using NCBI E-utilities
This app completed without errors in 1m 43s.
Created Object Name Type Description
fire_reads_biosamples SampleSet
SampleSet object named "fire_reads_biosamples" imported.
These are only available in the live Narrative:
  • ncbi_sample_32b0c320-c8d0-4d39-9dd0-e5dcd9b24ecd.csv - Input file provided to create the sample set.
import some samples
This app completed without errors in 2m 1s.
Created Object Name Type Description
fire_reads_biosamples_clean SampleSet
SampleSet object named "fire_reads_biosamples_clean" imported.
These are only available in the live Narrative:
  • dove_samples_clean.xlsx - Input file provided to create the sample set.
Import FASTA files from your staging area into your Narrative as Assembly data object
This app completed without errors in 2h 32m 35s.
Created Object Name Type Description
Fire AssemblySet Imported Assembly Set
CLV.031__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.081__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.082__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.099__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.115__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.104__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.153__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.169__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.173__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.161__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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CLV.266__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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CLV.312__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.316__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.332__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.325__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CLV.378__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.009__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.016__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.079__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.089__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.025__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.091__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.029__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.036__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.056__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.097__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.105__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.110__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.121__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.124__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.126__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.132__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.134__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.137__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.150__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.161__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.186__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.188__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.191__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.275__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.192__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.193__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.195__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.279__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.212__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.271__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.259__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.284__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.289__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.293__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.308__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.312__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.331__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.345__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.381__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.405__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.333__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.435__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.531__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.536__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.447__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.001__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.474__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.470__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.010__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
CNT.528__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.018__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.048__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.073__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.075__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.101__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.112__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.171__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.178__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.187__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.211__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.226__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.307__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.312__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.338__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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FDR.480__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.359__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
FDR.407__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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FDR.556__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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FDR.595__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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FDR.606__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.005__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.006__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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FDR.614__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.011__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.003__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.013__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.014__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.015__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.033__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.046__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.085__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.135__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.140__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.108__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.118__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.120__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.146__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.159__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.302__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.322__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.324__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.331__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.339__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.348__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.392__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.402__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.408__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.421__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.448__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.571__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.578__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.514__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.534__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.610__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.540__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.559__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.566__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.645__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.653__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.670__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.688__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.699__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.710__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.716__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.728__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.732__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.740__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.747__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.761__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
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KNG.774__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.813__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.793__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.794__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.799__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.800__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.802__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.807__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.820__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.826__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.828__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.829__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.830__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.832__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
KNG.833__Fire_bins Assembly Imported Assembly Object
Obtain objective taxonomic assignments for bacterial and archaeal genomes based on the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) ver 1.3.0
This app completed without errors in 2h 31m 31s.
Annotate your assembly with DRAM. Annotations will then be distilled to create an interactive functional summary per assembly.
This app completed without errors in 5d 0h 13m 49s.
Created Object Name Type Description
CLV.031__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.081__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.082__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.099__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.104__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.115__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.153__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.161__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.169__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.173__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.236__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.266__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.310__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.312__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.316__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.325__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.332__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CLV.378__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.009__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.016__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.025__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.029__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.036__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.056__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.079__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.089__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.091__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.097__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.105__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.110__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.121__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.124__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.126__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.132__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.134__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.137__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.150__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.161__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.186__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.188__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.191__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.192__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.193__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.195__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.212__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.259__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.271__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.275__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.279__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.284__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.289__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.293__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.308__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.312__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.331__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.333__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.345__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.381__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.405__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.435__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.447__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.470__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.474__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.528__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.531__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
CNT.536__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.001__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.010__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.018__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.048__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.073__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.075__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.101__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.112__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.171__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.178__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.187__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.211__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.226__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.307__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.312__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.338__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.348__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.359__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.407__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.416__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.436__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.444__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.445__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.480__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.489__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.500__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.501__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.502__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.512__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.521__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.522__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.549__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.554__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.556__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.560__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.566__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.595__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.606__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.614__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.620__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.625__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
FDR.628__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.003__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.005__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.006__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.009__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.011__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.012__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.013__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.014__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.015__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.020__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.027__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.033__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.044__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.046__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.051__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.058__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.061__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.080__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.083__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.085__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.108__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.118__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.120__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.135__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.140__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.146__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.159__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.165__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.177__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.178__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.186__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.190__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.192__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.195__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.210__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.216__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.219__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.225__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.226__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.244__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.247__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.252__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.259__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.262__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.281__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.284__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.299__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.302__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.305__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.307__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.316__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.322__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.324__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.331__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.339__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.348__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.392__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.402__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.408__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.421__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.448__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.514__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.534__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.540__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.559__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.566__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.571__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.578__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.610__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.645__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.653__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.670__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.688__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.699__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.710__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.716__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.728__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.732__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.740__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.747__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.761__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.766__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.774__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.793__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.794__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.799__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.800__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.802__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.807__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.813__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.820__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.826__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.828__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.829__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.830__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.832__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
KNG.833__Fire_bins_genome Genome Annotated Genome
Fire_Dram GenomeSet Fire
Here are the results from your DRAM run.
These are only available in the live Narrative:
  • annotations.tsv - DRAM annotations in a tab separate table format
  • genes.fna - Genes as nucleotides predicted by DRAM with brief annotations
  • genes.faa - Genes as amino acids predicted by DRAM with brief annotations
  • genes.gff - GFF file of all DRAM annotations
  • rrnas.tsv - Tab separated table of rRNAs as detected by barrnap
  • trnas.tsv - Tab separated table of tRNAs as detected by tRNAscan-SE
  • genbank.tar.gz - Compressed folder of output genbank files?
  • product.tsv - DRAM product in tabular format
  • metabolism_summary.xlsx - DRAM metabolism summary tables
  • genome_stats.tsv - DRAM genome statistics table
Annotate bacterial or archaeal assemblies and/or assembly sets using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).
This app completed without errors in 18h 45m 47s.
Created Object Name Type Description
KNG.011__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.159__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.307__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.259__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.075__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.512__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.284__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.132__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.381__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.236__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.324__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.716__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.225__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.556__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.051__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.348__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.435__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.195__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.528__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.089__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.534__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.800__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.153__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.165__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.003__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.502__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.073__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.244__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.126__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.345__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.161__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.820__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.331__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.728__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.226__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.058__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.262__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.560__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.333__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.338__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.186__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.193__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.010__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.378__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.761__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.079__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.610__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.802__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.169__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.302__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.444__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.120__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.289__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.009__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.099__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.112__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.522__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.137__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.310__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.316__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.699__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.408__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.006__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.216__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.044__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.186__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.536__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.833__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.359__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.212__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.091__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.578__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.794__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.115__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.020__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.614__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.305__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.146__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.101__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.284__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.281__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.521__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.134__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.405__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.266__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.322__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.710__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.628__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.421__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.046__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.219__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.480__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.554__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.531__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.279__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.025__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.514__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.799__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.104__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.489__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.108__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.252__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.081__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.110__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.308__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.178__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.056__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.316__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.829__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.670__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.392__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.005__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.085__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.747__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.226__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.195__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.027__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.191__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.001__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.416__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.830__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.036__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.161__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.448__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.813__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.014__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.566__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.445__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.259__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.118__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.082__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.105__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.620__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.549__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.293__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.171__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.150__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.312__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.688__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.402__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.625__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.033__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.210__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.188__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.447__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.832__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.407__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.271__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.029__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.571__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.793__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.645__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.015__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.012__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.135__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.247__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.048__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.501__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.124__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.331__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.211__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.173__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.826__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.339__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.732__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.080__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.061__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.595__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.312__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.190__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.470__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.192__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.325__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.766__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.016__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.540__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.807__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.178__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.018__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.031__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.299__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.140__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.500__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.121__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.187__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.312__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.097__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.653__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.828__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.348__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.740__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.606__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.083__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.307__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.566__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.192__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.275__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
FDR.436__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.474__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CLV.332__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.774__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
CNT.009__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.559__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.013__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST Genome RAST annotation
Fire_genomes GenomeSet Genome Set
Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 816 contigs containing 2011817 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2867 new features were called, of which 223 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2644 
	Non-coding repeat                196 
	Non-coding rna                    27 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.011__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 403 contigs containing 5556636 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6238 new features were called, of which 289 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5949 
	Non-coding repeat                257 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.159__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 317 contigs containing 3143653 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3504 new features were called, of which 149 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3355 
	Non-coding repeat                104 
	Non-coding rna                    45 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.307__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 3196 contigs containing 5839152 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8380 new features were called, of which 315 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8065 
	Non-coding repeat                305 
	Non-coding rna                    10 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.259__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1080 contigs containing 4017472 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4407 new features were called, of which 41 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4366 
	Non-coding repeat                 21 
	Non-coding rna                    20 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.075__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1010 contigs containing 1722310 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2799 new features were called, of which 33 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2766 
	Non-coding repeat                 12 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.512__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1257 contigs containing 4460235 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5672 new features were called, of which 716 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4956 
	Non-coding repeat                679 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.284__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 884 contigs containing 4929573 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6142 new features were called, of which 656 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5486 
	Non-coding repeat                581 
	Non-coding rna                    75 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.132__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 737 contigs containing 4170599 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4673 new features were called, of which 200 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4473 
	Non-coding repeat                168 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.381__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2305 contigs containing 4041584 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7033 new features were called, of which 1074 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5959 
	Non-coding repeat               1054 
	Non-coding rna                    20 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.236__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1238 contigs containing 4280471 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5759 new features were called, of which 677 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5082 
	Non-coding repeat                643 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.324__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1017 contigs containing 6021123 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6927 new features were called, of which 551 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6376 
	Non-coding repeat                507 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.716__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 441 contigs containing 3251293 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3883 new features were called, of which 423 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3460 
	Non-coding repeat                400 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.225__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1069 contigs containing 9613772 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 10436 new features were called, of which 561 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9875 
	Non-coding repeat                522 
	Non-coding rna                    39 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.556__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 461 contigs containing 5072918 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5500 new features were called, of which 584 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4916 
	Non-coding repeat                544 
	Non-coding rna                    40 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.051__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1695 contigs containing 5065668 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7283 new features were called, of which 820 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6463 
	Non-coding repeat                795 
	Non-coding rna                    25 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.348__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1300 contigs containing 3884696 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4939 new features were called, of which 343 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4596 
	Non-coding repeat                314 
	Non-coding rna                    29 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.435__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1893 contigs containing 4536215 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6887 new features were called, of which 969 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5918 
	Non-coding repeat                951 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.195__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 110 contigs containing 4923164 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4827 new features were called, of which 219 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4608 
	Non-coding repeat                175 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.528__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1258 contigs containing 4975503 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7125 new features were called, of which 1249 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5876 
	Non-coding repeat               1210 
	Non-coding rna                    39 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.089__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 656 contigs containing 3430679 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4212 new features were called, of which 271 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3941 
	Non-coding repeat                238 
	Non-coding rna                    33 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.534__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 808 contigs containing 3913105 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5095 new features were called, of which 560 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4535 
	Non-coding repeat                526 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.800__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 649 contigs containing 4673400 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5315 new features were called, of which 438 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4877 
	Non-coding repeat                374 
	Non-coding rna                    64 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.153__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 246 contigs containing 3176129 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3239 new features were called, of which 108 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3131 
	Non-coding repeat                 76 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.165__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2516 contigs containing 5082334 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7879 new features were called, of which 1068 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6811 
	Non-coding repeat               1037 
	Non-coding rna                    31 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.003__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 876 contigs containing 3404624 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4768 new features were called, of which 878 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3890 
	Non-coding repeat                836 
	Non-coding rna                    42 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.502__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 973 contigs containing 4941613 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6591 new features were called, of which 498 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6093 
	Non-coding repeat                449 
	Non-coding rna                    49 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.073__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 787 contigs containing 4508054 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5845 new features were called, of which 685 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5160 
	Non-coding repeat                651 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.244__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 483 contigs containing 5007353 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5463 new features were called, of which 309 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5154 
	Non-coding repeat                263 
	Non-coding rna                    46 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.126__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1564 contigs containing 6560917 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7566 new features were called, of which 383 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7183 
	Non-coding repeat                360 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.345__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 226 contigs containing 6472807 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6133 new features were called, of which 329 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5804 
	Non-coding repeat                259 
	Non-coding rna                    70 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.161__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 495 contigs containing 1210938 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1828 new features were called, of which 63 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1765 
	Non-coding repeat                 11 
	Non-coding rna                    52 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.820__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 807 contigs containing 6871504 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8294 new features were called, of which 833 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7461 
	Non-coding repeat                773 
	Non-coding rna                    60 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.331__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1055 contigs containing 3556553 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4774 new features were called, of which 801 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3973 
	Non-coding repeat                783 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.728__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 962 contigs containing 3668494 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4735 new features were called, of which 602 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4133 
	Non-coding repeat                561 
	Non-coding rna                    41 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.226__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2099 contigs containing 8107791 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 10872 new features were called, of which 1853 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9019 
	Non-coding repeat               1816 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.058__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1969 contigs containing 8167303 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 11312 new features were called, of which 2072 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9240 
	Non-coding repeat               2023 
	Non-coding rna                    49 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.262__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 653 contigs containing 6141060 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6542 new features were called, of which 731 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5811 
	Non-coding repeat                695 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.560__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 833 contigs containing 4810998 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6425 new features were called, of which 1103 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5322 
	Non-coding repeat               1056 
	Non-coding rna                    47 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.333__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1434 contigs containing 4122592 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5544 new features were called, of which 453 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5091 
	Non-coding repeat                436 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.338__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1721 contigs containing 8739110 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 10221 new features were called, of which 484 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9737 
	Non-coding repeat                448 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.186__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 394 contigs containing 3594361 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4292 new features were called, of which 298 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3994 
	Non-coding repeat                252 
	Non-coding rna                    46 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.193__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 884 contigs containing 3726294 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4999 new features were called, of which 551 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4448 
	Non-coding repeat                524 
	Non-coding rna                    27 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.010__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1916 contigs containing 5608070 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8181 new features were called, of which 1002 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7179 
	Non-coding repeat                966 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.378__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1595 contigs containing 2369457 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3637 new features were called, of which 133 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3504 
	Non-coding repeat                122 
	Non-coding rna                    11 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.761__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1444 contigs containing 4134306 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5567 new features were called, of which 856 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4711 
	Non-coding repeat                838 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.079__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1385 contigs containing 3980601 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5264 new features were called, of which 799 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4465 
	Non-coding repeat                777 
	Non-coding rna                    22 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.610__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 646 contigs containing 5047851 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5630 new features were called, of which 613 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5017 
	Non-coding repeat                576 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.802__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 226 contigs containing 2541899 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2854 new features were called, of which 113 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2741 
	Non-coding repeat                 72 
	Non-coding rna                    41 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.169__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 417 contigs containing 4910571 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5355 new features were called, of which 340 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5015 
	Non-coding repeat                299 
	Non-coding rna                    41 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.302__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1193 contigs containing 3837815 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5419 new features were called, of which 178 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5241 
	Non-coding repeat                149 
	Non-coding rna                    29 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.444__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 581 contigs containing 6421207 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6843 new features were called, of which 760 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6083 
	Non-coding repeat                717 
	Non-coding rna                    43 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.120__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1721 contigs containing 4410408 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6797 new features were called, of which 1012 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5785 
	Non-coding repeat                987 
	Non-coding rna                    25 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.289__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 488 contigs containing 3528084 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4152 new features were called, of which 334 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3818 
	Non-coding repeat                305 
	Non-coding rna                    29 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.009__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2744 contigs containing 7089368 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 9247 new features were called, of which 687 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8560 
	Non-coding repeat                664 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.099__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1305 contigs containing 3729084 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5319 new features were called, of which 754 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4565 
	Non-coding repeat                739 
	Non-coding rna                    15 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.112__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 503 contigs containing 5355603 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6123 new features were called, of which 639 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5484 
	Non-coding repeat                581 
	Non-coding rna                    58 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.522__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 993 contigs containing 2863173 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3906 new features were called, of which 555 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3351 
	Non-coding repeat                532 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.137__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1019 contigs containing 3147370 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4551 new features were called, of which 484 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4067 
	Non-coding repeat                463 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.310__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 108 contigs containing 1025125 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1298 new features were called, of which 127 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1171 
	Non-coding repeat                 86 
	Non-coding rna                    41 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.316__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1049 contigs containing 5175235 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6047 new features were called, of which 603 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5444 
	Non-coding repeat                537 
	Non-coding rna                    66 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.699__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 476 contigs containing 2383671 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2784 new features were called, of which 142 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2642 
	Non-coding repeat                124 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.408__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2235 contigs containing 3508336 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6057 new features were called, of which 708 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5349 
	Non-coding repeat                692 
	Non-coding rna                    16 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.006__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1366 contigs containing 4562984 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6440 new features were called, of which 1483 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4957 
	Non-coding repeat               1445 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.216__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 574 contigs containing 2369465 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3041 new features were called, of which 325 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2716 
	Non-coding repeat                293 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.044__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1965 contigs containing 4479639 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5997 new features were called, of which 422 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5575 
	Non-coding repeat                404 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.186__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 792 contigs containing 4209544 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4828 new features were called, of which 92 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4736 
	Non-coding repeat                 50 
	Non-coding rna                    42 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.536__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 776 contigs containing 4934530 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6515 new features were called, of which 967 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5548 
	Non-coding repeat                890 
	Non-coding rna                    77 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.833__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1385 contigs containing 6352811 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8163 new features were called, of which 1084 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7079 
	Non-coding repeat               1053 
	Non-coding rna                    31 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.359__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2441 contigs containing 7634744 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 9052 new features were called, of which 256 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8796 
	Non-coding repeat                208 
	Non-coding rna                    48 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.212__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 991 contigs containing 4177674 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5530 new features were called, of which 170 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5360 
	Non-coding repeat                126 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.091__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2647 contigs containing 3862298 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5543 new features were called, of which 27 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5516 
	Non-coding repeat                 10 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.578__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2189 contigs containing 5760379 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8464 new features were called, of which 1680 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6784 
	Non-coding repeat               1663 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.794__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 789 contigs containing 3067474 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4305 new features were called, of which 592 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3713 
	Non-coding repeat                557 
	Non-coding rna                    35 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.115__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1700 contigs containing 3472515 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5916 new features were called, of which 1163 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4753 
	Non-coding repeat               1144 
	Non-coding rna                    19 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.020__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1195 contigs containing 4339590 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5097 new features were called, of which 75 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5022 
	Non-coding repeat                 47 
	Non-coding rna                    28 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.614__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 377 contigs containing 903574 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1212 new features were called, of which 72 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1140 
	Non-coding repeat                 60 
	Non-coding rna                    12 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.305__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 374 contigs containing 2830949 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3226 new features were called, of which 202 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3024 
	Non-coding repeat                167 
	Non-coding rna                    35 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.146__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1560 contigs containing 4014529 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5224 new features were called, of which 201 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5023 
	Non-coding repeat                178 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.101__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1760 contigs containing 4982811 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6104 new features were called, of which 73 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6031 
	Non-coding repeat                 40 
	Non-coding rna                    33 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.284__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 193 contigs containing 4090211 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4277 new features were called, of which 179 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4098 
	Non-coding repeat                145 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.281__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 275 contigs containing 1408008 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1753 new features were called, of which 114 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1639 
	Non-coding repeat                 97 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.521__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 557 contigs containing 2265601 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3033 new features were called, of which 372 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2661 
	Non-coding repeat                354 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.134__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 195 contigs containing 7862211 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7563 new features were called, of which 251 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7312 
	Non-coding repeat                188 
	Non-coding rna                    63 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.405__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1016 contigs containing 3931658 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5494 new features were called, of which 853 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4641 
	Non-coding repeat                832 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.266__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 845 contigs containing 3291576 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4028 new features were called, of which 381 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3647 
	Non-coding repeat                357 
	Non-coding rna                    24 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.322__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1156 contigs containing 5023562 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7329 new features were called, of which 1207 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6122 
	Non-coding repeat               1157 
	Non-coding rna                    50 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.710__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1355 contigs containing 3809476 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4931 new features were called, of which 291 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4640 
	Non-coding repeat                254 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.628__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 444 contigs containing 4137747 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4652 new features were called, of which 240 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4412 
	Non-coding repeat                194 
	Non-coding rna                    46 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.421__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1809 contigs containing 6943696 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 9676 new features were called, of which 1178 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8498 
	Non-coding repeat               1148 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.046__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 588 contigs containing 2555988 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3259 new features were called, of which 260 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2999 
	Non-coding repeat                233 
	Non-coding rna                    27 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.219__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1070 contigs containing 2412442 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3610 new features were called, of which 81 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3529 
	Non-coding repeat                 48 
	Non-coding rna                    33 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.480__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1449 contigs containing 4880249 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7072 new features were called, of which 598 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6474 
	Non-coding repeat                547 
	Non-coding rna                    51 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.554__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 418 contigs containing 4447656 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4068 new features were called, of which 128 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3940 
	Non-coding repeat                116 
	Non-coding rna                    12 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.531__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 914 contigs containing 3407656 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4411 new features were called, of which 404 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4007 
	Non-coding repeat                381 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.279__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 715 contigs containing 3085482 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4132 new features were called, of which 697 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3435 
	Non-coding repeat                654 
	Non-coding rna                    43 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.025__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 987 contigs containing 5591022 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6981 new features were called, of which 686 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6295 
	Non-coding repeat                654 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.514__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 971 contigs containing 4548659 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5774 new features were called, of which 411 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5363 
	Non-coding repeat                360 
	Non-coding rna                    51 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.799__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 370 contigs containing 3888801 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3878 new features were called, of which 202 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3676 
	Non-coding repeat                154 
	Non-coding rna                    48 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.104__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 951 contigs containing 3263681 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4285 new features were called, of which 464 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3821 
	Non-coding repeat                445 
	Non-coding rna                    19 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.489__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1951 contigs containing 8885523 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 11132 new features were called, of which 1412 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9720 
	Non-coding repeat               1384 
	Non-coding rna                    28 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.108__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 640 contigs containing 3638581 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4402 new features were called, of which 488 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3914 
	Non-coding repeat                459 
	Non-coding rna                    29 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.252__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1575 contigs containing 4498944 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6763 new features were called, of which 944 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5819 
	Non-coding repeat                908 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.081__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 756 contigs containing 3172284 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3995 new features were called, of which 504 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3491 
	Non-coding repeat                486 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.110__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 991 contigs containing 4797220 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6545 new features were called, of which 511 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6034 
	Non-coding repeat                464 
	Non-coding rna                    47 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.308__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1637 contigs containing 3318643 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4434 new features were called, of which 321 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4113 
	Non-coding repeat                311 
	Non-coding rna                    10 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.178__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 624 contigs containing 3603336 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4341 new features were called, of which 399 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3942 
	Non-coding repeat                365 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.056__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1795 contigs containing 4261040 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5875 new features were called, of which 313 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5562 
	Non-coding repeat                302 
	Non-coding rna                    11 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.316__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 729 contigs containing 4747054 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5950 new features were called, of which 556 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5394 
	Non-coding repeat                485 
	Non-coding rna                    71 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.829__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 918 contigs containing 6135782 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6620 new features were called, of which 491 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6129 
	Non-coding repeat                435 
	Non-coding rna                    56 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.670__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1240 contigs containing 3598527 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4798 new features were called, of which 517 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4281 
	Non-coding repeat                495 
	Non-coding rna                    22 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.392__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1781 contigs containing 8425574 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 10471 new features were called, of which 1266 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9205 
	Non-coding repeat               1227 
	Non-coding rna                    39 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.005__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 353 contigs containing 3755523 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4274 new features were called, of which 350 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3924 
	Non-coding repeat                306 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.085__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 607 contigs containing 4126349 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4844 new features were called, of which 481 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4363 
	Non-coding repeat                449 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.747__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 586 contigs containing 4948261 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5663 new features were called, of which 291 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5372 
	Non-coding repeat                257 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.226__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1871 contigs containing 6524771 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 9323 new features were called, of which 1219 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8104 
	Non-coding repeat               1146 
	Non-coding rna                    73 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.195__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1655 contigs containing 5488991 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8989 new features were called, of which 1474 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7515 
	Non-coding repeat               1422 
	Non-coding rna                    52 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.027__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2169 contigs containing 4158871 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7166 new features were called, of which 1441 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5725 
	Non-coding repeat               1432 
	Non-coding rna                     9 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.191__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1403 contigs containing 3298373 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4801 new features were called, of which 545 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4256 
	Non-coding repeat                522 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.001__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 374 contigs containing 3679818 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4112 new features were called, of which 227 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3885 
	Non-coding repeat                187 
	Non-coding rna                    40 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.416__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 43 contigs containing 3499990 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3281 new features were called, of which 51 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3230 
	Non-coding repeat                 16 
	Non-coding rna                    35 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.830__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 416 contigs containing 3624942 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4156 new features were called, of which 213 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3943 
	Non-coding repeat                183 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.036__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 595 contigs containing 5223083 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5334 new features were called, of which 128 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5206 
	Non-coding repeat                 84 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.161__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1071 contigs containing 6365161 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8478 new features were called, of which 1059 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7419 
	Non-coding repeat               1016 
	Non-coding rna                    43 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.448__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 799 contigs containing 5764910 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6854 new features were called, of which 487 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6367 
	Non-coding repeat                451 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.813__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1919 contigs containing 5509653 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8698 new features were called, of which 1572 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7126 
	Non-coding repeat               1534 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.014__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1483 contigs containing 5946735 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7727 new features were called, of which 1414 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6313 
	Non-coding repeat               1383 
	Non-coding rna                    31 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.566__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1609 contigs containing 5877328 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7610 new features were called, of which 502 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7108 
	Non-coding repeat                462 
	Non-coding rna                    40 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.445__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 474 contigs containing 3505030 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4417 new features were called, of which 558 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3859 
	Non-coding repeat                521 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.259__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 834 contigs containing 5499056 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6541 new features were called, of which 588 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5953 
	Non-coding repeat                552 
	Non-coding rna                    36 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.118__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 193 contigs containing 6537038 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6596 new features were called, of which 323 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6273 
	Non-coding repeat                257 
	Non-coding rna                    66 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.082__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1198 contigs containing 2824479 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3475 new features were called, of which 154 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3321 
	Non-coding repeat                142 
	Non-coding rna                    12 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.105__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 176 contigs containing 4387317 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4346 new features were called, of which 116 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4230 
	Non-coding repeat                 53 
	Non-coding rna                    63 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.620__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2801 contigs containing 4780037 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6242 new features were called, of which 283 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5959 
	Non-coding repeat                266 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.549__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 169 contigs containing 6023477 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5858 new features were called, of which 314 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5544 
	Non-coding repeat                246 
	Non-coding rna                    68 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.293__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1919 contigs containing 5046090 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8039 new features were called, of which 1608 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6431 
	Non-coding repeat               1586 
	Non-coding rna                    22 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.171__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 568 contigs containing 3266544 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4191 new features were called, of which 696 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3495 
	Non-coding repeat                657 
	Non-coding rna                    39 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.150__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1163 contigs containing 4296132 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4833 new features were called, of which 125 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4708 
	Non-coding repeat                100 
	Non-coding rna                    25 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.312__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 548 contigs containing 7031355 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7487 new features were called, of which 397 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7090 
	Non-coding repeat                338 
	Non-coding rna                    59 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.688__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1148 contigs containing 3324670 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4476 new features were called, of which 542 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3934 
	Non-coding repeat                524 
	Non-coding rna                    18 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.402__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1271 contigs containing 3094571 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4064 new features were called, of which 214 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3850 
	Non-coding repeat                184 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.625__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 345 contigs containing 2804812 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3202 new features were called, of which 216 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2986 
	Non-coding repeat                182 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.033__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1303 contigs containing 5500385 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7597 new features were called, of which 1351 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6246 
	Non-coding repeat               1327 
	Non-coding rna                    24 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.210__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 797 contigs containing 3019334 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3917 new features were called, of which 227 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3690 
	Non-coding repeat                217 
	Non-coding rna                    10 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.188__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 351 contigs containing 4479608 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4952 new features were called, of which 313 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4639 
	Non-coding repeat                248 
	Non-coding rna                    65 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.447__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1799 contigs containing 3158123 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4480 new features were called, of which 34 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4446 
	Non-coding repeat                 13 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.832__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 661 contigs containing 4633147 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5908 new features were called, of which 890 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5018 
	Non-coding repeat                826 
	Non-coding rna                    64 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.407__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 295 contigs containing 7909537 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7672 new features were called, of which 473 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7199 
	Non-coding repeat                422 
	Non-coding rna                    51 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.271__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 782 contigs containing 4547996 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5748 new features were called, of which 514 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5234 
	Non-coding repeat                484 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.029__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 3218 contigs containing 5932640 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8670 new features were called, of which 269 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8401 
	Non-coding repeat                224 
	Non-coding rna                    45 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.571__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 592 contigs containing 4245379 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5040 new features were called, of which 457 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4583 
	Non-coding repeat                398 
	Non-coding rna                    59 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.793__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1520 contigs containing 3649170 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5963 new features were called, of which 1439 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4524 
	Non-coding repeat               1401 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.645__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1880 contigs containing 6153605 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8601 new features were called, of which 1121 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7480 
	Non-coding repeat               1083 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.015__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 677 contigs containing 4795173 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5717 new features were called, of which 403 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5314 
	Non-coding repeat                363 
	Non-coding rna                    40 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.012__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1104 contigs containing 3901667 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5381 new features were called, of which 1018 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4363 
	Non-coding repeat                989 
	Non-coding rna                    29 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.135__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 586 contigs containing 6000719 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6297 new features were called, of which 217 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6080 
	Non-coding repeat                172 
	Non-coding rna                    45 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.247__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 569 contigs containing 4366221 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4957 new features were called, of which 275 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4682 
	Non-coding repeat                231 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.048__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1970 contigs containing 7324218 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 11766 new features were called, of which 2460 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9306 
	Non-coding repeat               2422 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.501__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 423 contigs containing 4669307 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4845 new features were called, of which 290 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4555 
	Non-coding repeat                247 
	Non-coding rna                    43 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.124__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2149 contigs containing 5225806 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5832 new features were called, of which 147 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5685 
	Non-coding repeat                130 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.331__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 501 contigs containing 5312265 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5982 new features were called, of which 422 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5560 
	Non-coding repeat                352 
	Non-coding rna                    70 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.211__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 256 contigs containing 5432048 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5419 new features were called, of which 166 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5253 
	Non-coding repeat                110 
	Non-coding rna                    56 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.173__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 241 contigs containing 5939396 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6331 new features were called, of which 365 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5966 
	Non-coding repeat                316 
	Non-coding rna                    49 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.826__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1063 contigs containing 3744360 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4677 new features were called, of which 68 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4609 
	Non-coding repeat                 52 
	Non-coding rna                    16 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.339__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 684 contigs containing 2862560 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3760 new features were called, of which 574 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3186 
	Non-coding repeat                539 
	Non-coding rna                    35 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.732__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1778 contigs containing 4192059 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6765 new features were called, of which 1254 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5511 
	Non-coding repeat               1235 
	Non-coding rna                    19 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.080__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1868 contigs containing 5227485 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8646 new features were called, of which 1986 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6660 
	Non-coding repeat               1964 
	Non-coding rna                    22 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.061__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1248 contigs containing 5653251 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7537 new features were called, of which 826 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6711 
	Non-coding repeat                772 
	Non-coding rna                    54 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.595__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 684 contigs containing 2022758 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2936 new features were called, of which 486 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2450 
	Non-coding repeat                455 
	Non-coding rna                    31 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.312__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1619 contigs containing 4129757 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6717 new features were called, of which 1569 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5148 
	Non-coding repeat               1531 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.190__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 813 contigs containing 2613832 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3667 new features were called, of which 389 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3278 
	Non-coding repeat                359 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.470__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1198 contigs containing 4754656 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6418 new features were called, of which 289 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6129 
	Non-coding repeat                244 
	Non-coding rna                    45 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.192__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1840 contigs containing 3592105 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5873 new features were called, of which 613 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5260 
	Non-coding repeat                583 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.325__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 863 contigs containing 3546834 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4689 new features were called, of which 518 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4171 
	Non-coding repeat                465 
	Non-coding rna                    53 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.766__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1245 contigs containing 2934743 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4647 new features were called, of which 876 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3771 
	Non-coding repeat                852 
	Non-coding rna                    24 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.016__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2297 contigs containing 4406373 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6331 new features were called, of which 788 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5543 
	Non-coding repeat                767 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.540__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 21 contigs containing 1126171 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1253 new features were called, of which 68 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1185 
	Non-coding repeat                 18 
	Non-coding rna                    50 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.807__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1630 contigs containing 4130317 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6490 new features were called, of which 1266 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5224 
	Non-coding repeat               1228 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.178__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1045 contigs containing 5878070 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7070 new features were called, of which 555 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6515 
	Non-coding repeat                520 
	Non-coding rna                    35 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.018__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 879 contigs containing 5845719 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7118 new features were called, of which 521 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6597 
	Non-coding repeat                483 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.031__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 418 contigs containing 2661803 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3081 new features were called, of which 155 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2926 
	Non-coding repeat                132 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.299__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 975 contigs containing 3813806 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5067 new features were called, of which 678 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4389 
	Non-coding repeat                657 
	Non-coding rna                    21 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.140__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1044 contigs containing 7514401 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 8528 new features were called, of which 507 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     8021 
	Non-coding repeat                473 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.500__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 460 contigs containing 2886204 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3367 new features were called, of which 277 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3090 
	Non-coding repeat                243 
	Non-coding rna                    34 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.121__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 690 contigs containing 3098199 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3727 new features were called, of which 174 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3553 
	Non-coding repeat                150 
	Non-coding rna                    24 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.187__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 910 contigs containing 3396558 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3948 new features were called, of which 132 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3816 
	Non-coding repeat                115 
	Non-coding rna                    17 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.312__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2044 contigs containing 4795834 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7258 new features were called, of which 1332 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5926 
	Non-coding repeat               1320 
	Non-coding rna                    12 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.097__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 456 contigs containing 2587168 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2956 new features were called, of which 61 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2895 
	Non-coding repeat                 29 
	Non-coding rna                    32 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.653__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 76 contigs containing 5130382 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5269 new features were called, of which 219 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5050 
	Non-coding repeat                151 
	Non-coding rna                    68 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.828__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 286 contigs containing 2178201 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2523 new features were called, of which 115 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2408 
	Non-coding repeat                102 
	Non-coding rna                    13 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.348__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 697 contigs containing 5586058 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6771 new features were called, of which 720 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     6051 
	Non-coding repeat                687 
	Non-coding rna                    33 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.740__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 801 contigs containing 4581472 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5568 new features were called, of which 440 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5128 
	Non-coding repeat                417 
	Non-coding rna                    23 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.606__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1489 contigs containing 3954335 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 6182 new features were called, of which 1422 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4760 
	Non-coding repeat               1385 
	Non-coding rna                    37 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.083__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 897 contigs containing 4309067 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4905 new features were called, of which 385 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4520 
	Non-coding repeat                365 
	Non-coding rna                    20 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.307__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 2045 contigs containing 4438553 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 5578 new features were called, of which 264 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     5314 
	Non-coding repeat                248 
	Non-coding rna                    16 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.566__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 809 contigs containing 2689932 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3842 new features were called, of which 514 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3328 
	Non-coding repeat                495 
	Non-coding rna                    19 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.192__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 120 contigs containing 4059739 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3927 new features were called, of which 60 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3867 
	Non-coding repeat                 12 
	Non-coding rna                    48 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.275__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 58 contigs containing 3594600 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 3586 new features were called, of which 69 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3517 
	Non-coding repeat                 20 
	Non-coding rna                    49 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
FDR.436__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1482 contigs containing 5650335 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 7668 new features were called, of which 268 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     7400 
	Non-coding repeat                224 
	Non-coding rna                    44 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.474__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 217 contigs containing 2446318 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2796 new features were called, of which 129 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2667 
	Non-coding repeat                 82 
	Non-coding rna                    47 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CLV.332__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 592 contigs containing 3337516 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4068 new features were called, of which 380 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     3688 
	Non-coding repeat                350 
	Non-coding rna                    30 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.774__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 481 contigs containing 1794449 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 2166 new features were called, of which 50 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     2116 
	Non-coding repeat                 10 
	Non-coding rna                    40 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
CNT.009__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 202 contigs containing 996624 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 1345 new features were called, of which 174 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     1171 
	Non-coding repeat                136 
	Non-coding rna                    38 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.559__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1042 contigs containing 7641340 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 9873 new features were called, of which 797 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     9076 
	Non-coding repeat                733 
	Non-coding rna                    64 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.013__Fire_bins succeeded!

Some RAST tools will not run unless the taxonomic domain is Archaea, Bacteria, or Virus. 
These tools include: call selenoproteins, call pyrroysoproteins, call crisprs, and call prophage phispy features.
You may not get the results you were expecting with your current domain of U.
The RAST algorithm was applied to annotating a genome sequence comprised of 1171 contigs containing 3498523 nucleotides. 
No initial gene calls were provided.
Did not call selenoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call pyrrolysoproteins because the domain is U

Did not call crisprs because the domain is U

Standard features were called using: glimmer3; prodigal.
A scan was conducted for the following additional feature types: rRNA; tRNA; repeat regions.
The genome features were functionally annotated using the following algorithm(s): Kmers V2; Kmers V1; protein similarity.
In addition to the remaining original 0 coding features and 0 non-coding features, 4645 new features were called, of which 489 are non-coding.
Output genome has the following feature types:
	Coding gene                     4156 
	Non-coding repeat                475 
	Non-coding rna                    14 
Overall, the genes have 0 distinct functions. 
The genes include 0 genes with a SEED annotation ontology across 0 distinct SEED functions.
The number of distinct functions can exceed the number of genes because some genes have multiple functions.
KNG.177__Fire_bins succeeded!

These are only available in the live Narrative:
  • annotation_report.Fire_genomes - Microbial Annotation Report
Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.
This app completed without errors in 6m 14s.
Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.
This app completed without errors in 6m 59s.
Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.
This app completed without errors in 6m 21s.
Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.
This app completed without errors in 6m 52s.
Examine the general functional distribution or specific functional gene families for a GenomeSet.
This app completed without errors in 6m 46s.
Create a text reports based on a Genome Set Object
This app completed without errors in 31m 21s.
Click on Files below to download. Name,ObjectID,ScientName,Size,Source,Domain,Assembly Ref,Features,Contigs,Pct. GC,Genetic Code,Num CDS,Num gene,Num other,Num rRNA,Num tRNA KNG.316__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/268/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/160/1,unk,108,47.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.435__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/225/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/61/1,unk,1300,58.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.556__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/222/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/101/1,unk,1069,70.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.699__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/269/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/183/1,unk,1049,62.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.036__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/330/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/27/1,unk,416,64.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.279__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/303/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/47/1,unk,914,71.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.010__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/251/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/68/1,unk,884,66.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.514__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/305/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/173/1,unk,987,65.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.051__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/223/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/124/1,unk,461,53.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.833__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/276/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/206/1,unk,776,70.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.161__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/331/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/39/1,unk,595,63.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.193__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/250/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/45/1,unk,394,69.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.006__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/271/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/108/1,unk,2235,62.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.025__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/304/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/24/1,unk,715,61.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.448__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/332/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/170/1,unk,1071,58.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.408__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/270/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/168/1,unk,476,64.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.716__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/220/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/185/1,unk,1017,65.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.108__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/309/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/132/1,unk,1951,70.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.225__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/221/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/147/1,unk,441,71.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.169__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/257/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/9/1,unk,226,69.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.044__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/273/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/122/1,unk,574,71.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.802__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/256/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/198/1,unk,646,68.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.089__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/228/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/23/1,unk,1258,55.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.216__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/272/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/145/1,unk,1366,68.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.595__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/376/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/103/1,unk,1248,62.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.531__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/302/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/62/1,unk,418,65.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.014__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/334/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/117/1,unk,1919,67.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.312__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/377/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/82/1,unk,684,71.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.226__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/323/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/80/1,unk,586,66.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.104__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/307/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/7/1,unk,370,66.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.091__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/279/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/25/1,unk,991,59.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.566__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/335/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/178/1,unk,1483,66.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.653__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/396/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/180/1,unk,456,66.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.747__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/322/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/189/1,unk,607,70.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.190__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/378/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/141/1,unk,1619,55.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.799__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/306/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/196/1,unk,971,71.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.212__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/278/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/48/1,unk,2441,61.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.085__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/321/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/129/1,unk,353,45.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.009__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/262/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/111/1,unk,488,70.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.828__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/397/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/202/1,unk,76,54.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.489__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/308/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/92/1,unk,951,60.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.312__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/394/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/55/1,unk,910,72.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.099__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/263/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/5/1,unk,2744,62.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.445__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/336/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/91/1,unk,1609,57.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.120__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/260/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/134/1,unk,581,53.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.097__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/395/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/29/1,unk,2044,72.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.259__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/337/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/156/1,unk,474,68.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.121__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/392/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/32/1,unk,460,56.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.554__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/301/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/100/1,unk,1449,61.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.211__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/369/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/79/1,unk,501,63.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.187__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/393/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/78/1,unk,690,70.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.559__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/411/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/177/1,unk,202,50.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.480__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/300/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/85/1,unk,1070,59.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.331__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/368/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/56/1,unk,2149,71.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.048__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/365/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/71/1,unk,569,73.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.005__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/320/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/106/1,unk,1781,70.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.192__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/380/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/44/1,unk,1198,58.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.392__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/319/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/166/1,unk,1240,57.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.001__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/327/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/65/1,unk,1403,73.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.016__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/383/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/21/1,unk,1245,54.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.247__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/364/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/153/1,unk,586,60.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.316__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/316/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/16/1,unk,1795,67.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.339__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/372/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/164/1,unk,1063,64.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.135__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/363/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/130/1,unk,1104,66.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.191__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/326/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/42/1,unk,2169,68.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.210__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/351/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/144/1,unk,1303,66.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.299__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/389/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/154/1,unk,418,72.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.829__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/317/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/203/1,unk,729,61.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.732__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/373/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/187/1,unk,684,61.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.271__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/356/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/49/1,unk,295,66.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.012__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/362/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/115/1,unk,677,71.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.178__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/314/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/77/1,unk,1637,65.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.536__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/275/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/63/1,unk,792,55.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.031__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/388/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/2/1,unk,879,67.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.029__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/357/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/26/1,unk,782,64.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.186__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/274/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/40/1,unk,1965,56.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.027__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/325/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/120/1,unk,1655,56.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.359__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/277/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/86/1,unk,1385,71.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.011__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/209/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/113/1,unk,816,68.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.140__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/390/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/131/1,unk,975,69.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.195__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/324/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/143/1,unk,1871,65.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.046__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/298/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/123/1,unk,1809,72.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.080__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/374/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/127/1,unk,1778,67.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.832__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/354/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/205/1,unk,1799,53.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.500__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/391/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/93/1,unk,1044,70.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.061__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/375/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/126/1,unk,1868,66.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.407__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/355/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/87/1,unk,661,68.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.571__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/358/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/171/1,unk,3218,64.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.056__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/315/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/28/1,unk,624,70.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.470__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/379/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/67/1,unk,813,68.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.110__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/312/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/31/1,unk,756,55.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.793__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/359/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/194/1,unk,592,70.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.015__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/361/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/118/1,unk,1880,69.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.308__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/313/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/54/1,unk,991,62.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.312__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/346/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/15/1,unk,1163,58.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.645__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/360/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/179/1,unk,1520,65.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.620__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/341/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/110/1,unk,176,49.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.105__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/340/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/30/1,unk,1198,63.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.252__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/310/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/155/1,unk,640,70.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.173__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/370/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/10/1,unk,256,50.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.081__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/311/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/3/1,unk,1575,63.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.324__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/219/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/162/1,unk,1238,73.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.124__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/367/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/33/1,unk,423,64.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.293__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/343/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/53/1,unk,169,53.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.826__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/371/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/201/1,unk,241,70.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.236__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/218/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/12/1,unk,2305,61.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.325__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/381/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/18/1,unk,1840,64.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.501__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/366/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/94/1,unk,1970,60.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.670__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/318/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/181/1,unk,918,65.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.549__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/342/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/99/1,unk,2801,66.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.281__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/289/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/150/1,unk,193,39.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.625__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/349/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/107/1,unk,1271,50.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.275__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/405/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/43/1,unk,120,71.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.578__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/280/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/172/1,unk,2647,53.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.307__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/402/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/81/1,unk,897,67.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.402__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/348/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/167/1,unk,1148,60.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.188__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/352/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/41/1,unk,797,63.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.794__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/281/1,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/195/1,unk,2189,70.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.566__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/403/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/104/1,unk,2045,51.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.115__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/282/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/6/1,unk,789,72.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.447__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/353/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/64/1,unk,351,68.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.033__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/350/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/121/1,unk,345,72.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.020__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/283/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/119/1,unk,1700,68.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.614__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/284/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/112/1,unk,1195,63.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.606__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/400/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/105/1,unk,801,68.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.305__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/285/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/158/1,unk,377,65.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.083__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/401/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/128/1,unk,1489,69.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.003__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/233/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/114/1,unk,2516,68.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.219__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/299/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/146/1,unk,588,67.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.165__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/232/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/137/1,unk,246,71.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.073__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/235/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/72/1,unk,973,66.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.266__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/293/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/13/1,unk,1016,71.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.332__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/408/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/17/1,unk,217,67.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.348__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/398/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/165/1,unk,286,61.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.338__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/248/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/83/1,unk,1434,64.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.502__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/234/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/95/1,unk,876,74.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.150__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/345/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/38/1,unk,568,61.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.405__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/292/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/59/1,unk,195,66.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.740__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/399/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/188/1,unk,697,60.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.186__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/249/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/140/1,unk,1721,68.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.134__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/291/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/36/1,unk,557,68.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.118__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/338/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/133/1,unk,834,64.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.171__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/344/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/76/1,unk,1919,64.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.688__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/347/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/182/1,unk,548,70.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.521__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/290/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/97/1,unk,275,70.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.082__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/339/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/4/1,unk,193,54.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.146__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/286/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/135/1,unk,374,70.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.421__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/297/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/169/1,unk,444,71.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.101__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/287/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/74/1,unk,1560,69.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.628__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/296/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/109/1,unk,1355,54.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.284__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/288/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/51/1,unk,1760,69.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.540__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/384/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/176/1,unk,2297,61.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.560__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/246/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/102/1,unk,653,69.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.774__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/409/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/192/1,unk,592,69.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.333__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/247/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/60/1,unk,833,55.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.075__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/213/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/73/1,unk,1080,68.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.009__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/410/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/20/1,unk,481,53.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.126__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/237/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/34/1,unk,483,62.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.820__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/240/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/200/1,unk,495,42.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/413/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/139/1,unk,1171,68.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.813__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/333/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/193/1,unk,799,71.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.259__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/212/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/50/1,unk,3196,71.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.018__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/387/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/70/1,unk,1045,73.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.244__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/236/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/152/1,unk,787,69.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.331__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/241/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/163/1,unk,807,58.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.307__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/211/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/159/1,unk,317,70.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.013__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/412/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/116/1,unk,1042,65.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.161__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/239/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/11/1,unk,226,62.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.178__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/386/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/138/1,unk,1630,67.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.345__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/238/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/57/1,unk,1564,73.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.436__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/406/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/89/1,unk,58,69.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.192__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/404/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/142/1,unk,809,69.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.710__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/295/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/184/1,unk,1156,69.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.830__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/329/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/204/1,unk,43,46.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.153__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/231/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/8/1,unk,649,55.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.444__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/259/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/90/1,unk,1193,60.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.322__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/294/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/161/1,unk,845,72.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.416__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/328/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/88/1,unk,374,73.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.800__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/230/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/197/1,unk,808,73.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.302__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/258/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/157/1,unk,417,41.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.610__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/255/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/175/1,unk,1385,64.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.159__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/210/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/136/1,unk,403,69.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.534__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/229/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/174/1,unk,656,71.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.381__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/217/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/58/1,unk,737,63.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.079__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/254/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/22/1,unk,1444,59.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.195__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/226/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/46/1,unk,1893,66.8,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.728__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/242/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/186/1,unk,1055,68.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.761__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/253/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/190/1,unk,1595,39.3,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.132__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/216/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/35/1,unk,884,65.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.289__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/261/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/52/1,unk,1721,65.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.528__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/227/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/69/1,unk,110,51.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.226__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/243/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/149/1,unk,962,70.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.137__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/266/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/37/1,unk,993,65.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.378__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/252/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/19/1,unk,1916,72.1,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.348__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/224/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/84/1,unk,1695,63.2,11,0,0,0,0,0 CNT.474__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/407/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/66/1,unk,1482,61.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 CLV.310__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/267/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/14/1,unk,1019,73.4,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.284__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/215/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/151/1,unk,1257,68.5,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.512__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/214/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/96/1,unk,1010,63.6,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.766__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/382/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/191/1,unk,863,66.7,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.058__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/244/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/125/1,unk,2099,61.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.112__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/264/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/75/1,unk,1305,72.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.807__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/385/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/199/1,unk,21,47.9,11,0,0,0,0,0 KNG.262__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/245/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/148/1,unk,1969,68.0,11,0,0,0,0,0 FDR.522__Fire_bins.RAST,84564/265/2,unknown taxon,0,KBase,U,84564/98/1,unk,503,56.9,11,0,0,0,0,0
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Click on Files below to download. Feature ID Feature type Contig Location Strand Feature function Aliases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1 features k127_2073 162..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2 features k127_2073 1049..159 - UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine pyrophosphatase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3 features k127_2073 1872..1054 - Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]--UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4 features k127_2073 2360..1881 - 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase, FabZ form (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.5 features k127_2073 3404..2445 - UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.6 features k127_2073 5939..3522 - Outer membrane protein assembly factor YaeT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.7 features k127_2073 7257..6106 - Intramembrane protease RasP/YluC, implicated in cell division based on FtsL cleavage KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.8 features k127_2073 8698..7472 - 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.9 features k127_2073 9566..8706 - Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.10 features k127_2073 9716..9570 - Undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.11 features k127_4571 617..3 - Hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.12 features k127_4571 1429..614 - Uroporphyrinogen-III methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.13 features k127_4571 1483..2598 + Proposed precorrin-5* (C1)-methyltransferase, Cobalt-precorrin-5B (C1)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.14 features k127_4571 2957..2568 - Precorrin-4 C(11)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.15 features k127_6311 1..1323 + Methyl-accepting chemotaxis transducer dimer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.16 features k127_6311 1316..2893 + Positive regulator of CheA protein activity (CheW), Positive regulator of CheA protein activity (CheW), Positive regulator of CheA protein activity (CheW) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.17 features k127_6311 2890..3999 + Chemotaxis response regulator protein-glutamate methylesterase CheB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.18 features k127_6311 3986..4600 + FOG: HEAT repeat KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.19 features k127_6311 4602..5375 + Chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.20 features k127_15174 728..27 - protein of unknown function DUF1345 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.21 features k127_15174 1441..833 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.22 features k127_15910 1..360 + Transcriptional regulator, Crp/Fnr family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.23 features k127_15910 477..755 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.24 features k127_15910 871..1749 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.25 features k127_15910 1746..1973 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.26 features k127_21675 57..950 + N-acetylglucosamine kinase of eukaryotic type (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.27 features k127_21675 967..1998 + Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase [isomerizing], alternative (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.28 features k127_21675 1995..2606 + N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.29 features k127_25555 3..1001 + 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.30 features k127_25555 1726..1019 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.31 features k127_25555 2550..1828 - Ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase and related epimerases and aldolases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.32 features k127_25555 4360..2678 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.33 features k127_33464 412..215 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.34 features k127_33464 492..2333 + Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.35 features k127_33464 2766..2317 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.36 features k127_33464 2929..4179 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.37 features k127_33464 6339..4531 - Chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.38 features k127_38621 1..180 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.39 features k127_38621 1319..207 - FIG01005481: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.40 features k127_38621 1499..2461 + S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.41 features k127_40202 3..149 + 5'-nucleotidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.42 features k127_40202 272..1813 + Transcription-repair coupling factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.43 features k127_41122 1..489 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.44 features k127_41122 1872..790 - Cyclohexanone monooxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.45 features k127_43791 74..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.46 features k127_43791 931..89 - Methylisocitrate lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.47 features k127_43791 1056..1748 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.48 features k127_43791 1788..1901 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.49 features k127_45986 62..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.50 features k127_45986 886..59 - Alkanesulfonates transport system permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.51 features k127_45986 1048..2127 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.52 features k127_45986 2254..3216 + 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.53 features k127_45986 3657..3337 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.54 features k127_45986 4248..3871 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.55 features k127_45986 4264..4389 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.56 features k127_45986 5425..4409 - Putative tricarboxylic transport TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.57 features k127_45986 6258..5446 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.58 features k127_45986 7194..6331 - Probable metallo-hydrolase YflN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.59 features k127_45986 7629..7324 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.60 features k127_45986 9033..7732 - Aminopeptidase YpdF (MP-, MA-, MS-, AP-, NP- specific) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.61 features k127_45986 9280..10881 + Benzoate--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.62 features k127_45986 11076..12242 + ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.63 features k127_45986 12399..13316 + ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.64 features k127_45986 13313..14278 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.65 features k127_45986 14271..15032 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.66 features k127_45986 15025..15735 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.67 features k127_45986 15738..16208 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.68 features k127_67897 1595..3 - Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC, Periplasmic molybdate-binding domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.69 features k127_67897 2722..1592 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.70 features k127_67897 2816..3040 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.71 features k127_67897 3139..3600 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.72 features k127_67897 3715..4401 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.73 features k127_68025 507..1 - FIG027190: Putative transmembrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.74 features k127_68025 2319..622 - Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.75 features k127_68025 3530..2406 - Metal chaperone, involved in Zn homeostasis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.76 features k127_68025 4984..3527 - D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.77 features k127_68025 5156..6322 + 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.78 features k127_68025 8134..6332 - Beta-(1-->2)glucan export ATP-binding/permease protein NdvA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.79 features k127_68025 8439..9362 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.80 features k127_68025 10260..9409 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.81 features k127_70119 32..1042 + Sulfate and thiosulfate binding protein CysP KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.82 features k127_70119 1046..1885 + Sulfate transport system permease protein CysT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.83 features k127_70119 1911..2768 + Sulfate transport system permease protein CysW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.84 features k127_70119 2777..3931 + Sulfate and thiosulfate import ATP-binding protein CysA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.85 features k127_70119 4068..5345 + Phosphoribosylamine--glycine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.86 features k127_70119 5564..5863 + putative haloacetate dehalogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.87 features k127_77977 3..362 + Epoxyqueuosine reductase (EC QueG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.88 features k127_77977 1202..393 - 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.89 features k127_77977 1680..2846 + Glycosyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.90 features k127_77977 3104..3631 + Translation initiation factor 3 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.91 features k127_81899 620..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.92 features k127_81899 1148..651 - Zinc uptake regulation protein Zur KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.93 features k127_81899 1171..1323 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.94 features k127_81899 1381..1860 + Transcriptional regulator, MarR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.95 features k127_84741 1..360 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.96 features k127_84741 487..1800 + Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component A (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.97 features k127_84741 2538..1810 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.98 features k127_84741 3305..2535 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.99 features k127_84741 5179..3302 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate), ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.100 features k127_84741 6456..5254 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.101 features k127_84741 6705..9452 + DNA mismatch repair protein MutS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.102 features k127_84741 10257..9466 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.103 features k127_84741 10844..10335 - blr0920, hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.104 features k127_84741 11885..11097 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.105 features k127_84741 12563..11886 - Alkanesulfonates transport system permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.106 features k127_92361 373..2 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.107 features k127_92361 1251..376 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.108 features k127_92361 2075..1248 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.109 features k127_92361 3198..2089 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.110 features k127_92361 3453..3298 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.111 features k127_92361 3452..4426 + Glutathione S-transferase, omega (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.112 features k127_92361 4445..5224 + Maleylacetoacetate isomerase (EC, Glutathione S-transferase, zeta (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.113 features k127_92361 5315..5704 + Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.114 features k127_92361 5711..6112 + Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.115 features k127_92793 1125..1 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.116 features k127_92793 1597..1887 + Cell division integral membrane protein, YggT and half-length relatives KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.117 features k127_92793 1914..2219 + COG1872 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.118 features k127_92793 2350..3234 + Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase (EC, Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.119 features k127_92793 3350..3934 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.120 features k127_92793 4494..3979 - Histone acetyltransferase HPA2 and related acetyltransferases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.121 features k127_99954 1..813 + UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.122 features k127_99954 810..1787 + UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.123 features k127_99954 1843..3072 + Putative n-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.124 features k127_99954 3125..4174 + D-alanine--D-alanine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.125 features k127_99954 4171..5139 + Cell division protein FtsQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.126 features k127_99954 5136..6455 + Cell division protein FtsA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.127 features k127_99954 6541..7239 + Cell division protein FtsZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.128 features k127_104076 229..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.129 features k127_104076 1127..471 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.130 features k127_105694 3..803 + Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.131 features k127_105694 825..1667 + Alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily, zinc-containing KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.132 features k127_110429 525..1 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.133 features k127_110429 1048..545 - fumarate reductase/succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.134 features k127_120535 2..307 + Formate dehydrogenase-O, iron-sulfur subunit (EC, Putative formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.135 features k127_120535 332..1330 + Formate dehydrogenase -O, gamma subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.136 features k127_120535 1447..1554 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.137 features k127_123407 1..639 + Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.138 features k127_123407 1038..865 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.139 features k127_130727 502..2 - Protein translocase subunit SecD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.140 features k127_130727 869..531 - Protein translocase subunit YajC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.141 features k127_130727 1207..2160 + ATP-DEPENDENT PROTEASE SUBUNIT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.142 features k127_130727 3636..2263 - LysM domain, Lipoprotein NlpD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.143 features k127_130938 3..959 + putative membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.144 features k127_130938 1327..1001 - putative metal chaperone, involved in Fe-nitrile hydratase activation, GTPase of COG0523 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.145 features k127_135255 2..1321 + Ribonuclease E (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.146 features k127_135255 1567..2889 + Putative oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.147 features k127_137794 137..1063 + Carbon monoxide oxidation accessory protein CoxD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.148 features k127_137794 1060..1233 + Carbon monoxide oxidation accessory protein CoxE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.149 features k127_144719 267..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.150 features k127_144719 443..1042 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.151 features k127_144719 1056..1232 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.152 features k127_144846 3..182 + Lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury transporting ATPase (EC (EC, Copper-translocating P-type ATPase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.153 features k127_144846 232..657 + Putative transmembrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.154 features k127_144846 660..1106 + GENE II AND X PROTEINS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.155 features k127_144846 1387..1268 - Nicel/Cobalt-specific TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.156 features k127_154176 1..381 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.157 features k127_154176 793..437 - FIG00441301: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.158 features k127_154176 1019..870 - Sulfopyruvate decarboxylase - beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.159 features k127_157758 2..265 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.160 features k127_157758 330..842 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.161 features k127_157758 1652..945 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.162 features k127_158437 1..279 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.163 features k127_158437 460..2985 + Excinuclease ABC subunit A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.164 features k127_158437 3997..3050 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.165 features k127_161130 1..723 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.166 features k127_161130 728..1222 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.167 features k127_161130 1226..1429 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.168 features k127_161130 1426..2934 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.169 features k127_161130 3424..2948 - Ligand-binding SRPBCC domain protein family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.170 features k127_161130 4250..3615 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.171 features k127_161130 5260..4364 - Probable low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.172 features k127_165950 305..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.173 features k127_165950 528..1130 + Dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase (EC homolog KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.174 features k127_172412 1..408 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.175 features k127_172412 1015..506 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.176 features k127_172412 1104..1985 + FIG049039: Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.177 features k127_172412 2100..2276 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.178 features k127_172412 3685..2315 - Glutamate--cysteine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.179 features k127_172412 3860..3940 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.180 features k127_172465 139..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.181 features k127_172465 1220..132 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.182 features k127_172465 1486..1569 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.183 features k127_173362 1..1947 + Excinuclease ABC subunit C KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.184 features k127_173362 2091..2705 + CDP-diacylglycerol--glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.185 features k127_173362 2702..2953 + Molybdopterin synthase sulfur carrier subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.186 features k127_173362 2991..3470 + Molybdopterin synthase catalytic subunit MoaE (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.187 features k127_173362 4274..3486 - Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.188 features k127_178597 225..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.189 features k127_178597 1215..316 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.190 features k127_178597 1361..2119 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.191 features k127_178597 2214..4313 + N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.192 features k127_178597 4310..5431 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.193 features k127_189931 2401..2 - TolA protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.194 features k127_189931 3025..2627 - D-Lactate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c-dependent (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.195 features k127_195788 1..249 + Outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein LolA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.196 features k127_195788 1380..280 - NADH dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.197 features k127_199246 1..843 + HtrA protease/chaperone protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.198 features k127_199246 1789..899 - Phosphoserine phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.199 features k127_199246 1823..2746 + tRNA dimethylallyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.200 features k127_199246 2724..3014 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.201 features k127_199246 3260..3367 + Acetolactate synthase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.202 features k127_204650 1417..2 - Methylenetetrahydrofolate--tRNA-(uracil-5-)-methyltransferase TrmFO (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.203 features k127_204650 1452..2075 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.204 features k127_204650 2315..2091 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.205 features k127_207742 218..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.206 features k127_207742 294..1274 + Ferredoxin reductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.207 features k127_211517 373..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.208 features k127_211517 762..370 - NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 17.2 kD subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.209 features k127_211517 1312..836 - FIG007785: exported protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.210 features k127_211517 1448..1317 - Cold shock protein of CSP family => dimer KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.211 features k127_211709 1..150 + ATP-dependent protease subunit HslV (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.212 features k127_211709 177..1481 + ATP-dependent hsl protease ATP-binding subunit HslU KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.213 features k127_211709 2079..1540 - SMR/MUTS FAMILY PROTEIN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.214 features k127_211709 3341..2076 - Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.215 features k127_211709 4245..3544 - Tim44-like domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.216 features k127_211709 4461..4970 + Cytoplasmic membrane protein FsxA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.217 features k127_211709 5048..5548 + Protein-export protein SecB (maintains pre-export unfolded state) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.218 features k127_211709 6399..5608 - DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.219 features k127_211709 7083..6481 - Dephospho-CoA kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.220 features k127_211709 7688..7080 - Maf-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.221 features k127_211709 7795..7700 - Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase regulatory protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.222 features k127_216993 3..491 + Hypothetical protein DUF2948 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.223 features k127_216993 601..1896 + Histidinol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.224 features k127_216993 1893..2378 + Uncharacterized protein family UPF0262 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.225 features k127_223007 490..2 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.226 features k127_223007 725..1282 + Transcriptional regulator, MarR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.227 features k127_223007 1294..1884 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.228 features k127_227639 2..691 + Ammonium transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.229 features k127_227639 966..2237 + N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelate aminotransferase (EC, type 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.230 features k127_227639 2355..4145 + DNA translocase FtsK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.231 features k127_227889 1034..3 - Nitrilase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.232 features k127_227889 1121..1909 + Malate/L-lactate dehydrogenase-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.233 features k127_234046 1..741 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.234 features k127_234046 875..2491 + Beta-carotene ketolase (EC 1.14.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.235 features k127_234046 2514..3476 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.236 features k127_235684 2207..3 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.237 features k127_235684 2664..2209 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.238 features k127_235684 3561..2776 - Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase light chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.239 features k127_235684 4607..3558 - Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase heavy chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.240 features k127_237670 387..40 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.241 features k127_237670 1134..445 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.242 features k127_243309 3..632 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.243 features k127_243309 2263..713 - Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, molybdenum binding subunit YagR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.244 features k127_245673 2..112 + Peptidase, M23/M37 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.245 features k127_245673 1088..366 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.246 features k127_245673 2090..1122 - Peptide chain release factor 2, programmed frameshift-containing KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.247 features k127_245673 2097..2219 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.248 features k127_245673 2449..2892 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.249 features k127_245673 5469..2998 - Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.250 features k127_245673 6493..5696 - N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.251 features k127_246412 3..1400 + Chromate transport protein ChrA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.252 features k127_246412 1627..1397 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.253 features k127_251224 24..1211 + Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.254 features k127_254108 296..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.255 features k127_254108 2066..339 - Oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.256 features k127_254108 2517..2092 - Transcriptional regulator, GntR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.257 features k127_262912 1111..2 - HlyD family secretion protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.258 features k127_262912 1329..1108 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.259 features k127_272577 225..67 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.260 features k127_272577 1066..341 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.261 features k127_272577 2369..1206 - mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.262 features k127_272577 3040..2450 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.263 features k127_272577 3277..3396 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.264 features k127_274986 3..1148 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.265 features k127_274986 2185..1154 - Thioredoxin reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.266 features k127_274986 2337..2828 + 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA hydrolase (EC in phylloquinone biosynthesis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.267 features k127_274986 3381..2956 - Ferredoxin, 2Fe-2S KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.268 features k127_274986 3939..3409 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.269 features k127_277363 221..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.270 features k127_277363 606..244 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.271 features k127_277363 3195..877 - NADP-dependent malic enzyme (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.272 features k127_277363 3253..3441 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.273 features k127_277363 3438..3629 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.274 features k127_283606 3..473 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.275 features k127_283606 534..1676 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.276 features k127_283606 1688..2389 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.277 features k127_283606 2400..2675 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.278 features k127_283606 2986..2708 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.279 features k127_283606 3699..3070 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.280 features k127_283606 3991..4419 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.281 features k127_283606 4416..4697 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.282 features k127_285932 1..96 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.283 features k127_285932 93..953 + NLP/P60 family lipoprotein SMc02827 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.284 features k127_285932 1915..962 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.285 features k127_285932 2510..1935 - Prephenate dehydratase-associated ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein, Prephenate dehydratase-associated ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.286 features k127_294775 968..3 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.287 features k127_294775 998..1174 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.288 features k127_294775 1476..1171 - ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.289 features k127_294775 1821..1615 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.290 features k127_294775 2978..2199 - 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase (EC 2.7.8.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.291 features k127_294775 3389..3081 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.292 features k127_315179 50..1102 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.293 features k127_315179 1222..1109 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.294 features k127_315423 2..571 + Alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily, zinc-containing KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.295 features k127_315423 568..1077 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.296 features k127_315423 1089..1997 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, FAD binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.297 features k127_315423 1990..3873 + Xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC, Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.298 features k127_315423 3947..4090 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.299 features k127_320637 3..728 + Adenylosuccinate synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.300 features k127_320637 835..2289 + FIG065752: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.301 features k127_320637 3255..2356 - RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.302 features k127_320637 4441..3452 - LSU rRNA pseudouridine(1911/1915/1917) synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.303 features k127_327698 1400..3 - Inner membrane protein, KefB/KefC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.304 features k127_327698 1845..1564 - Alanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.305 features k127_328835 2..1087 + D-Lactate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c-dependent (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.306 features k127_328835 1369..1259 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.307 features k127_333097 134..3 - Undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.308 features k127_333097 797..234 - Ribosome recycling factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.309 features k127_333097 915..817 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.310 features k127_333097 1631..912 - Uridylate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.311 features k127_333097 2753..1863 - Translation elongation factor Ts KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.312 features k127_333097 3860..2859 - SSU ribosomal protein S2p (SAe) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.313 features k127_333097 4133..7840 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.314 features k127_333097 8704..7880 - oxidoreductase of aldo/keto reductase family, subgroup 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.315 features k127_333097 9420..8713 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.316 features k127_333097 10733..9627 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.317 features k127_333097 10838..11074 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.318 features k127_333097 14528..11094 - DNA polymerase III alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.319 features k127_333097 14824..14690 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.320 features k127_333097 14988..15251 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.321 features k127_333097 15303..15557 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.322 features k127_333097 16335..15643 - Lipoprotein-releasing system ATP-binding protein LolD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.323 features k127_333097 17609..16341 - Lipoprotein releasing system transmembrane protein LolC/LolE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.324 features k127_333097 19021..17699 - Prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EC, bacterial type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.325 features k127_333097 19734..19465 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.326 features k127_333097 20140..19736 - Methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase (EC, Ethylmalonyl-CoA epimerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.327 features k127_333097 21848..20181 - Ribonuclease J (endonuclease and 5' exonuclease) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.328 features k127_333097 22681..21851 - Biotin--protein ligase (EC, EC, EC, EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.329 features k127_336663 1..366 + MaoC-like dehydratase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.330 features k127_336663 493..1296 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.331 features k127_339725 2..742 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.332 features k127_339725 1370..813 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.333 features k127_340655 3..734 + Dihydroneopterin aldolase (EC, duf556 family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.334 features k127_340655 735..1355 + 5-(aminomethyl)-3-furanmethanol phosphate kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.335 features k127_340655 1392..1940 + Archaeal flavoprotein COG1036 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.336 features k127_340655 1933..3336 + Related to Dihydropteroate synthase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.337 features k127_340655 3340..3900 + DUF447 family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.338 features k127_340655 4986..3901 - Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein E KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.339 features k127_340655 5284..4994 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.340 features k127_340655 6016..5288 - Pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.341 features k127_340655 6750..6013 - Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.342 features k127_340935 3..827 + FIG000875: Thioredoxin domain-containing protein EC-YbbN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.343 features k127_340935 895..1569 + Uncharacterized protein, similar to the N-terminal domain of Lon protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.344 features k127_340935 1645..1833 + FIG002473: Protein YcaR in KDO2-Lipid A biosynthesis cluster KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.345 features k127_340935 1981..2607 + Uncharacterized glutathione S-transferase-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.346 features k127_340935 3977..2748 - 2-polyprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.347 features k127_340935 4094..4963 + Acyl-CoA thioesterase II (EC 3.1.2.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.348 features k127_340935 5245..5583 + Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II, GlnK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.349 features k127_340935 5638..6957 + Ammonium transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.350 features k127_340935 7406..7744 + Nitrogen regulatory protein P-II, GlnK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.351 features k127_340935 7776..8345 + Ammonium transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.352 features k127_343836 305..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.353 features k127_343836 820..302 - Bll6187 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.354 features k127_343836 942..1466 + FIG00445410: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.355 features k127_347741 229..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.356 features k127_347741 354..2771 + ATP-dependent, 3'-5' DNA helicase with strand annealing activity KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.357 features k127_353542 3..980 + Lipid A biosynthesis lauroyl acyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.358 features k127_353542 1202..2554 + 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.359 features k127_353542 3186..2626 - Methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.360 features k127_353542 4577..3315 - amine oxidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.361 features k127_353542 4691..6016 + Sulfur oxidation molybdopterin C protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.362 features k127_353542 6009..6530 + Sulfite dehydrogenase cytochrome subunit SoxD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.363 features k127_353542 6915..6541 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.364 features k127_357789 1419..64 - Dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.365 features k127_357789 1845..1429 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.366 features k127_358310 3..659 + DNA internalization-related competence protein ComEC/Rec2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.367 features k127_358310 906..673 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.368 features k127_358310 1292..1167 - SOS-response repressor and protease LexA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.369 features k127_373280 1..783 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.370 features k127_373280 780..1205 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.371 features k127_374583 503..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.372 features k127_374583 635..2140 + 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.373 features k127_374583 2149..2679 + Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component B (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.374 features k127_374583 2695..4122 + 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.375 features k127_374583 4162..5217 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.376 features k127_374924 560..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.377 features k127_374924 793..1356 + Phage tail fiber protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.378 features k127_374924 1477..2286 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.379 features k127_374924 2402..3196 + Kynurenine formamidase, bacterial (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.380 features k127_374924 3199..4002 + 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.381 features k127_374924 4002..4874 + 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.382 features k127_376402 203..571 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.383 features k127_376402 1565..558 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.384 features k127_376402 2974..2186 - Ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase and related epimerases and aldolases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.385 features k127_376402 3072..4184 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.386 features k127_376402 5252..4287 - ATP-dependent DNA helicase UvrD/PcrA, proteobacterial paralog KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.387 features k127_376526 1..1203 + Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.388 features k127_376526 2126..1227 - Class A beta-lactamase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.389 features k127_376526 2850..2179 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.390 features k127_376526 2964..3587 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.391 features k127_380294 3..368 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.392 features k127_380294 1080..415 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.393 features k127_380294 2083..1124 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.394 features k127_380294 2900..2130 - Alkanesulfonates transport system permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.395 features k127_380294 3709..2897 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.396 features k127_380294 3825..3706 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.397 features k127_380294 3844..4845 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.398 features k127_380294 5330..4890 - Transcriptional regulator, MarR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.399 features k127_380294 6147..5335 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.400 features k127_390087 1048..2 - amine oxidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.401 features k127_393826 587..3 - Glycosyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.402 features k127_393826 1675..584 - Nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.403 features k127_393826 2040..1672 - UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.404 features k127_406359 1..177 + Thioredoxin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.405 features k127_406359 1063..242 - Dihydrofolate synthase (EC, Folylpolyglutamate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.406 features k127_410870 849..61 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.407 features k127_410870 1060..863 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.408 features k127_410870 1341..2306 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.409 features k127_410870 2708..2361 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.410 features k127_410870 3340..2762 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.411 features k127_421521 1227..1 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.412 features k127_421521 1735..1394 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.413 features k127_421521 2748..1732 - Luciferase-like monooxygenase YhbW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.414 features k127_421521 3642..2818 - FIG00852472: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.415 features k127_421521 3860..4834 + Possible serine protease, htrA-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.416 features k127_421521 7232..4812 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.417 features k127_421521 7236..7382 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.418 features k127_426771 340..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.419 features k127_426771 1321..500 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.420 features k127_435828 2..1153 + N-carbamoyl-L-amino acid hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.421 features k127_435828 1150..2397 + Acetylornithine deacetylase-like protein Acry_1162 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.422 features k127_435828 2902..2483 - Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase MsrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.423 features k127_435828 3610..5445 + RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.424 features k127_435828 5699..6517 + Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.425 features k127_435828 6575..7582 + Sulphite exporter CyuZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.426 features k127_435828 7684..8073 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.427 features k127_435828 8679..8128 - Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.428 features k127_437057 410..3 - 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.429 features k127_437057 1423..458 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.430 features k127_437057 3909..1456 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.431 features k127_437057 4714..3920 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.432 features k127_437057 5207..4719 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.433 features k127_437057 5623..5243 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.434 features k127_446423 1..111 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.435 features k127_446423 345..199 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.436 features k127_446423 1165..434 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.437 features k127_446423 3477..1162 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.438 features k127_446423 3862..3701 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.439 features k127_450205 1051..2 - Thioredoxin reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.440 features k127_451828 1..957 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.441 features k127_451828 959..1024 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.442 features k127_460201 1..606 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.443 features k127_460201 603..2531 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.444 features k127_460201 3473..2730 - N-carbamoylsarcosine amidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.445 features k127_460201 4262..3483 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.446 features k127_460201 5061..4237 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.447 features k127_463990 1643..3 - Formate dehydrogenase-O, major subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.448 features k127_463990 1860..1657 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.449 features k127_463990 2674..1895 - Putative formate dehydrogenase-specific chaperone KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.450 features k127_463990 3479..2754 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.451 features k127_463990 3994..3476 - Protein of unknown function DUF3305 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.452 features k127_463990 4998..3991 - Bll5482 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.453 features k127_463990 5569..5018 - FIG00443606: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.454 features k127_463990 6321..5566 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.455 features k127_463990 6420..8444 + Iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.456 features k127_463990 9870..8554 - WD domain/cytochrome c family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.457 features k127_463990 10380..9919 - Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC, Periplasmic molybdate-binding domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.458 features k127_467460 2..1096 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.459 features k127_468219 172..870 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.460 features k127_468219 904..1611 + peptidase M12A astacin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.461 features k127_468219 1623..4160 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.462 features k127_468219 4284..4736 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.463 features k127_468219 6474..4816 - Fumarate hydratase class I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.464 features k127_468219 7241..6549 - cAMP-binding proteins - catabolite gene activator and regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.465 features k127_468219 7389..7745 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.466 features k127_468219 7799..8137 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.467 features k127_468219 8134..8598 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.468 features k127_477606 55..1038 + 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.469 features k127_477606 1134..2096 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.470 features k127_477606 2238..2537 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.471 features k127_477606 2534..2782 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.472 features k127_477606 3351..2827 - Chromosome partition protein smc KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.473 features k127_480008 881..3 - Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase large subunit, MutB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.474 features k127_480008 1450..1043 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.475 features k127_480008 1887..1447 - Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase small subunit, MutA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.476 features k127_485840 2..415 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, FAD binding subunit YagS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.477 features k127_485840 418..2685 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, molybdenum binding subunit YagR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.478 features k127_485840 2712..2924 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.479 features k127_490593 226..2 - Dihydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.480 features k127_490593 782..477 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.481 features k127_490593 1246..1383 + MBL-fold metallo-hydrolase superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.482 features k127_490942 3..728 + Peptidoglycan lipid II flippase MurJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.483 features k127_490942 1750..734 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.484 features k127_490942 1921..2148 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.485 features k127_490942 2574..2164 - Transcriptional regulator KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.486 features k127_490942 4064..2838 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.487 features k127_502699 490..2 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.488 features k127_502699 1404..487 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.489 features k127_508425 1..1407 + oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.490 features k127_508656 287..3 - Glyoxylate reductase (EC, Glyoxylate reductase (EC, Hydroxypyruvate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.491 features k127_508656 541..1074 + FIG00450905: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.492 features k127_508656 2121..1096 - Putrescine transport ATP-binding protein PotA (TC 3.A.1.11.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.493 features k127_508656 3851..2121 - Ferric iron ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.494 features k127_508656 5207..3864 - Ferric iron ABC transporter, iron-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.495 features k127_508656 5882..5397 - Iron-responsive regulator Irr KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.496 features k127_508656 6108..6641 + 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase, FabA form (EC, Trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.497 features k127_508656 6819..6700 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.498 features k127_508656 6862..8079 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, KASI (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.499 features k127_508656 8335..9279 + Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase [NADH] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.500 features k127_509820 1..390 + Urease accessory protein UreD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.501 features k127_509820 417..719 + Urease gamma subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.502 features k127_509820 856..1161 + Urease beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.503 features k127_511460 356..3 - FIG00440777: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.504 features k127_511460 378..1184 + Endonuclease III (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.505 features k127_511460 1418..1161 - Uncharacterized integral membrane protein Mlr5338 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.506 features k127_511696 1541..255 - polysaccharide deacetylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.507 features k127_511696 1837..3240 + Mg/Co/Ni transporter MgtE, CBS domain-containing KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.508 features k127_511696 3397..4527 + Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.509 features k127_513741 308..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.510 features k127_513741 1379..420 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.511 features k127_516048 279..2084 + Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (EC, Glutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.512 features k127_516048 2153..3118 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.513 features k127_516048 3122..4438 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.514 features k127_516048 4728..4444 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.515 features k127_517286 48..452 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.516 features k127_517286 565..879 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.517 features k127_517286 1255..896 - Septum-associated rare lipoprotein A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.518 features k127_517286 1387..2427 + ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 12, methionine/phosphonates) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.519 features k127_517286 2436..3233 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 12, methionine/phosphonates) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.520 features k127_517286 3230..4009 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 12, methionine/phosphonates) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.521 features k127_517286 4006..4830 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 12, methionine/phosphonates) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.522 features k127_517286 5086..5367 + Acyl carrier protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.523 features k127_517286 5471..5944 + 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase, FabZ form (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.524 features k127_517286 5937..7121 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.525 features k127_517286 7251..8531 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, KASII (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.526 features k127_517286 8531..9601 + Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.527 features k127_522895 1..882 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.528 features k127_522895 2117..969 - Coenzyme F420-dependent N5,N10-methylene tetrahydromethanopterin reductase and related flavin-dependent oxidoreductases, sulfonate monooxygenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.529 features k127_522895 2921..2142 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.530 features k127_524567 1..249 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.531 features k127_524567 246..881 + Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component B (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.532 features k127_524567 911..1783 + putative 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylic acid hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.533 features k127_524567 1830..2738 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.534 features k127_526030 2..124 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.535 features k127_526030 2917..377 - Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.536 features k127_526030 2942..3127 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.537 features k127_526030 4400..3204 - Diaminopimelate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.538 features k127_538273 1124..3 - UPF0118 membrane protein Mext_3812 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.539 features k127_540206 1..243 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.540 features k127_540206 365..637 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.541 features k127_540206 1609..656 - YgfD: protein that forms a complex with the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase in a pathway for conversion of succinyl-CoA to propionyl-CoA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.542 features k127_543261 170..3 - Inner membrane protein YihY, formerly thought to be RNase BN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.543 features k127_543261 2282..294 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.544 features k127_543261 2557..2892 + Methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase, predicted by (Erb et al, 2007) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.545 features k127_543525 575..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.546 features k127_543525 1536..676 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.547 features k127_543525 1880..1536 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.548 features k127_555577 364..191 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.549 features k127_555577 2053..521 - dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.550 features k127_555577 2489..2373 - DNA-binding protein HBsu KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.551 features k127_557793 710..3 - 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.552 features k127_557793 907..1737 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.553 features k127_557793 1802..2185 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase STM0857 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.554 features k127_559087 1..723 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.555 features k127_559087 720..1577 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.556 features k127_559087 1670..2728 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.557 features k127_559087 2880..4187 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.558 features k127_559087 6563..4350 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.559 features k127_559087 7036..6575 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.560 features k127_559087 7383..7282 - Dehydratase, IlvD/Edd family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.561 features k127_559326 3..1145 + Outer membrane component of TAM transport system KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.562 features k127_559326 1142..1609 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.563 features k127_565922 3..2621 + Catalase-like heme-binding protein, Peroxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.564 features k127_565922 2768..2634 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.565 features k127_565922 3082..2861 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.566 features k127_573412 2..784 + Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.567 features k127_573412 3570..871 - Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.568 features k127_573412 4550..3567 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.569 features k127_573412 5218..4898 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.570 features k127_576567 2..562 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.571 features k127_576567 668..1849 + 3-hydroxybenzoate 6-monooxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.572 features k127_576785 346..2 - Flagellar motor switch protein FliM KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.573 features k127_576785 871..359 - Flagellar basal body-associated protein FliL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.574 features k127_576785 1237..2007 + Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.575 features k127_576785 2032..2820 + Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.576 features k127_576785 2824..3822 + Flagellar basal-body P-ring formation protein FlgA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.577 features k127_576785 3828..4571 + Flagellar L-ring protein FlgH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.578 features k127_576785 5869..4991 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.579 features k127_578290 152..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.580 features k127_578290 457..855 + ATP synthase protein I KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.581 features k127_578290 916..1665 + ATP synthase F0 sector subunit a (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.582 features k127_578290 1707..1934 + ATP synthase F0 sector subunit c (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.583 features k127_578290 1991..2530 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.584 features k127_578290 2539..3021 + ATP synthase F0 sector subunit b (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.585 features k127_578290 3180..3833 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.586 features k127_578290 4759..4058 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.587 features k127_578290 5526..4945 - Ribosomal-protein-S5p-alanine acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.588 features k127_578290 6105..5599 - Mitochondrial processing peptidase-like protein (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.589 features k127_581476 248..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.590 features k127_581476 309..938 + Peptide deformylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.591 features k127_581476 952..1884 + Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.592 features k127_581476 1891..2631 + tRNA pseudouridine(38-40) synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.593 features k127_581476 2727..2807 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.594 features k127_582400 3..704 + D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.595 features k127_582400 701..1693 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.596 features k127_587553 355..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.597 features k127_587553 702..1589 + Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.598 features k127_589347 1..174 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.599 features k127_589347 208..816 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.600 features k127_589347 831..1532 + Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.601 features k127_589347 1549..2883 + L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.602 features k127_589347 2945..3331 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.603 features k127_589347 4360..3392 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.604 features k127_589347 5802..4468 - Omega-amino acid--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.605 features k127_589347 6211..5987 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.606 features k127_589347 8075..6342 - Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.607 features k127_589347 8109..8807 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.608 features k127_589347 9281..9063 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.609 features k127_589347 9937..9404 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.610 features k127_589715 69..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.611 features k127_589715 1364..66 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.612 features k127_589715 1933..1430 - Single-stranded DNA-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.613 features k127_589715 2277..3035 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.614 features k127_589715 3277..3561 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.615 features k127_595047 1531..2 - Na+/H+ antiporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.616 features k127_595047 1737..3212 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.617 features k127_595537 2..1447 + Glycerol kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.618 features k127_595537 1546..1995 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.619 features k127_602334 205..489 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.620 features k127_602334 489..1316 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.621 features k127_602334 1317..2030 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.622 features k127_607725 1..564 + L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.623 features k127_607725 591..1466 + Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.624 features k127_608990 104..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.625 features k127_608990 840..424 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.626 features k127_608990 1103..1855 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.627 features k127_609251 763..1596 + 23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)-2'-O)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.628 features k127_609251 2434..1751 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.629 features k127_609251 2945..2502 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.630 features k127_611160 386..3 - Sugar phosphate isomerases/epimerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.631 features k127_611160 1561..395 - Conserved hypothetical protein potentially related to ribose or hydroxymethylpyrimidine metabolism KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.632 features k127_611160 2727..1573 - Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.633 features k127_611160 3511..2804 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.634 features k127_611943 416..991 + Chromate transport protein ChrA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.635 features k127_611943 988..1518 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.636 features k127_611943 1762..2253 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.637 features k127_611943 2269..3774 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.638 features k127_611943 4007..4993 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.639 features k127_611943 5243..5130 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.640 features k127_627423 61..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.641 features k127_627423 520..65 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.642 features k127_627423 843..1277 + Permease of the drug/metabolite transporter (DMT) superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.643 features k127_627423 1274..2560 + D-glycerate 2-kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.644 features k127_627423 2687..3148 + protein of unknown function DUF1036 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.645 features k127_627423 3145..4581 + Pyruvate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.646 features k127_627423 5242..4613 - FIG00741453: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.647 features k127_627423 5529..5404 - LSU ribosomal protein L36p, LSU ribosomal protein L36p, zinc-independent KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.648 features k127_627423 5934..5623 - small multidrug resistance family (SMR) protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.649 features k127_639324 116..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.650 features k127_639324 403..1734 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.651 features k127_639324 1824..2681 + High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.652 features k127_639324 2678..3661 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.653 features k127_639324 3665..4468 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivG (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.654 features k127_639324 4465..5976 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.655 features k127_639324 6315..5989 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.656 features k127_639324 6421..8100 + redox proteins related to the succinate dehydrogenases and fumarate reductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.657 features k127_639324 8097..8567 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.658 features k127_641521 2..109 + MBL-fold metallohydrolase SPO0683 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.659 features k127_641521 1018..110 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.660 features k127_643003 3..548 + 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.661 features k127_643003 554..1327 + 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.662 features k127_643003 1355..1555 + Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (EC, 3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.663 features k127_653724 220..2385 + Proline dehydrogenase (EC, Delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.664 features k127_654396 608..3 - Sugar fermentation stimulation protein SfsA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.665 features k127_654396 1012..680 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.666 features k127_654396 1230..1024 - Protein export cytoplasm protein SecA ATPase RNA helicase (TC 3.A.5.1.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.667 features k127_654748 1..315 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain E (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.668 features k127_654748 312..521 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.669 features k127_654748 529..1842 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain F (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.670 features k127_654748 1848..2087 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain G (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.671 features k127_669955 229..2 - Zinc ABC transporter, permease protein ZnuB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.672 features k127_669955 1039..287 - Zinc ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein ZnuC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.673 features k127_669955 1152..1036 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.674 features k127_669955 1271..1137 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.675 features k127_669955 1394..2320 + 2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.676 features k127_669955 2884..2390 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.677 features k127_669955 3492..2881 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.678 features k127_669955 3594..3968 + Fluoride ion transporter CrcB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.679 features k127_669955 5035..4046 - Biotin synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.680 features k127_669955 5601..5167 - Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase alpha subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.681 features k127_670247 78..2501 + Soluble lytic murein transglycosylase (EC 4.2.2.n1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.682 features k127_670247 2713..4671 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.683 features k127_670247 4733..5626 + Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.684 features k127_670247 5924..5724 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.685 features k127_682019 1..2262 + Molybdopterin dehydrogenase, large subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.686 features k127_682019 2890..2276 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.687 features k127_682019 3379..2900 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.688 features k127_689587 1766..3 - Acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.689 features k127_689625 3..896 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.690 features k127_689625 1156..1031 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.691 features k127_689625 1335..1222 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.692 features k127_689625 1345..2793 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter Saci_1521 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.693 features k127_689625 4374..2809 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.694 features k127_689625 5653..4490 - mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.695 features k127_689625 6637..5660 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.696 features k127_689625 6680..6802 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.697 features k127_689625 6796..7782 + Putative peptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.698 features k127_689687 1..1512 + tRNA-5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine(34) synthesis protein MnmG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.699 features k127_689687 1509..2186 + 16S rRNA (guanine(527)-N(7))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.700 features k127_689687 2220..3095 + Chromosome (plasmid) partitioning protein ParA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.701 features k127_689687 3227..4123 + Chromosome (plasmid) partitioning protein ParB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.702 features k127_689687 4568..4927 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.703 features k127_689687 4927..5196 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.704 features k127_689687 5223..5513 + Ferredoxin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.705 features k127_689687 5574..6740 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.706 features k127_689687 7693..6752 - UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.707 features k127_689687 8511..7702 - beta-lactamase-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.708 features k127_689687 9538..8516 - DNA polymerase III delta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.709 features k127_689687 10230..9664 - FIG00440699: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.710 features k127_689687 10720..10217 - Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.711 features k127_690040 1384..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.712 features k127_690040 1654..2649 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.713 features k127_705036 113..3 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.714 features k127_705036 611..120 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.715 features k127_705036 1095..712 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.716 features k127_712019 1178..3 - DNA polymerase I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.717 features k127_714417 1..816 + Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.718 features k127_714417 824..1444 + acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, putative phosphotransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.719 features k127_719876 2..724 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.720 features k127_719876 750..1712 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.721 features k127_719876 2419..1808 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.722 features k127_732048 1..462 + TRAP transporter solute receptor, unknown substrate 6 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.723 features k127_732048 1857..502 - Di-haem cytochrome c peroxidase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.724 features k127_741047 461..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.725 features k127_741047 1354..470 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.726 features k127_741047 2824..1550 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.727 features k127_741047 2970..3206 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.728 features k127_762197 1..966 + Heat shock protein 60 kDa family chaperone GroEL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.729 features k127_762197 970..1518 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.730 features k127_762197 1537..1860 + Sulfur oxidation protein SoxZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.731 features k127_762197 4053..1873 - Lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury transporting ATPase (EC (EC, Copper-translocating P-type ATPase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.732 features k127_762197 4769..4050 - Heavy-metal-associated domain (N-terminus) and membrane-bounded cytochrome biogenesis cycZ-like domain, possible membrane copper tolerance protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.733 features k127_762197 4946..4824 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.734 features k127_762197 5096..4959 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.735 features k127_762197 5275..5105 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.736 features k127_762197 5477..5292 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.737 features k127_762197 5693..5484 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.738 features k127_764667 351..10 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.739 features k127_764667 1333..596 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.740 features k127_768712 137..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.741 features k127_768712 1223..339 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.742 features k127_768712 1406..2770 + N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (EC, Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.743 features k127_768712 2889..4715 + Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.744 features k127_768712 4796..5608 + Uncharacterized membrane anchored protein Mext_4159 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.745 features k127_768712 6734..5592 - ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.746 features k127_792777 530..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.747 features k127_792777 657..535 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.748 features k127_792777 1550..660 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.749 features k127_792777 1741..2301 + ATP synthase delta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.750 features k127_792777 2301..2501 + ATP synthase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.751 features k127_804056 1..681 + Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.752 features k127_804056 909..1121 + Cold shock protein of CSP family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.753 features k127_804056 1392..2753 + Cyclic beta-1,2-glucan synthase (EC 2.4.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.754 features k127_804730 548..3 - Rieske (2Fe-2S) region KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.755 features k127_804730 724..1038 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.756 features k127_804730 1106..1291 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.757 features k127_804730 1427..3133 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.758 features k127_804730 3300..4067 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.759 features k127_817551 3..242 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.760 features k127_817551 411..1850 + Aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.761 features k127_817551 1870..2682 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.762 features k127_817551 2721..5024 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain parolog without usual motifs KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.763 features k127_817551 5144..6001 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.764 features k127_817551 6023..6502 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.765 features k127_817551 6499..8790 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.766 features k127_817551 9868..8801 - Bll4347 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.767 features k127_817551 11470..10112 - ATP-dependent RNA helicase Atu1833 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.768 features k127_817551 11486..11617 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.769 features k127_817551 11885..13348 + peptidase C14, caspase catalytic subunit p20 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.770 features k127_817551 13500..14489 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.771 features k127_817551 16182..14638 - DNA topoisomerase IV subunit B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.772 features k127_830964 135..1 - Mll2248 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.773 features k127_830964 410..2893 + ATP-dependent helicase HrpB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.774 features k127_830964 2995..3513 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.775 features k127_833511 570..1 - Monofunctional biosynthetic peptidoglycan transglycosylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.776 features k127_833511 810..1745 + (2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.777 features k127_833511 1898..3277 + Macrolide-specific efflux protein MacA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.778 features k127_848429 494..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.779 features k127_848429 1071..496 - Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.780 features k127_848429 1670..1068 - Bll6196 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.781 features k127_851818 1..369 + Lactoylglutathione lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.782 features k127_851818 532..975 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.783 features k127_851818 1097..1786 + Ribonuclease HII (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.784 features k127_851818 1895..3454 + Mll1762 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.785 features k127_851818 4449..3448 - Cytochrome d ubiquinol oxidase subunit II (EC 1.10.3.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.786 features k127_851818 4601..4449 - putative Cytochrome bd2, subunit I KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.787 features k127_856948 1..888 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.788 features k127_856948 2091..889 - Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.789 features k127_859684 1..459 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.790 features k127_859684 462..1055 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.791 features k127_859684 1279..1157 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.792 features k127_869623 1645..2 - 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit (EC 1.2.7.-), 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit (EC 1.2.7.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.793 features k127_869623 3417..1627 - Previously called glutamate synthase [NADPH] small chain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.794 features k127_869623 3427..3630 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.795 features k127_869623 3761..4531 + Chaperone required for the assembly of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.796 features k127_869623 4614..5588 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.797 features k127_869623 5731..7263 + Propionyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.798 features k127_869623 7669..7547 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.799 features k127_872908 3..1997 + DNA ligase (NAD(+)) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.800 features k127_872908 2439..2173 - Bsl6676 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.801 features k127_872908 3765..2548 - Multidrug resistance transporter, Bcr/CflA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.802 features k127_872908 5694..3862 - Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.803 features k127_872908 5993..5868 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.804 features k127_879393 3..935 + Homodimeric efflux ABC transporter, ATP-binding/permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.805 features k127_879393 1540..1049 - Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.806 features k127_879393 1742..1629 - MotB-like protein Atu3746 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.807 features k127_886174 1181..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.808 features k127_886174 1783..1340 - Chaperone required for the assembly of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.809 features k127_891510 946..2 - UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.810 features k127_891510 1094..2155 + Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis mannosyltransferase WadC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.811 features k127_891510 2649..2125 - D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.812 features k127_891510 3245..2646 - D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.813 features k127_891510 4354..3299 - ADP-heptose--lipooligosaccharide heptosyltransferase II KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.814 features k127_891510 4520..5500 + ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose-6-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.815 features k127_891510 5508..6986 + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase (EC, D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.816 features k127_891510 6997..7572 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.817 features k127_894564 234..3740 + Two-component system sensor histidine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.818 features k127_894907 943..146 - 1,2-epoxyphenylacetyl-CoA isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.819 features k127_899044 1..240 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.820 features k127_899044 240..623 + Z-ring-associated protein ZapA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.821 features k127_899044 959..1549 + 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.822 features k127_899044 1553..2374 + 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 2'-phosphodiesterase, Bsub YmdB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.823 features k127_899044 2527..3273 + Probable transcriptional regulatory protein YebC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.824 features k127_899044 3736..3371 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.825 features k127_902638 1..1005 + ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.826 features k127_902638 1071..1943 + ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.827 features k127_902638 1943..2902 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.828 features k127_902638 2895..3656 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.829 features k127_902638 3653..4372 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.830 features k127_902638 4601..5500 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.831 features k127_910626 3..221 + Arginase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.832 features k127_910626 1635..226 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.833 features k127_910626 2300..1635 - Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.834 features k127_910626 2435..3073 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.835 features k127_910626 3106..3498 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.836 features k127_910964 317..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.837 features k127_910964 802..476 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.838 features k127_910964 1015..6192 + Kinesin-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.839 features k127_918668 895..2 - Translation initiation factor 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.840 features k127_918668 1239..892 - COG2740: Predicted nucleic-acid-binding protein implicated in transcription termination, Ribosomal protein L7Ae family protein YlxQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.841 features k127_920932 116..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.842 features k127_920932 877..113 - gamma-aminobutyric acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.843 features k127_920932 1767..874 - gamma-aminobutyric acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.844 features k127_920932 3089..1764 - gamma-aminobutyric acid ABC transporter, permease protein 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.845 features k127_920932 4000..3086 - gamma-aminobutyric acid ABC transporter, permease protein 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.846 features k127_920932 4186..4719 + Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein DsbD, protein-disulfide reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.847 features k127_920932 4820..5653 + Fatty acid hydroxylase family (carotene hydroxylase/sterol desaturase) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.848 features k127_920932 6085..5672 - 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.849 features k127_920932 6923..6141 - Hypothetical lactonase in carbon monoxide dehydrogenase cluster KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.850 features k127_920932 8304..6940 - 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.851 features k127_920932 8503..8958 + Carbon monoxide oxidation accessory protein CoxG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.852 features k127_920932 9116..9616 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.853 features k127_920932 9654..12023 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.854 features k127_920932 12035..12871 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.855 features k127_920932 12998..13366 + Carbon monoxide oxidation accessory protein CoxD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.856 features k127_948482 859..2 - LmbE family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.857 features k127_948482 1602..874 - Xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.858 features k127_949188 3..347 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.859 features k127_949188 1396..512 - Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.860 features k127_958029 918..46 - Mobile element protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.861 features k127_958029 1197..1000 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.862 features k127_972109 3..1097 + 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.863 features k127_972324 314..3 - Uncharacterized metal-dependent hydrolase YcfH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.864 features k127_972324 1884..319 - Methionyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.865 features k127_972324 3116..2073 - DNA polymerase III delta prime subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.866 features k127_972324 3197..3652 + Transcription elongation factor GreB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.867 features k127_972324 3706..4332 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.868 features k127_972324 4571..4404 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.869 features k127_984460 80..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.870 features k127_984460 216..1172 + 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.871 features k127_984460 2117..1173 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.872 features k127_984460 3309..2125 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.873 features k127_984460 3430..3741 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.874 features k127_984460 3787..4314 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.875 features k127_984483 3..617 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.876 features k127_984483 703..1029 + Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.877 features k127_985299 1769..3 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.878 features k127_991615 721..41 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.879 features k127_991615 1287..718 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.880 features k127_996072 670..251 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.881 features k127_996072 802..1791 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.882 features k127_996072 1874..2521 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.883 features k127_996072 2549..2779 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.884 features k127_998703 2..1216 + Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.885 features k127_998703 1221..1922 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.886 features k127_998703 3401..1971 - Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase Dcp (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.887 features k127_1000244 3..563 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.888 features k127_1000244 671..919 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.889 features k127_1000244 1329..2960 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.890 features k127_1000661 1..441 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.891 features k127_1000661 516..677 + Uncharacterized membrane protein BBta_6992 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.892 features k127_1000661 3043..683 - Lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury transporting ATPase (EC (EC, Copper-translocating P-type ATPase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.893 features k127_1000661 3202..4485 + Mll4959 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.894 features k127_1002730 1..1467 + Acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.895 features k127_1002730 1957..1493 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.896 features k127_1002730 2101..3069 + Ava_C0101 and related proteins KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.897 features k127_1003632 887..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.898 features k127_1003632 1761..940 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.899 features k127_1010990 218..3 - Ribonuclease Z( EC: ) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.900 features k127_1010990 1198..215 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.901 features k127_1010990 1339..2157 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.902 features k127_1010990 2694..2161 - Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component B (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.903 features k127_1010990 3998..2802 - Amidohydrolase 3 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.904 features k127_1010990 5486..4008 - 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.905 features k127_1010990 5946..5596 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.906 features k127_1014800 2..802 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.907 features k127_1014800 1267..863 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.908 features k127_1021874 1270..2 - Osmosensitive K+ channel histidine kinase KdpD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.909 features k127_1021874 1975..1376 - Potassium-transporting ATPase C chain (EC (TC 3.A.3.7.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.910 features k127_1021874 4098..1987 - Potassium-transporting ATPase B chain (EC (TC 3.A.3.7.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.911 features k127_1021874 5827..4124 - Potassium-transporting ATPase A chain (EC (TC 3.A.3.7.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.912 features k127_1021874 5981..5892 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.913 features k127_1021874 6099..5992 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.914 features k127_1028476 1..1308 + Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase PpiD (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.915 features k127_1028476 1327..1428 + Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.916 features k127_1035178 1..351 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.917 features k127_1035178 495..1451 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.918 features k127_1035178 1459..2361 + putative 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylic acid hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.919 features k127_1035178 3707..2403 - Efflux ABC transporter, permease/ATP-binding protein Atu2242 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.920 features k127_1052968 3..587 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase STM0857 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.921 features k127_1052968 593..1720 + L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.922 features k127_1052968 1752..2555 + Glucokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.923 features k127_1055018 498..1 - RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.924 features k127_1055018 1685..498 - RND efflux system, membrane fusion protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.925 features k127_1055018 1978..1850 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.926 features k127_1055018 2330..2860 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, iron-sulfur subunit YagT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.927 features k127_1055018 2857..3870 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, FAD binding subunit YagS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.928 features k127_1055018 3882..6092 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, molybdenum binding subunit YagR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.929 features k127_1055018 8433..6238 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.930 features k127_1055175 862..2 - Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.931 features k127_1055175 2618..1005 - Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase [ATP] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.932 features k127_1055175 3266..2862 - blr2321, hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.933 features k127_1063037 2..205 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.934 features k127_1063037 205..3330 + RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.935 features k127_1063037 4588..3380 - Serine--glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.936 features k127_1063037 4851..5006 + Fe-S protein, homolog of lactate dehydrogenase SO1521 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.937 features k127_1066226 204..1 - Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.938 features k127_1066226 233..955 + RNA pseudouridylate synthase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.939 features k127_1066226 2405..1068 - tRNA t(6)A37-methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.940 features k127_1083965 299..3 - Twin-arginine translocation protein TatB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.941 features k127_1083965 647..372 - Twin-arginine translocation protein TatA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.942 features k127_1083965 1825..710 - Ferric iron ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.943 features k127_1083965 2647..1829 - Segregation and condensation protein B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.944 features k127_1083965 3506..2670 - Segregation and condensation protein A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.945 features k127_1083965 4537..3503 - beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.946 features k127_1083965 5994..4585 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.947 features k127_1083965 7918..6107 - Arginyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.948 features k127_1083965 9192..7990 - dNTP triphosphohydrolase, broad substrate specificity KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.949 features k127_1083965 9346..9675 + probable iron binding protein from the HesB_IscA_SufA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.950 features k127_1094014 680..219 - Tol-Pal system-associated acyl-CoA thioesterase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.951 features k127_1094014 1601..687 - COG1408: Predicted phosphohydrolases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.952 features k127_1094014 2770..1721 - Holliday junction ATP-dependent DNA helicase RuvB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.953 features k127_1094014 3479..2862 - Holliday junction ATP-dependent DNA helicase RuvA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.954 features k127_1094014 3994..3476 - Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.955 features k127_1094014 4106..4261 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.956 features k127_1094014 4338..5084 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.957 features k127_1095842 163..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.958 features k127_1095842 362..2047 + Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.959 features k127_1095842 2331..2218 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.960 features k127_1095842 2353..3441 + Coenzyme F420-dependent N5,N10-methylene tetrahydromethanopterin reductase and related flavin-dependent oxidoreductases, sulfonate monooxygenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.961 features k127_1095842 3517..4296 + Molybdenum ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein ModA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.962 features k127_1095842 5348..4377 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.963 features k127_1095842 5996..5487 - Stress response diiron-containing protein YciF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.964 features k127_1097109 13..1020 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.965 features k127_1097109 1239..2705 + Amino acid regulated cytosolic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.966 features k127_1097109 2702..3724 + GTP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.967 features k127_1097109 3863..5596 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.968 features k127_1097109 5608..6972 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.969 features k127_1111220 3..605 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.970 features k127_1111220 1531..785 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.971 features k127_1111503 172..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.972 features k127_1111503 1244..219 - Ferric iron ABC transporter, iron-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.973 features k127_1111503 2192..1455 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.974 features k127_1111503 5152..2300 - Sensory histidine kinase AtoS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.975 features k127_1114247 1805..3 - putative phospholipase D family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.976 features k127_1114247 2009..1866 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.977 features k127_1114247 2023..2451 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.978 features k127_1148084 3..113 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.979 features k127_1148084 418..1113 + Phosphoserine aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.980 features k127_1151539 1..426 + Nucleotidyl transferase possibly involved in threonylcarbamoyladenosine formation KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.981 features k127_1151539 591..1193 + FIG041266: ATP-dependent nuclease subunit B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.982 features k127_1153150 1233..1 - bll2549, hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.983 features k127_1153150 1803..1303 - Protein tyrosine phosphatases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.984 features k127_1153150 2565..1936 - COG1896: Predicted hydrolases of HD superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.985 features k127_1153150 3177..2572 - DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.986 features k127_1153150 4058..3174 - tRNA-modifying protein YgfZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.987 features k127_1153150 4127..4645 + Dihydroorotase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.988 features k127_1160925 1..978 + Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.989 features k127_1160925 1029..2246 + FIG00431931: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.990 features k127_1160925 2243..2608 + Aconitate hydratase X, predicted KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.991 features k127_1168492 1360..392 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.992 features k127_1168492 1509..2195 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.993 features k127_1172532 1..843 + 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.994 features k127_1172532 921..1121 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.995 features k127_1172532 1806..1132 - Thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase TlpA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.996 features k127_1172532 1926..3317 + Argininosuccinate lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.997 features k127_1172532 3456..3701 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.998 features k127_1179810 817..317 - Xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.999 features k127_1179810 1553..960 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1000 features k127_1179810 2093..1719 - ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase of COG1058 family (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1001 features k127_1184687 3..215 + FIG004851: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1002 features k127_1184687 1303..410 - Bll0213 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1003 features k127_1184687 2078..1323 - 3-demethylubiquinol 3-O-methyltransferase (EC, 2-polyprenyl-6-hydroxyphenyl methylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1004 features k127_1184687 2642..2166 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1005 features k127_1184687 2809..3504 + Aspartokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1006 features k127_1189011 1..951 + Dihydroorotase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1007 features k127_1189011 1416..1150 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1008 features k127_1189011 1897..1520 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1009 features k127_1189011 2199..1960 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1010 features k127_1194900 146..874 + Zinc metalloprotease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1011 features k127_1194900 953..2155 + Multidrug resistance transporter, Bcr/CflA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1012 features k127_1194900 2445..2173 - Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1013 features k127_1200149 2..208 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1014 features k127_1200149 343..2139 + 3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA dehydrogenase (DmdC) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1015 features k127_1200149 2190..3374 + Probable 3-phenylpropionic acid transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1016 features k127_1200149 3871..3329 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1017 features k127_1200149 4048..4164 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1018 features k127_1207145 264..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1019 features k127_1207145 903..286 - FIG00466444: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1020 features k127_1207145 1837..971 - Shikimate 5-dehydrogenase I alpha (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1021 features k127_1207145 2639..1851 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1022 features k127_1207145 2854..3924 + FIG00443183: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1023 features k127_1207145 4121..4975 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1024 features k127_1207145 4972..5457 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1025 features k127_1207145 5457..7853 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1026 features k127_1207145 7954..8907 + probable polyketide cyclase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1027 features k127_1207145 9150..10367 + putative histidinol dehydrogenase (but probably not) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1028 features k127_1209456 1307..3 - 3'-to-5' exoribonuclease RNase R KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1029 features k127_1209478 90..911 + Serine acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1030 features k127_1209478 1086..1523 + Uncharacterized protein SMc02112 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1031 features k127_1209478 1637..2611 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1032 features k127_1209478 3131..2598 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1033 features k127_1210774 3..1076 + 2-methylcitrate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1034 features k127_1210774 1709..1071 - FIG139438: lipoprotein B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1035 features k127_1212986 3..587 + Vitamin B12 ABC transporter, permease component BtuC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1036 features k127_1212986 584..1084 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1037 features k127_1221908 911..3 - Gluconolactonase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1038 features k127_1221908 2037..901 - A/G-specific adenine glycosylase (EC 3.2.2.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1039 features k127_1221908 2207..2704 + Zn-ribbon-containing, possibly RNA-binding protein and truncated derivatives KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1040 features k127_1221908 2839..3513 + Periplasmic thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1041 features k127_1221908 3856..4623 + Chromosome partition protein smc KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1042 features k127_1228440 105..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1043 features k127_1228440 142..1224 + SAM-dependent methyltransferases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1044 features k127_1228440 1346..2359 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1045 features k127_1228440 2525..3943 + Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1046 features k127_1239014 1043..12 - Radical SAM domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1047 features k127_1239014 1294..1536 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1048 features k127_1239014 1601..2182 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1049 features k127_1241497 3..1088 + 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (EC, 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1050 features k127_1241497 1088..1585 + Nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1051 features k127_1241497 2086..1730 - Ribosome association toxin RatA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1052 features k127_1248773 15..2354 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1053 features k127_1248773 2351..2557 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1054 features k127_1257160 2..577 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1055 features k127_1257160 663..2360 + Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1056 features k127_1257160 2357..2695 + Succinate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur protein (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1057 features k127_1257160 2769..3317 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1058 features k127_1257921 1479..1 - Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase large subunit, MutB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1059 features k127_1261786 1066..2 - HflK protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1060 features k127_1261786 1444..1184 - Dihydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1061 features k127_1262557 73..234 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1062 features k127_1262557 251..847 + Cytochrome oxidase biogenesis protein Sco1/SenC/PrrC, thiol-disulfide reductase involved in Cu(I) insertion into CoxII Cu(A) center KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1063 features k127_1262557 1038..1934 + ABC-type amino acid transport/signal transduction system, periplasmic component/domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1064 features k127_1268965 281..3 - FIG00444079: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1065 features k127_1268965 664..2016 + TldE protein, part of TldE/TldD proteolytic complex KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1066 features k127_1268965 2003..2815 + FIG043197: Inositol monophosphatase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1067 features k127_1268965 2916..3182 + Uncharacterized protein, Bsl7517 homolog KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1068 features k127_1268965 3175..4479 + 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1069 features k127_1268965 4472..5464 + Tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1070 features k127_1268965 5778..5587 - FIG00444791: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1071 features k127_1268965 5973..6932 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1072 features k127_1268965 6932..7336 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1073 features k127_1268965 7357..7482 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1074 features k127_1268965 9143..7605 - Rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase, 4 domains KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1075 features k127_1268965 9733..9194 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1076 features k127_1271832 3..179 + PhnB protein, putative DNA binding 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1077 features k127_1271832 347..781 + PhnB protein, putative DNA binding 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1078 features k127_1271832 995..1774 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1079 features k127_1276137 2194..2 - Alanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1080 features k127_1276137 2451..3386 + 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1081 features k127_1276137 4394..3528 - RecA protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1082 features k127_1279486 746..3 - Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1083 features k127_1279486 1834..740 - Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1084 features k127_1279486 2325..1942 - Pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1085 features k127_1279486 2465..3463 + beta-ribofuranosylaminobenzene 5'-phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1086 features k127_1279486 3740..4636 + Methylene tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1087 features k127_1279486 4629..5738 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1088 features k127_1279486 5717..6709 + N(5),N(10)-methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1089 features k127_1279486 6855..7847 + Possible glutaminyl transferase clustered with tetrahydromethanopterin biosynthesis genes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1090 features k127_1279486 7844..8695 + Triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthetase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1091 features k127_1279486 8833..9339 + 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin hydro-lyase (EC, Formaldehyde activating enzyme KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1092 features k127_1279486 10037..9471 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1093 features k127_1279486 10784..10119 - Phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase related protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1094 features k127_1282798 399..1 - ATP-dependent protease subunit HslV (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1095 features k127_1282798 571..1164 + Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1096 features k127_1282798 1214..1714 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1097 features k127_1282798 1711..2361 + Imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase amidotransferase subunit HisH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1098 features k127_1282798 2387..3121 + Phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1099 features k127_1282798 3124..3900 + Imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase cyclase subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1100 features k127_1282798 4106..4441 + Phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1101 features k127_1282798 4463..5416 + Pantothenate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1102 features k127_1282798 6377..5442 - Putative hemolysin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1103 features k127_1296865 1271..3 - Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1104 features k127_1296865 1435..2310 + UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1105 features k127_1296865 3862..2312 - Outer membrane protein/protective antigen OMA87 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1106 features k127_1296865 4066..5070 + D-arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1107 features k127_1296865 5463..5077 - Putative activity regulator of membrane protease YbbK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1108 features k127_1302105 1..702 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1109 features k127_1302105 766..1743 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1110 features k127_1302105 1767..1910 + Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1111 features k127_1303566 2..547 + 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1112 features k127_1303566 553..1446 + Tetraacyldisaccharide 4'-kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1113 features k127_1312119 1..1560 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1114 features k127_1314458 27..641 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1115 features k127_1314458 1009..662 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1116 features k127_1314458 2067..1222 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1117 features k127_1314458 2616..2137 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1118 features k127_1314458 2648..2938 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1119 features k127_1314458 3991..3134 - Fructokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1120 features k127_1321953 676..2 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1121 features k127_1321953 2456..750 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1122 features k127_1321953 4256..2556 - probable integral membrane protein NMA0408 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1123 features k127_1321953 4350..5210 + L-proline glycine betaine ABC transport system permease protein ProV (TC 3.A.1.12.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1124 features k127_1321953 5207..5959 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 13, osmolytes), ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 13, osmolytes) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1125 features k127_1328817 2..418 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1126 features k127_1328817 455..3526 + RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1127 features k127_1328817 3776..3534 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1128 features k127_1329864 2..1336 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1129 features k127_1329864 1447..1563 + Di-tripeptide/cation symporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1130 features k127_1332055 3755..27 - FIG00741759: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1131 features k127_1332055 4657..3986 - Flagellar protein FlbB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1132 features k127_1341196 986..12 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1133 features k127_1341196 1057..2292 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1134 features k127_1341196 2320..2952 + 7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1135 features k127_1341196 2952..3185 + 6-carboxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1136 features k127_1343342 3..569 + probable 1,4-butanediol diacrylate esterase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1137 features k127_1343342 2337..628 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1138 features k127_1344690 441..1 - Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1139 features k127_1344690 1544..579 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1140 features k127_1344690 3020..1593 - UbiD family decarboxylase associated with menaquinone via futalosine KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1141 features k127_1344690 3194..4162 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1142 features k127_1344690 4846..4172 - Fumarate hydratase class I, beta region (EC, L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1143 features k127_1344690 5148..4852 - Fumarate hydratase class I, alpha region (EC, L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1144 features k127_1350738 491..3 - 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1145 features k127_1350738 1118..627 - Xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1146 features k127_1350738 2452..1121 - Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1147 features k127_1351413 713..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1148 features k127_1351413 1112..1447 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1149 features k127_1354341 305..90 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1150 features k127_1354341 363..1106 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1151 features k127_1354341 1096..1593 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1152 features k127_1354341 1607..2938 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1153 features k127_1354341 3123..2974 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1154 features k127_1354341 3770..3120 - Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily KQT, possible potassium channel, VIC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1155 features k127_1354341 4516..4121 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1156 features k127_1354341 4818..6158 + 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1157 features k127_1354341 7526..6228 - Cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1158 features k127_1354341 8230..7565 - Protein of unknown function DUF374 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1159 features k127_1354341 8359..8997 + Cytidylate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1160 features k127_1354341 9197..9553 + SSU ribosomal protein S1p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1161 features k127_1369579 1..405 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1162 features k127_1369579 449..607 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1163 features k127_1369579 1314..670 - Heat shock protein GrpE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1164 features k127_1369579 2465..1383 - Heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1165 features k127_1369579 2611..3579 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1166 features k127_1369579 3623..4663 + Quinone oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1167 features k127_1369579 4786..5499 + Ribonuclease PH (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1168 features k127_1369579 5496..6149 + Nucleoside 5-triphosphatase RdgB (dHAPTP, dITP, XTP-specific) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1169 features k127_1369579 6142..7299 + Oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase-like protein YggW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1170 features k127_1369579 8480..7368 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1171 features k127_1373905 1103..3 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 5, nickel/peptides/opines) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1172 features k127_1373905 2710..1142 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 5, nickel/peptides/opines), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 5, nickel/peptides/opines) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1173 features k127_1376244 299..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1174 features k127_1376244 1529..705 - Protein of unknown function DUF81 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1175 features k127_1376244 2536..1529 - tRNA-dihydrouridine(20/20a) synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1176 features k127_1382411 356..3 - Tungstate ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1177 features k127_1382411 428..1228 + Periplasmic molybdate-binding protein/domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1178 features k127_1389264 1..438 + ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1179 features k127_1389264 456..1331 + ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1180 features k127_1389264 1328..2959 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1181 features k127_1393995 274..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1182 features k127_1393995 384..271 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1183 features k127_1393995 699..1802 + low-specificity D-threonine aldolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1184 features k127_1393995 1933..2751 + Coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase (EC, F420-1:L-glutamate ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1185 features k127_1393995 2751..3704 + Lactyl (2) diphospho-(5')guanosine:7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin 2-phospho-L-lactate transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1186 features k127_1393995 3701..4369 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1187 features k127_1393995 4369..6768 + 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase subunit 1, 7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase subunit 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1188 features k127_1393995 6864..7310 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1189 features k127_1393995 7370..8026 + Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component B (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1190 features k127_1393995 10315..8039 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1191 features k127_1393995 11852..10344 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1192 features k127_1393995 12308..11862 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1193 features k127_1393995 13188..12355 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1194 features k127_1420824 1159..2 - NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit beta (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1195 features k127_1420824 1637..1164 - NAD(P) transhydrogenase C-domain of subunit alpha (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1196 features k127_1420824 1789..1637 - NAD(P) transhydrogenase alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1197 features k127_1423976 3..1421 + Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1198 features k127_1423976 2610..1549 - FIG00440034: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1199 features k127_1423976 2686..3255 + Nitroreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1200 features k127_1423976 4318..3335 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1201 features k127_1423976 4491..5129 + Nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component B (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1202 features k127_1423976 5295..5657 + FIG00613342: Bacterial patatin-like phospholipase domain containing protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1203 features k127_1424291 1..1140 + Aminotransferase, class V KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1204 features k127_1424291 1735..1277 - PF00070 family, FAD-dependent NAD(P)-disulphide oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1205 features k127_1427154 3336..1 - Polyketide synthase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1206 features k127_1427154 4366..3353 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1207 features k127_1427154 4544..4347 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1208 features k127_1432819 2..1039 + Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1209 features k127_1435414 430..2 - Beta-glucosidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1210 features k127_1435414 825..1946 + Chorismate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1211 features k127_1435414 1950..3038 + 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase (EC, GTP cyclohydrolase II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1212 features k127_1435414 3149..3901 + Integral membrane protein TerC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1213 features k127_1435414 4164..4030 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1214 features k127_1435414 4242..5096 + vWFA-like protein with metal ion dependent adhesion motif (MIDAS) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1215 features k127_1435414 6488..5250 - Ync KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1216 features k127_1435414 7228..6485 - RNA binding methyltransferase FtsJ like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1217 features k127_1435414 7374..7664 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1218 features k127_1436715 869..3 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1219 features k127_1436715 1041..2039 + putative membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1220 features k127_1436715 3062..2175 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1221 features k127_1436715 3441..4706 + L-sorbosone dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1222 features k127_1436979 2529..1 - Transcription-repair coupling factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1223 features k127_1444178 1259..54 - Amidohydrolase domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1224 features k127_1444656 1..717 + Cytosol aminopeptidase PepA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1225 features k127_1444656 734..2197 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1226 features k127_1444656 2207..2659 + DNA polymerase III chi subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1227 features k127_1444656 2801..3352 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1228 features k127_1444656 5246..3360 - Bis-ABC ATPase YheS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1229 features k127_1444656 5352..6170 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1230 features k127_1444656 6488..6255 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1231 features k127_1444656 6704..7126 + Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1232 features k127_1444656 7406..7684 + blr4120, hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1233 features k127_1444742 883..35 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1234 features k127_1444742 1030..1689 + PKHD-type hydroxylase YbiX KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1235 features k127_1444742 1887..1702 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1236 features k127_1445597 572..3 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1237 features k127_1445597 1200..577 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1238 features k127_1456000 3..1460 + Formyl-coenzyme A transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1239 features k127_1456000 1563..2492 + formyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1240 features k127_1456000 2513..4210 + Formate--tetrahydrofolate ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1241 features k127_1456000 4173..5024 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1242 features k127_1458943 1836..1 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) alpha and beta chains, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1243 features k127_1458943 2612..1833 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1244 features k127_1458943 3579..2614 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1245 features k127_1458943 3687..4463 + Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1246 features k127_1458943 4523..5443 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1247 features k127_1458943 5754..5440 - Protein secretion chaperonin CsaA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1248 features k127_1464653 1111..47 - FAD dependent oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1249 features k127_1465350 31..1434 + Aerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1250 features k127_1468150 1..369 + Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1251 features k127_1468150 372..1166 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1252 features k127_1489016 356..3 - Phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase oxygenase subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1253 features k127_1489016 510..1472 + Flavodoxin reductases (ferredoxin-NADPH reductases) family 1, Vanillate O-demethylase oxidoreductase (EC 1.14.13.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1254 features k127_1489016 1469..2662 + 1-carboxy-3-chloro-3,4-dihydroxycyclo hexa-1,5-diene dehydrogenase (EC 1.-.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1255 features k127_1489016 2663..2887 + Transcriptional regulator, MarR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1256 features k127_1496935 2..283 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1257 features k127_1496935 288..443 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1258 features k127_1496935 482..1102 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1259 features k127_1496935 1232..1510 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1260 features k127_1503594 3..632 + Limit dextrin alpha-1,6-maltotetraose-hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1261 features k127_1503594 629..2392 + Malto-oligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1262 features k127_1503594 2389..2568 + Malto-oligosyltrehalose synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1263 features k127_1508882 526..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1264 features k127_1508882 1200..595 - Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1265 features k127_1508882 2001..1297 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1266 features k127_1508882 2726..2001 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein LivG (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1267 features k127_1508882 3724..2723 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein LivM (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1268 features k127_1508882 4590..3721 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1269 features k127_1508882 5902..4667 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, amino acid-binding protein (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1270 features k127_1508882 7271..5976 - Putative amidase R03093 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1271 features k127_1508882 7373..7735 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1272 features k127_1508882 7834..8640 + 1,2-epoxyphenylacetyl-CoA isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1273 features k127_1508882 8686..9150 + Acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase PaaD (Pse.pu.) (E. coli PaaI) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1274 features k127_1508882 9189..10154 + Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1275 features k127_1508882 10211..11128 + 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1276 features k127_1508882 12286..11330 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, substrate-binding component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1277 features k127_1508882 12903..12283 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1278 features k127_1509095 214..1107 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1279 features k127_1512842 810..7 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1280 features k127_1512842 915..1223 + Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1281 features k127_1520999 1229..3 - FIG01293609: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1282 features k127_1520999 1521..2021 + FIG00853591: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1283 features k127_1520999 2054..2401 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1284 features k127_1520999 2401..2892 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1285 features k127_1520999 3213..2902 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1286 features k127_1520999 3464..3213 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1287 features k127_1520999 3666..5036 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1288 features k127_1520999 6012..5059 - TldD protein, part of TldE/TldD proteolytic complex KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1289 features k127_1532139 1657..2 - Aerobic cobaltochelatase CobT subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1290 features k127_1532139 2915..1929 - Aerobic cobaltochelatase CobS subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1291 features k127_1532139 4135..3116 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1292 features k127_1532139 5124..4135 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1293 features k127_1532139 5782..5321 - FIG003437: hypothetical with DnaJ-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1294 features k127_1542241 1..708 + Glyoxylate reductase (EC, Glyoxylate reductase (EC, Hydroxypyruvate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1295 features k127_1542241 1625..804 - Molybdopterin-synthase adenylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1296 features k127_1542241 1719..2591 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1297 features k127_1552658 150..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1298 features k127_1552658 1100..270 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1299 features k127_1552658 1585..1199 - Cytochrome c2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1300 features k127_1552658 1811..3304 + Glycolate dehydrogenase (EC, subunit GlcD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1301 features k127_1552658 3310..4542 + Glycolate dehydrogenase (EC, FAD-binding subunit GlcE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1302 features k127_1552658 4552..5172 + Glycolate dehydrogenase (EC, iron-sulfur subunit GlcF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1303 features k127_1557788 938..156 - Transmembrane protein co-occuring with sulfite exporter TauE/SafE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1304 features k127_1557788 1861..935 - Sulfite exporter TauE/SafE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1305 features k127_1557788 5002..2177 - TPR repeat, SEL1 subfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1306 features k127_1559201 892..2 - Dihydroorotase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1307 features k127_1559201 1885..932 - Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1308 features k127_1559201 2162..2031 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1309 features k127_1559201 2182..2517 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1310 features k127_1559201 2543..2962 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1311 features k127_1559201 3503..3018 - Putative pre-16S rRNA nuclease YqgF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1312 features k127_1561091 576..1 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1313 features k127_1561091 2166..616 - UbiD family decarboxylase associated with menaquinone via futalosine KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1314 features k127_1561633 1247..294 - Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxyl transferase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1315 features k127_1561633 2332..1385 - Site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1316 features k127_1566295 2..910 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1317 features k127_1566295 1562..1038 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1318 features k127_1566295 1798..3123 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1319 features k127_1566295 3120..4088 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1320 features k127_1566295 4113..5795 + Glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductase:NAD binding site KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1321 features k127_1566295 5994..6812 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1322 features k127_1566295 7000..7512 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1323 features k127_1566295 8642..7608 - Transcription regulator [contains diacylglycerol kinase catalytic domain] KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1324 features k127_1566295 9409..8690 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1325 features k127_1566295 11145..9544 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1326 features k127_1566295 11565..11338 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1327 features k127_1567179 974..3 - InterPro IPR001296 COGs COG0438 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1328 features k127_1567179 1855..1067 - Ser/Thr protein phosphatase family protein, UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase (EC 3.6.1.-) homolog KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1329 features k127_1567179 2052..2831 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1330 features k127_1567179 4236..2953 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1331 features k127_1567820 1759..125 - Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase small subunit, MutA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1332 features k127_1569960 2592..1 - Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1333 features k127_1569960 4344..2680 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1334 features k127_1569960 4443..5117 + Pyridoxal phosphate-containing protein YggS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1335 features k127_1570712 317..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1336 features k127_1570712 792..292 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1337 features k127_1570712 1369..842 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1338 features k127_1570712 2133..1381 - Efflux ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1339 features k127_1570712 2495..2130 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1340 features k127_1571801 1..126 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1341 features k127_1571801 287..1471 + Peptidase M20D, amidohydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1342 features k127_1576427 1..84 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1343 features k127_1576427 413..168 - DNA gyrase inhibitor YacG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1344 features k127_1576427 1057..434 - Septum formation protein Maf KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1345 features k127_1576427 1670..1209 - low molecular weight phosphatase supefamily protein in cluster with UPF0262 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1346 features k127_1579488 434..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1347 features k127_1579488 658..1626 + Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1348 features k127_1579488 1681..2553 + FIG01095098: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1349 features k127_1579488 2550..3296 + Malate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1350 features k127_1581634 2..190 + Ferredoxin, 2Fe-2S KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1351 features k127_1581634 1291..203 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1352 features k127_1581634 1428..1291 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1353 features k127_1583211 3..401 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1354 features k127_1583211 537..779 + FIG00440329: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1355 features k127_1583211 2708..834 - Kup system potassium uptake protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1356 features k127_1586439 3..203 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1357 features k127_1586439 1296..355 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1358 features k127_1595133 158..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1359 features k127_1595133 900..193 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1360 features k127_1595133 1643..900 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1361 features k127_1595133 2626..1640 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1362 features k127_1595133 3503..2619 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1363 features k127_1595133 4933..3761 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1364 features k127_1595133 5367..5026 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1365 features k127_1603474 3..176 + Homoserine dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1366 features k127_1603474 208..1215 + Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, GlpX type (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1367 features k127_1603474 1264..3063 + Single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease RecJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1368 features k127_1603474 3187..3534 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1369 features k127_1606399 3..524 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1370 features k127_1606399 656..3808 + Adenylate cyclase (EC, Guanylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1371 features k127_1606399 5196..3805 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1372 features k127_1616660 1..534 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1373 features k127_1616660 588..1427 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1374 features k127_1616660 1712..1942 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1375 features k127_1616660 3467..1965 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1376 features k127_1616660 4512..3535 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1377 features k127_1616660 5897..4548 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1378 features k127_1616660 6292..5903 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1379 features k127_1616660 6940..6416 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1380 features k127_1618436 115..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1381 features k127_1618436 1221..229 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1382 features k127_1626003 309..1 - LSU ribosomal protein L13p (L13Ae) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1383 features k127_1626003 584..1486 + 23S rRNA (adenine(2030)-N(6))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1384 features k127_1626003 1618..2196 + ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit ClpP (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1385 features k127_1629206 434..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1386 features k127_1629206 1978..431 - Type I secretion system ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1387 features k127_1648450 234..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1388 features k127_1648450 543..1010 + Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1389 features k127_1660131 3..257 + Phenazine biosynthesis protein PhzF like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1390 features k127_1660131 254..988 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1391 features k127_1660131 1394..1134 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1392 features k127_1663616 66..185 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1393 features k127_1663616 840..274 - NADPH-dependent FMN reductase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1394 features k127_1663616 1624..950 - Benzoylformate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1395 features k127_1664377 177..926 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1396 features k127_1664377 1595..987 - Glutathione S-transferase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1397 features k127_1664377 1895..1680 - Cold shock protein of CSP family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1398 features k127_1664377 2534..2322 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1399 features k127_1665916 1..1269 + Ferric iron ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1400 features k127_1665916 1432..1860 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1401 features k127_1675154 431..3 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1402 features k127_1675154 808..428 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1403 features k127_1675154 1555..905 - ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1404 features k127_1676866 3..455 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1405 features k127_1676866 1539..478 - UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1406 features k127_1676866 2794..1667 - FIG01075023: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1407 features k127_1676866 3882..2791 - Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1408 features k127_1676866 5021..3879 - Glycosyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1409 features k127_1676866 5692..5018 - Glycosyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1410 features k127_1679140 2251..158 - FIG01004475: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1411 features k127_1679140 3951..2407 - Two-component system response regulator protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1412 features k127_1679140 4127..4195 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1413 features k127_1681537 375..1 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1414 features k127_1681537 1450..482 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1415 features k127_1681537 1922..1476 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1416 features k127_1681537 2396..2151 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1417 features k127_1681537 2587..2489 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1418 features k127_1682007 1..951 + D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1419 features k127_1699262 81..659 + Predicted protein tyrosine phosphatase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1420 features k127_1699262 779..1630 + Probable carboxyvinyl-carboxyphosphonate phosphorylmutase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1421 features k127_1699262 1797..2936 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1422 features k127_1699262 3560..3405 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1423 features k127_1707033 1304..3 - Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1424 features k127_1707033 2755..1403 - FIG015287: Zinc protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1425 features k127_1707033 4140..2752 - FIG015547: peptidase, M16 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1426 features k127_1707033 4913..4218 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1427 features k127_1707033 5532..4981 - Lipoprotein signal peptidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1428 features k127_1707033 8489..5529 - Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1429 features k127_1707033 9511..8531 - FMN adenylyltransferase (EC, Riboflavin kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1430 features k127_1711734 1442..3 - Polyketide synthase modules and related proteins KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1431 features k127_1721251 3..173 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1432 features k127_1721251 1101..325 - Exopolysacchride production negative regulator ExoR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1433 features k127_1721251 2140..1115 - Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1434 features k127_1727287 650..3 - N-acetyl-L,L-diaminopimelate deacetylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1435 features k127_1727287 1908..883 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, substrate-binding component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1436 features k127_1727287 2187..1930 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1437 features k127_1727287 2705..2163 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1438 features k127_1727287 3597..2698 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, ATPase component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1439 features k127_1727287 3810..4565 + Transcriptional regulator, GntR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1440 features k127_1730261 1..1701 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1441 features k127_1737517 2..154 + L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1442 features k127_1737517 151..528 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1443 features k127_1737517 1182..547 - NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone), Type IV (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1444 features k127_1737517 2992..1286 - Inner membrane protein, KefB/KefC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1445 features k127_1739725 273..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1446 features k127_1739725 480..1109 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1447 features k127_1739725 1378..2172 + Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha and beta subunits KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1448 features k127_1741399 748..2 - Immune-responsive protein 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1449 features k127_1741399 1049..867 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1450 features k127_1744956 430..11 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1451 features k127_1744956 1184..423 - 16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2'-O)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1452 features k127_1746257 497..3 - Precorrin-4 C(11)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1453 features k127_1746257 880..494 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1454 features k127_1746257 1221..877 - Precorrin-6Y C(5,15)-methyltransferase [decarboxylating] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1455 features k127_1751843 1..810 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1456 features k127_1751843 800..1288 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1457 features k127_1751843 1288..1833 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1458 features k127_1758878 1159..2 - FIG00439845: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1459 features k127_1758878 1300..1656 + Cation transport protein ChaC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1460 features k127_1762349 3..143 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1461 features k127_1762349 178..1095 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1462 features k127_1762349 1939..1154 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1463 features k127_1762349 2763..2002 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1464 features k127_1762349 3021..2824 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1465 features k127_1769925 3..1004 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 13, osmolytes), ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 13, osmolytes) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1466 features k127_1789203 2..286 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1467 features k127_1789203 886..380 - Stress response diiron-containing protein YciF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1468 features k127_1789203 1157..1387 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1469 features k127_1789203 1504..1695 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1470 features k127_1789203 1733..2155 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1471 features k127_1789203 3158..2172 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1472 features k127_1789203 3658..3191 - Ortho-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase beta-ISP protein OhbA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1473 features k127_1789203 4322..3747 - Ortho-halobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase alpha-ISP protein OhbB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1474 features k127_1796252 283..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1475 features k127_1796252 507..1622 + FIG00853207: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1476 features k127_1801844 725..3 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1477 features k127_1801844 2164..902 - 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase and related FAD-dependent oxidoreductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1478 features k127_1803169 636..1 - Sulfite oxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1479 features k127_1803169 765..649 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1480 features k127_1803169 3002..756 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1481 features k127_1808456 101..1147 + Dihydroorotase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1482 features k127_1808456 1156..2118 + Aspartyl-tRNA(Asn) amidotransferase subunit A (EC, Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1483 features k127_1810438 548..3 - ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, CcmB subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1484 features k127_1810438 1153..545 - ABC transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis, ATPase component CcmA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1485 features k127_1810438 1386..4091 + Aconitate hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1486 features k127_1810438 4243..4983 + hypothetical protein that often co-occurs with aconitase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1487 features k127_1810438 5466..5837 + FIG00450577: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1488 features k127_1810438 6403..5855 - Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1489 features k127_1810438 7311..6460 - FIG005935: membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1490 features k127_1810438 10046..7482 - ABC transporter, fused permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1491 features k127_1810438 10747..10043 - ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, ATPase component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1492 features k127_1810438 10761..11486 + Arylesterase precursor (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1493 features k127_1810438 11567..12103 + 2'-5' RNA ligase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1494 features k127_1810438 12386..12147 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1495 features k127_1810438 12428..13600 + ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1496 features k127_1810438 13786..14751 + Malate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1497 features k127_1810438 14815..15981 + Succinyl-CoA ligase [ADP-forming] beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1498 features k127_1810438 15974..16342 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1499 features k127_1810438 16506..16339 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1500 features k127_1810438 16647..17045 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1501 features k127_1823116 1137..130 - Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) depolymerase (EC 3.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1502 features k127_1853900 85..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1503 features k127_1853900 786..295 - Universal stress protein UspA and related nucleotide-binding proteins KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1504 features k127_1853900 1949..915 - Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1505 features k127_1853900 2130..2321 + Fructokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1506 features k127_1871807 174..1 - membrane protein, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1507 features k127_1871807 394..2421 + Uncharacterized protein YyaL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1508 features k127_1871807 2807..2517 - Excinuclease ABC, C subunit-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1509 features k127_1871807 3378..2911 - Transcription termination factor Rho KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1510 features k127_1880036 3..263 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1511 features k127_1880036 559..278 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1512 features k127_1880036 891..556 - hypothetical protein, phage-related KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1513 features k127_1880036 1233..904 - AsmA family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1514 features k127_1882709 66..464 + Tungstate ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1515 features k127_1882709 467..1189 + Tungstate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1516 features k127_1882709 1212..1526 + Tungstate ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1517 features k127_1899039 636..1 - Nucleotidyl transferase possibly involved in threonylcarbamoyladenosine formation KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1518 features k127_1899039 1124..753 - tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE, Phosphotransferase involved in threonylcarbamoyladenosine t(6)A37 formation in tRNA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1519 features k127_1913370 36..155 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1520 features k127_1913370 143..1465 + Aspartyl-tRNA(Asn) amidotransferase subunit A (EC, Glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1521 features k127_1916319 1637..3 - ATP-dependent DNA ligase (EC LigC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1522 features k127_1916319 2164..1634 - mRNA 3-end processing exonuclease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1523 features k127_1919091 3..176 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1524 features k127_1919091 188..1237 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1525 features k127_1919091 2854..1397 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1526 features k127_1919091 2955..4814 + Efflux ABC transporter, permease/ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1527 features k127_1919091 4910..6427 + Efflux ABC transporter, permease/ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1528 features k127_1920074 308..2206 + Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase PpiD (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1529 features k127_1920074 2376..2248 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1530 features k127_1920074 2371..3885 + Anthranilate synthase, aminase component (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1531 features k127_1920074 4108..4569 + FIG00440518: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1532 features k127_1920074 5464..4736 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1533 features k127_1920074 5628..5467 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1534 features k127_1920074 6491..5772 - Acyl-homoserine lactone-binding transcriptional activator, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1535 features k127_1920074 6681..7490 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1536 features k127_1920074 7684..7493 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1537 features k127_1920074 7968..7795 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1538 features k127_1922042 279..34 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1539 features k127_1922042 740..1813 + Naringenin-chalcone synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1540 features k127_1922042 1821..2612 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1541 features k127_1922042 2609..3796 + FAD-dependent oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1542 features k127_1922042 4335..3904 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1543 features k127_1922042 4714..4553 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1544 features k127_1926645 649..2 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1545 features k127_1926645 827..1696 + probable polyketide cyclase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1546 features k127_1942211 624..2009 + Uncharacterized ABC1 family protein CC_3312 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1547 features k127_1942211 2192..2344 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1548 features k127_1942211 2416..3549 + NAD(P) transhydrogenase N-domain of subunit alpha (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1549 features k127_1942211 3573..3911 + NAD(P) transhydrogenase C-domain of subunit alpha (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1550 features k127_1942846 530..3 - bll1341, hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1551 features k127_1942846 761..1252 + FIG01006212: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1552 features k127_1942846 1426..1956 + Membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1553 features k127_1943132 1..357 + Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1554 features k127_1943132 1160..345 - Bll7976 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1555 features k127_1943132 1412..1813 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1556 features k127_1943132 2545..1955 - Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1557 features k127_1943132 4226..2703 - DNA polymerase I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1558 features k127_1965693 1..2463 + FIG041266: ATP-dependent nuclease subunit B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1559 features k127_1965693 2460..5879 + FIG061771: ATP-dependent nuclease subunit A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1560 features k127_1965693 6081..6401 + Thioredoxin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1561 features k127_1965693 6681..7712 + ATP-dependent DNA ligase (EC LigC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1562 features k127_1965693 9070..7730 - Dihydrofolate synthase (EC, Folylpolyglutamate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1563 features k127_1965693 9954..9067 - Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxyl transferase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1564 features k127_1965693 10972..10133 - Tryptophan synthase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1565 features k127_1965693 12180..10969 - Tryptophan synthase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1566 features k127_1965693 12848..12177 - Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1567 features k127_1965693 14095..13142 - Ornithine cyclodeaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1568 features k127_1965693 14327..14097 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1569 features k127_1966219 1..141 + Acyl-phosphate:glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase PlsY (EC 2.3.1.n3) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1570 features k127_1966219 1490..252 - Malonamidase E2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1571 features k127_1966686 3..1181 + N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1572 features k127_1966686 1182..1439 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1573 features k127_1967754 577..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1574 features k127_1967754 1077..574 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1575 features k127_1967754 1904..1074 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1576 features k127_1967754 3079..1901 - Molybdopterin dehydrogenase, large subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1577 features k127_1975916 244..1815 + protein of unknown function DUF882 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1578 features k127_1975916 2249..1962 - FIG00451076: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1579 features k127_1975916 2690..2397 - protein of unknown function DUF1244 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1580 features k127_1975916 3089..2748 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1581 features k127_1975916 5310..3184 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1582 features k127_1981842 1..1062 + 2-ketoglutaric semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1583 features k127_1982360 1031..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1584 features k127_1982360 1046..1222 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1585 features k127_1982360 1232..2695 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1586 features k127_1982360 2791..4158 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1587 features k127_1982360 4350..5327 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1588 features k127_1982360 5405..5923 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1589 features k127_1982360 6135..7016 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1590 features k127_1985794 1..813 + Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein E KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1591 features k127_1985794 1698..826 - Possible serine protease, htrA-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1592 features k127_1987787 340..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1593 features k127_1987787 1159..353 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1594 features k127_1987787 1372..1196 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1595 features k127_1996343 1071..1 - TonB-dependent receptor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1596 features k127_2001584 1622..264 - Sodium-dependent transporter, SNF family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1597 features k127_2001584 2788..1619 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1598 features k127_2001584 3633..2785 - 2-Keto-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1599 features k127_2001584 5010..3709 - Guanine deaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1600 features k127_2001584 5878..5012 - FIG01006808: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1601 features k127_2001584 6739..5918 - CTP synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1602 features k127_2007882 1205..3 - Putative glycosyl transferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1603 features k127_2007882 2391..1246 - Glycosyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1604 features k127_2007882 3060..2404 - Capsule polysaccharide export protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1605 features k127_2007882 3228..5255 + lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1606 features k127_2008705 778..2 - HtrA protease/chaperone protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1607 features k127_2008705 1107..922 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1608 features k127_2008705 2091..1153 - HflC protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1609 features k127_2008705 2624..2088 - HflK protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1610 features k127_2016032 99..1217 + Serine protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1611 features k127_2026568 1..1383 + NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit beta (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1612 features k127_2026568 1875..1393 - Histone acetyltransferase HPA2 and related acetyltransferases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1613 features k127_2026568 1922..2728 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1614 features k127_2041564 3..830 + Ribonuclease E (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1615 features k127_2041564 2238..904 - Na+/H+-dicarboxylate symporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1616 features k127_2041564 2973..2356 - Substrate-specific component BioY of biotin ECF transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1617 features k127_2041564 3386..3039 - Valine--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1618 features k127_2062548 990..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1619 features k127_2062548 2924..987 - Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1620 features k127_2062548 3074..3403 + UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1621 features k127_2069302 604..2 - peptidase M24 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1622 features k127_2069302 1108..620 - mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1623 features k127_2069845 2..247 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1624 features k127_2069845 288..1325 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1625 features k127_2069845 1429..2916 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1626 features k127_2069845 2913..3350 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1627 features k127_2069845 3361..4368 + N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1628 features k127_2080517 1..78 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1629 features k127_2080517 144..1025 + ADA regulatory protein, Methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1630 features k127_2080517 1113..2654 + 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1631 features k127_2080517 3119..2700 - 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1632 features k127_2094755 575..3 - FIG00440757: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1633 features k127_2094755 850..3444 + Chaperone protein ClpB (ATP-dependent unfoldase) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1634 features k127_2094755 5451..3529 - Peptidase, M23/M37 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1635 features k127_2094755 5754..5984 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1636 features k127_2116295 2..1189 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1637 features k127_2116419 1..840 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1638 features k127_2116419 1033..1095 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1639 features k127_2146149 776..3 - Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1640 features k127_2146149 1571..834 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1641 features k127_2150679 491..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1642 features k127_2150679 1688..711 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1643 features k127_2150679 1804..2499 + L-Aspartate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1644 features k127_2156806 112..2 - Intracellular protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1645 features k127_2156806 333..1094 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1646 features k127_2156806 1129..2001 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1647 features k127_2156806 2822..2112 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1648 features k127_2156806 3564..2815 - Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivG (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1649 features k127_2156806 4556..3561 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1650 features k127_2156806 5517..4654 - High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1651 features k127_2156806 6786..5614 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1652 features k127_2156806 8032..6854 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1653 features k127_2156806 8804..8187 - Urease accessory protein UreG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1654 features k127_2156806 9535..8801 - Urease accessory protein UreF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1655 features k127_2156806 9905..9492 - Urease accessory protein UreE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1656 features k127_2159243 511..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1657 features k127_2159243 829..1197 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1658 features k127_2159243 1403..1900 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1659 features k127_2159243 2639..3325 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1660 features k127_2159243 3406..3957 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1661 features k127_2168466 194..75 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1662 features k127_2168466 1282..302 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1663 features k127_2168466 1334..1975 + mRNA 3-end processing exonuclease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1664 features k127_2178954 3..278 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1665 features k127_2178954 348..1160 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1666 features k127_2178954 1247..2062 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1667 features k127_2179896 349..2 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1668 features k127_2179896 506..1096 + 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1669 features k127_2184637 2..142 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1670 features k127_2184637 238..885 + Arginine/ornithine antiporter ArcD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1671 features k127_2184637 950..1444 + Mg(2+)-transport-ATPase-associated protein MgtC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1672 features k127_2184637 1441..2016 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1673 features k127_2190482 149..1321 + Valine--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1674 features k127_2190482 2334..1363 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1675 features k127_2190482 3701..2484 - Putative oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1676 features k127_2194621 2..370 + Conserved hypothetical protein potentially related to ribose or hydroxymethylpyrimidine metabolism KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1677 features k127_2194621 370..1233 + Sugar phosphate isomerases/epimerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1678 features k127_2194621 1416..1736 + Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1679 features k127_2199790 1..936 + FIG00447263: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1680 features k127_2199790 1278..1403 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1681 features k127_2221716 2..583 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1682 features k127_2221716 705..971 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1683 features k127_2221716 1016..1342 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1684 features k127_2221716 2792..1539 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1685 features k127_2221716 3907..2837 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1686 features k127_2221716 4025..4732 + Putative FMN hydrolase (EC 3.1.3.-), 5-Amino-6-(5'-phosphoribitylamino)uracil phosphatase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1687 features k127_2221716 4732..5952 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1688 features k127_2221716 6021..6653 + Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1689 features k127_2221716 7596..6727 - Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent taurine dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1690 features k127_2221716 8662..7640 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1691 features k127_2221716 8871..9701 + Possible transglycosylase SLT domain precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1692 features k127_2227189 380..3 - tRNA/rRNA cytosine-C5-methylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1693 features k127_2227189 799..377 - protein of unknown function DUF1123 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1694 features k127_2227189 1728..889 - Transcriptional regulator PA1853, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1695 features k127_2227189 1890..2102 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1696 features k127_2227189 2116..4686 + Formate dehydrogenase-O, major subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1697 features k127_2239961 27..209 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1698 features k127_2239961 283..3495 + ATP-dependent DNA helicase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1699 features k127_2239961 3541..3915 + Ribosome-associated heat shock protein implicated in the recycling of the 50S subunit (S4 paralog) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1700 features k127_2253812 547..2 - Indoleacetamide hydrolase (EC 3.5.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1701 features k127_2253812 1261..575 - Phenylacetate-coenzyme A ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1702 features k127_2263206 1..1377 + putative phospholipase D family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1703 features k127_2263206 2194..1331 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1704 features k127_2266978 138..1010 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1705 features k127_2266978 1003..2085 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1706 features k127_2266978 2082..2477 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1707 features k127_2274242 3..806 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1708 features k127_2274242 811..1419 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1709 features k127_2274242 1480..1590 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1710 features k127_2274763 1..702 + Glycine dehydrogenase [decarboxylating] (glycine cleavage system P2 protein) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1711 features k127_2274763 1120..983 - Glutamine--fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase [isomerizing] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1712 features k127_2280414 752..3 - D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1713 features k127_2280414 1704..718 - Threonylcarbamoyl-AMP synthase (EC, SUA5 domain with internal deletion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1714 features k127_2289940 2..502 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1715 features k127_2289940 2433..688 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (EC, Glutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1716 features k127_2289940 2546..6070 + NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, large form KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1717 features k127_2290584 1..510 + TRAP-type uncharacterized transport system, fused permease component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1718 features k127_2290584 524..1492 + TRAP transporter solute receptor, TAXI family precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1719 features k127_2290584 1806..2603 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1720 features k127_2293426 899..12 - Protein containing transglutaminase-like domain, putative cysteine protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1721 features k127_2293426 2080..896 - Protein containing domains DUF404, DUF407, DUF403 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1722 features k127_2299845 676..2 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1723 features k127_2299845 1189..686 - FIG00954108: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1724 features k127_2299845 1734..1186 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1725 features k127_2299845 3019..1982 - FIG00803613: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1726 features k127_2299845 4043..3045 - Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1727 features k127_2310240 131..1105 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1728 features k127_2310240 1138..2100 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1729 features k127_2310240 2121..3833 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1730 features k127_2310240 3897..4277 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1731 features k127_2310240 4492..4280 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1732 features k127_2310240 5788..4514 - Isocitrate lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1733 features k127_2310240 5924..7348 + Transcriptional regulator, Xre family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1734 features k127_2310240 7517..7759 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1735 features k127_2310240 7881..8102 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1736 features k127_2310240 8319..9695 + Cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1737 features k127_2310240 9971..9864 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1738 features k127_2320158 352..11 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1739 features k127_2320158 2316..364 - Acetolactate synthase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1740 features k127_2320158 2750..2679 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1741 features k127_2336155 1..672 + Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1742 features k127_2336155 669..2033 + Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide I (EC, Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1743 features k127_2344092 148..11 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1744 features k127_2344092 402..1751 + Probable membrane-fusion protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1745 features k127_2344092 1827..3545 + Peptidase M50 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1746 features k127_2356904 3..443 + Transcriptional regulator, MucR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1747 features k127_2356904 1022..585 - Sulfur acceptor protein => iron-sulfur cluster assembly SufE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1748 features k127_2356904 1119..1361 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1749 features k127_2357747 3..104 + Transcriptional regulatory protein PhoP KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1750 features k127_2357747 147..320 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1751 features k127_2357747 320..1690 + Two-component system sensor histidine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1752 features k127_2357747 1786..2274 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1753 features k127_2357747 2553..3905 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1754 features k127_2357747 4132..4797 + Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1755 features k127_2360091 149..3 - Flagellar biosynthesis protein FliQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1756 features k127_2360091 656..342 - Flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1757 features k127_2360091 1086..676 - Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1758 features k127_2360091 1518..1123 - Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1759 features k127_2360091 1780..2958 + Flagellar biosynthesis protein FliO, Domain of unknown function RL2641.C KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1760 features k127_2360091 2958..3704 + Flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1761 features k127_2360825 1..423 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1762 features k127_2360825 423..1538 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1763 features k127_2367620 1..933 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1764 features k127_2367620 1082..2062 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1765 features k127_2367620 2157..2609 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1766 features k127_2367620 2611..4113 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1767 features k127_2367620 4579..4337 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1768 features k127_2367620 4726..4860 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1769 features k127_2372542 2..1258 + DNA polymerase-like protein PA0670 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1770 features k127_2372542 1255..3774 + Error-prone repair homolog of DNA polymerase III alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1771 features k127_2378328 1..195 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1772 features k127_2378328 250..1278 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1773 features k127_2378328 1428..2621 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1774 features k127_2378328 3610..2825 - FIG01004204: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1775 features k127_2378328 3701..4087 + FIG028220: hypothetical protein co-occurring with HEAT repeat protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1776 features k127_2378328 4834..4148 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1777 features k127_2378328 5892..4927 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1778 features k127_2378328 6010..6327 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1779 features k127_2404666 1..576 + Glutamate 5-kinase (EC, RNA-binding C-terminal domain PUA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1780 features k127_2404666 871..1230 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1781 features k127_2404666 1666..1427 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1782 features k127_2404666 1861..3150 + Gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1783 features k127_2404666 3150..3815 + Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1784 features k127_2404666 3953..4300 + Ribosomal silencing factor RsfA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1785 features k127_2404666 4438..4917 + 23S rRNA (pseudouridine(1915)-N(3))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1786 features k127_2404666 5020..5136 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1787 features k127_2407458 3..137 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1788 features k127_2407458 157..762 + Recombination protein RecR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1789 features k127_2407458 865..1743 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1790 features k127_2407458 1791..1991 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1791 features k127_2407458 2462..2001 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1792 features k127_2424848 94..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1793 features k127_2424848 1816..152 - Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1794 features k127_2424848 3709..2012 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1795 features k127_2441851 109..1215 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1796 features k127_2441851 1234..1920 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1797 features k127_2441851 1924..2316 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1798 features k127_2441851 2346..3230 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1799 features k127_2441851 3493..3290 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1800 features k127_2444641 1..315 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1801 features k127_2444641 394..609 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1802 features k127_2444641 2451..652 - N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1803 features k127_2444641 2631..2461 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1804 features k127_2444641 4715..2628 - N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1805 features k127_2444641 4966..5949 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1806 features k127_2445983 3..749 + Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmC, putative heme lyase for CcmE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1807 features k127_2445983 751..951 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1808 features k127_2445983 948..1541 + Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmG/DsbE, thiol:disulfide oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1809 features k127_2445983 2178..1600 - Intracellular septation protein IspA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1810 features k127_2461396 443..141 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1811 features k127_2461396 647..1441 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1812 features k127_2462011 1..1041 + Fumarylacetoacetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1813 features k127_2463714 3..299 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1814 features k127_2463714 306..428 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1815 features k127_2463714 576..433 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1816 features k127_2463714 1837..701 - Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1817 features k127_2479210 982..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1818 features k127_2489791 3..974 + Mandelate racemase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1819 features k127_2489791 1064..1819 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1820 features k127_2491423 1..1041 + SSU ribosomal protein S3p (S3e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1821 features k127_2491423 1041..1463 + LSU ribosomal protein L16p (L10e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1822 features k127_2491423 1456..1668 + LSU ribosomal protein L29p (L35e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1823 features k127_2501801 2..1759 + Elongator protein 3/MiaB/NifB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1824 features k127_2501801 1856..2380 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1825 features k127_2501801 2434..3012 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1826 features k127_2501801 3679..3359 - Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1827 features k127_2502461 111..1 - Peroxiredoxin OsmC (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1828 features k127_2502461 881..207 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1829 features k127_2502461 1349..1071 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1830 features k127_2512317 1..474 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1831 features k127_2512317 1281..610 - Signal recognition particle protein Ffh KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1832 features k127_2515437 513..1 - Isonitrile hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1833 features k127_2515437 616..1470 + Transcriptional regulator, AraC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1834 features k127_2516462 3..1025 + CaiB/BaiF family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1835 features k127_2516462 1032..2198 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1836 features k127_2516462 2201..2614 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1837 features k127_2516462 2696..2866 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1838 features k127_2516462 2934..3422 + Hydroxymethylpyrimidine phosphate kinase ThiD (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1839 features k127_2521370 427..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1840 features k127_2521370 2406..424 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1841 features k127_2536894 1..564 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1842 features k127_2536894 557..1039 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1843 features k127_2536894 1808..1092 - Ornithine cyclodeaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1844 features k127_2538636 64..2 - HflK protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1845 features k127_2538636 799..287 - Dihydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1846 features k127_2538636 1281..796 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1847 features k127_2538636 1453..1292 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1848 features k127_2573437 100..2 - ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1849 features k127_2573437 236..1024 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 13, osmolytes) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1850 features k127_2573437 1021..1569 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 13, osmolytes), ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 13, osmolytes) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1851 features k127_2579211 2..943 + Biotin carboxylase of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1852 features k127_2579211 954..1214 + Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1853 features k127_2582610 392..3 - Lactoylglutathione lyase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1854 features k127_2582610 509..1321 + FIG01075447: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1855 features k127_2582610 1314..2036 + FIG01075340: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1856 features k127_2582610 2681..2049 - 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase and related FAD-dependent oxidoreductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1857 features k127_2583129 1335..1 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC, Delta(3)-cis-delta(2)-trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase (EC, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1858 features k127_2583129 2482..1421 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1859 features k127_2583129 2861..2709 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1860 features k127_2594248 264..1 - NLP/P60 family lipoprotein SMc02827 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1861 features k127_2594248 611..261 - Transcriptional regulator, MarR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1862 features k127_2594248 2048..669 - Peptidase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1863 features k127_2594248 2728..2060 - UbiD family decarboxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1864 features k127_2602809 2..1438 + Peptidoglycan lipid II flippase MurJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1865 features k127_2602809 1475..1582 + Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1866 features k127_2631987 89..448 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1867 features k127_2631987 592..2223 + Flagellar M-ring protein FliF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1868 features k127_2631987 2230..3321 + Flagellar motor switch protein FliG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1869 features k127_2631987 3377..4033 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1870 features k127_2631987 4030..4386 + Flagellar motor switch protein FliN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1871 features k127_2631987 4458..5825 + Flagellar system sigma 54-dependent response regulator FlbD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1872 features k127_2631987 5822..5959 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1873 features k127_2631987 6922..6248 - D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1874 features k127_2631987 7013..7081 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1875 features k127_2632040 1..180 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1876 features k127_2632040 342..1082 + probable serine/threonine phosphatase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1877 features k127_2632040 1086..1373 + Serine/threonine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1878 features k127_2660533 3..1007 + FIG00447185: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1879 features k127_2667053 209..1243 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1880 features k127_2669790 1..414 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1881 features k127_2669790 518..1483 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1882 features k127_2669790 1638..1838 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1883 features k127_2669790 2239..2123 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1884 features k127_2669790 2713..3168 + Ribonucleotide reductase of class II (coenzyme B12-dependent) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1885 features k127_2682445 571..71 - LSU ribosomal protein L15p (L27Ae) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1886 features k127_2682445 832..572 - LSU ribosomal protein L30p (L7e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1887 features k127_2682445 1668..835 - SSU ribosomal protein S5p (S2e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1888 features k127_2706046 421..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1889 features k127_2706046 2575..611 - Sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 1 (EC, Adenylylsulfate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1890 features k127_2718882 762..1 - FIG00003370: Multicopper polyphenol oxidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1891 features k127_2718882 1747..785 - SAM-dependent methyltransferase, MidA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1892 features k127_2724297 1..333 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1893 features k127_2724297 342..1304 + Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, substrate-binding component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1894 features k127_2724297 1440..2888 + 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1895 features k127_2724297 3209..3042 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1896 features k127_2738478 1865..3 - putative portal protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1897 features k127_2751815 868..2 - Chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1898 features k127_2751815 2031..865 - Chemotaxis response regulator protein-glutamate methylesterase CheB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1899 features k127_2751815 2546..2178 - Chemotaxis regulator - transmits chemoreceptor signals to flagellar motor components CheY KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1900 features k127_2751815 3062..2598 - Positive regulator of CheA protein activity (CheW) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1901 features k127_2751815 3708..3073 - Signal transduction histidine kinase CheA, CheY-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1902 features k127_2752602 1286..3 - Xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC, Xanthine dehydrogenase, FAD binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1903 features k127_2752602 2081..1311 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1904 features k127_2752602 2866..2078 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, ATPase component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1905 features k127_2752602 3971..2961 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, substrate-binding component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1906 features k127_2752602 4976..4161 - 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline (OHCU) decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1907 features k127_2754421 354..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1908 features k127_2754421 2033..357 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1909 features k127_2754421 2247..2360 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1910 features k127_2757129 13..1605 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1911 features k127_2767533 3..413 + Quinone oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1912 features k127_2767533 1103..417 - Dethiobiotin synthase BioD (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1913 features k127_2767533 2273..1107 - 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1914 features k127_2767533 2342..2638 + Adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1915 features k127_2768821 570..1 - Cell division protein FtsA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1916 features k127_2768821 1109..567 - Cell division protein FtsQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1917 features k127_2776248 3..668 + Cobyric acid synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1918 features k127_2776248 1381..641 - Adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1919 features k127_2777490 1435..230 - RND multidrug efflux transporter, Acriflavin resistance protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1920 features k127_2791756 2..1093 + Cell division protein FtsZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1921 features k127_2791756 1259..1107 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1922 features k127_2791756 1465..2415 + UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1923 features k127_2791756 2565..3434 + DNA uptake lipoprotein ComL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1924 features k127_2791756 3611..5284 + DNA repair protein RecN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1925 features k127_2791756 6560..5307 - L-lactate dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1926 features k127_2791756 6697..6939 + DNA ligase (NAD(+)) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1927 features k127_2792404 1..555 + Flagellar motor switch protein FliG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1928 features k127_2792404 548..1222 + Flagellar assembly protein FliH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1929 features k127_2792404 1219..2142 + Flagellum-specific ATP synthase FliI KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1930 features k127_2792747 490..2 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1931 features k127_2792747 1251..574 - FIG00537018: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1932 features k127_2792747 1519..1899 + FIG00460005: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1933 features k127_2792747 2444..2049 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1934 features k127_2792747 2474..2665 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1935 features k127_2792747 3644..2685 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1936 features k127_2792747 5001..3739 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1937 features k127_2792747 5132..4998 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1938 features k127_2792747 5974..5180 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1939 features k127_2792747 7207..5978 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1940 features k127_2792747 8358..7219 - Benzoylsuccinyl-CoA thiolase beta subunit (EC:2.3.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1941 features k127_2792747 8764..8351 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1942 features k127_2792747 9873..8809 - Quinone oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1943 features k127_2792747 10020..10157 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1944 features k127_2792747 10154..10999 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivG (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1945 features k127_2792747 10996..11850 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1946 features k127_2792747 11879..13054 + Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1947 features k127_2792747 13097..14074 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1948 features k127_2801352 1..609 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1949 features k127_2801352 609..3119 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1950 features k127_2801352 3309..3169 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1951 features k127_2805058 121..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1952 features k127_2805058 370..1548 + Lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein LptF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1953 features k127_2805058 1574..2656 + Lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein LptG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1954 features k127_2805058 2653..3606 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1955 features k127_2805058 3614..4642 + 4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1956 features k127_2805058 4655..5512 + SSU rRNA (adenine(1518)-N(6)/adenine(1519)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1957 features k127_2805058 5518..6582 + Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1958 features k127_2805058 7235..6579 - Guanylate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1959 features k127_2805058 8119..7232 - UPF0701 protein YicC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1960 features k127_2805058 9731..8130 - Murein endolytic transglycosylase MltG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1961 features k127_2805058 11080..9854 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase, KASII (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1962 features k127_2808449 596..3 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1963 features k127_2808449 1263..589 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1964 features k127_2823976 185..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1965 features k127_2823976 262..2055 + Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase biotin-containing subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1966 features k127_2828904 1..1116 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1967 features k127_2828904 1276..1389 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1968 features k127_2828904 1404..2363 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1969 features k127_2828904 2378..3394 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1970 features k127_2828904 3728..3495 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1971 features k127_2829496 1..249 + Uncharacterized membrane protein PA1577 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1972 features k127_2829496 1365..292 - PQQ-dependent oxidoreductase, gdhB family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1973 features k127_2830431 2..229 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1974 features k127_2830431 1497..244 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1975 features k127_2830431 1798..1658 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1976 features k127_2830431 2029..2679 + Mlr8448 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1977 features k127_2849456 901..287 - Ribonuclease D related protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1978 features k127_2849456 1457..2428 + NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1979 features k127_2849456 3294..2488 - Undecaprenyl-diphosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1980 features k127_2849456 3514..4206 + Glutathione S-transferase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1981 features k127_2849456 4350..4517 + Epoxyqueuosine reductase (EC QueG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1982 features k127_2852700 1220..66 - FIG006581: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1983 features k127_2857871 744..1 - Lysozyme (N-acetylmuramidase) family, (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1984 features k127_2857871 1129..755 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1985 features k127_2857871 1298..1197 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1986 features k127_2858547 592..2 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, permease protein LivM (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1987 features k127_2858547 1447..602 - High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1988 features k127_2860263 3..659 + Aminomethyltransferase (glycine cleavage system T protein) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1989 features k127_2860263 685..1050 + Glycine cleavage system H protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1990 features k127_2860263 1177..2247 + Glycine dehydrogenase [decarboxylating] (glycine cleavage system P protein) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1991 features k127_2860463 1034..3 - Helicase PriA essential for oriC/DnaA-independent DNA replication KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1992 features k127_2863090 682..2 - Glutamate 5-kinase (EC, RNA-binding C-terminal domain PUA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1993 features k127_2863090 890..1687 + FIG003003: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1994 features k127_2863090 1858..1781 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1995 features k127_2868905 640..2 - Na+ dependent nucleoside transporter precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1996 features k127_2868905 799..1257 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1997 features k127_2870251 1..738 + Tryptophan halogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1998 features k127_2870251 735..1118 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.1999 features k127_2891463 3..113 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2000 features k127_2891463 1118..114 - Hypothetical protein of L-Asparaginase type 2-like superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2001 features k127_2891463 2623..1127 - Cobyric acid synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2002 features k127_2897238 990..1 - Rossmann fold nucleotide-binding protein Smf possibly involved in DNA uptake KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2003 features k127_2897238 1665..1051 - Acyl-phosphate:glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase PlsY (EC 2.3.1.n3) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2004 features k127_2899271 1720..2 - Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2005 features k127_2899832 1043..3 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain parolog without usual motifs KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2006 features k127_2899832 1290..2135 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2007 features k127_2899832 2340..3140 + Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2008 features k127_2910355 1..822 + Protein containing transglutaminase-like domain, putative cysteine protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2009 features k127_2910355 927..1673 + FIG00441227: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2010 features k127_2910355 1824..2078 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2011 features k127_2910402 1377..1 - DNA repair protein RadA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2012 features k127_2910402 2624..1461 - Alanine racemase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2013 features k127_2910402 4278..2782 - Replicative DNA helicase (DnaB) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2014 features k127_2910402 4768..5742 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2015 features k127_2910402 6339..5743 - LSU ribosomal protein L9p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2016 features k127_2910402 7405..6443 - FIG003573: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2017 features k127_2910402 7742..7497 - SSU ribosomal protein S18p, SSU ribosomal protein S18p, zinc-independent KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2018 features k127_2910402 8167..7748 - SSU ribosomal protein S6p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2019 features k127_2919633 1..885 + TonB-dependent receptor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2020 features k127_2919633 1651..911 - 16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2021 features k127_2919633 1802..2326 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2022 features k127_2919633 2323..3174 + 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2023 features k127_2931361 1..1830 + Bis-ABC ATPase Uup KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2024 features k127_2945275 1..435 + Lytic transglycosylase, catalytic KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2025 features k127_2945275 762..436 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2026 features k127_2945275 1776..823 - L-sorbosone dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2027 features k127_2946912 456..1733 + Phage terminase, large subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2028 features k127_2953610 1..540 + Glutamate synthase [NADPH] small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2029 features k127_2953610 1422..628 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2030 features k127_2954414 634..2 - Leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2031 features k127_2954414 801..1187 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2032 features k127_2954414 2609..1248 - Biotin carboxylase of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2033 features k127_2954414 3105..2656 - Biotin carboxyl carrier protein of acetyl-CoA carboxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2034 features k127_2954414 3575..3126 - 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2035 features k127_2954414 4614..3841 - Protein-disulfide isomerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2036 features k127_2954414 6057..4633 - Putative Zn-dependent protease, contains TPR repeats KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2037 features k127_2954414 6251..6463 + Valine--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2038 features k127_2962606 3..851 + DNA mismatch repair protein MutL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2039 features k127_2962606 916..1890 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2040 features k127_2962606 2695..2141 - 16S rRNA (guanine(966)-N(2))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2041 features k127_2962606 3394..2696 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2042 features k127_2967711 305..3 - Magnesium and cobalt efflux protein CorC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2043 features k127_2967711 788..309 - Metal-dependent hydrolase YbeY, involved in rRNA and/or ribosome maturation and assembly KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2044 features k127_2967711 1817..807 - Phosphate starvation-inducible protein PhoH, predicted ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2045 features k127_2967711 3240..1852 - tRNA-i(6)A37 methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2046 features k127_2967711 4242..3424 - Acyl-CoA:1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2047 features k127_2967711 4676..4242 - Manganese uptake regulation protein MUR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2048 features k127_2967711 5282..4803 - Ribosomal-protein-S18p-alanine acetyltransferase (EC 2.3.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2049 features k127_2967711 5959..5279 - tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2050 features k127_2967711 6634..6074 - NifU-like domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2051 features k127_2970445 1..222 + Permease of the drug/metabolite transporter (DMT) superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2052 features k127_2970445 293..1387 + (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (flavodoxin) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2053 features k127_2971246 3..695 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2054 features k127_2971246 784..1440 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2055 features k127_2978659 410..99 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2056 features k127_2978659 1423..464 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2057 features k127_2978659 1628..2422 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2058 features k127_2978659 2722..2537 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2059 features k127_2978659 4062..2875 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2060 features k127_2978659 5117..4203 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2061 features k127_2993162 145..711 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2062 features k127_2993162 722..1753 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2063 features k127_2993162 2517..1807 - Glutathione S-transferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2064 features k127_2993162 2729..2580 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2065 features k127_3021404 99..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2066 features k127_3021404 1085..96 - Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, FAD binding subunit YagS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2067 features k127_3021404 1345..1082 - Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, iron-sulfur subunit YagT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2068 features k127_3029384 64..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2069 features k127_3029384 350..802 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2070 features k127_3029384 2017..938 - 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2071 features k127_3029384 2905..2024 - Alpha/beta hydrolase fold KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2072 features k127_3029384 3025..3465 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2073 features k127_3043012 3..710 + 3-dehydroquinate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2074 features k127_3043012 707..1102 + Deoxyguanosinetriphosphate triphosphohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2075 features k127_3068215 2..307 + Formate dehydrogenase-O, iron-sulfur subunit (EC, Putative formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2076 features k127_3068215 373..1386 + Formate dehydrogenase -O, gamma subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2077 features k127_3068215 1504..2031 + Molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein MobB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2078 features k127_3068215 2031..3305 + Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2079 features k127_3068215 3340..3474 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2080 features k127_3068215 3539..3739 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2081 features k127_3089685 1..567 + Lysine decarboxylase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2082 features k127_3089685 1233..862 - Lactoylglutathione lyase and related lyases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2083 features k127_3089685 1655..1230 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2084 features k127_3089685 3393..1795 - (R)-citramalate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2085 features k127_3089685 3513..3403 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2086 features k127_3089685 4016..3510 - Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2087 features k127_3089685 5380..4016 - Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2088 features k127_3089685 5776..6084 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2089 features k127_3089685 6332..6162 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2090 features k127_3089685 6452..6871 + Uncharacterized cysteine-rich DUF326 protein bsYhjQ/STM1261 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2091 features k127_3089685 8530..6974 - FIG00442082: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2092 features k127_3089685 9332..8628 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2093 features k127_3089685 10395..9346 - Fumarylacetoacetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2094 features k127_3091739 1..222 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2095 features k127_3091739 239..445 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2096 features k127_3091739 442..1524 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2097 features k127_3100214 1045..2 - AAA+ ATPase superfamily protein YifB/ComM, associated with DNA recombination KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2098 features k127_3100214 1357..1491 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2099 features k127_3113462 1..186 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2100 features k127_3113462 188..964 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2101 features k127_3113462 991..2586 + 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase and related FAD-dependent oxidoreductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2102 features k127_3113462 3141..2731 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2103 features k127_3126750 44..1294 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2104 features k127_3126750 1457..2494 + Metal chaperone, involved in Zn homeostasis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2105 features k127_3126750 2677..3141 + Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2106 features k127_3126750 3152..5437 + Isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2107 features k127_3126750 5614..6405 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2108 features k127_3126750 6522..7337 + 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase subunit A (EC, Glutaconate CoA-transferase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2109 features k127_3126750 7318..8058 + Acyl CoA:acetate/3-ketoacid CoA transferase, beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2110 features k127_3126750 8180..8752 + oxidoreductase domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2111 features k127_3129781 1249..2 - putative cytochrome P450 hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2112 features k127_3129781 2342..1239 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2113 features k127_3129781 2907..2419 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2114 features k127_3129781 3387..2953 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2115 features k127_3129781 4655..3498 - Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2116 features k127_3129781 5123..6130 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2117 features k127_3129781 6390..6617 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2118 features k127_3129781 6601..7593 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2119 features k127_3129781 7590..9524 + UnbV KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2120 features k127_3129781 9542..10579 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2121 features k127_3129781 10583..16360 + Polyketide synthase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2122 features k127_3129781 16360..16812 + 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase family active site KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2123 features k127_3129781 16893..17072 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2124 features k127_3129781 18185..17220 - 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2125 features k127_3129781 18379..19347 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2126 features k127_3129781 21016..19334 - Exoenzymes regulatory protein AepA precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2127 features k127_3129781 21421..21026 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2128 features k127_3129781 21830..21438 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2129 features k127_3129781 22333..21827 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2130 features k127_3129781 24553..22451 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2131 features k127_3129781 26299..24890 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2132 features k127_3129781 27424..26474 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) alpha and beta chains, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2133 features k127_3166936 3..1586 + putative methyl accepting chemotaxis protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2134 features k127_3168540 1130..3 - N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2135 features k127_3175179 1..246 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2136 features k127_3175179 444..1244 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2137 features k127_3175179 1342..2067 + Transcriptional regulator, ArsR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2138 features k127_3185621 2..391 + tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2139 features k127_3185621 1613..513 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2140 features k127_3185621 1816..2835 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2141 features k127_3185621 2842..2988 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2142 features k127_3185621 3124..3609 + Bacterial ribosome SSU maturation protein RimP KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2143 features k127_3190828 1166..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2144 features k127_3190828 1906..1163 - Efflux ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2145 features k127_3190828 2803..1988 - Exodeoxyribonuclease III (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2146 features k127_3190828 2952..3260 + Excinuclease ATPase subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2147 features k127_3190828 3291..3776 + NADH dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2148 features k127_3196417 839..3 - Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2149 features k127_3196417 1690..839 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2150 features k127_3196417 2142..1687 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2151 features k127_3196417 2975..2139 - Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2152 features k127_3197826 1943..3 - Exoenzymes regulatory protein AepA precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2153 features k127_3212528 2..775 + Chorismate mutase I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2154 features k127_3212528 790..1437 + Biosynthetic Aromatic amino acid aminotransferase beta (EC, Histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2155 features k127_3218888 747..1 - Transcriptional regulator, AraC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2156 features k127_3218888 899..1879 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2157 features k127_3218888 1941..2870 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2158 features k127_3218888 3519..3253 - 5-oxoprolinase (EC, HyuA-like domain, 5-oxoprolinase (EC, HyuB-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2159 features k127_3237047 22..726 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2160 features k127_3237047 986..729 - Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2161 features k127_3242841 348..1 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2162 features k127_3242841 568..1437 + Methionine synthase II (Cobalamin-independent) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2163 features k127_3243147 3..1868 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, molybdenum binding subunit YagR, 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase, alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2164 features k127_3243147 1929..3110 + FMN oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2165 features k127_3243147 3225..3142 - Bis-ABC ATPase SMa0036 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2166 features k127_3244460 2..772 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2167 features k127_3244460 930..1913 + Threonine dehydrogenase and related Zn-dependent dehydrogenases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2168 features k127_3244460 1910..2545 + NADH-dependent dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2169 features k127_3245266 2..775 + Tricarboxylate transport membrane protein TctA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2170 features k127_3245266 772..1245 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2171 features k127_3245266 1425..2411 + Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2172 features k127_3245683 1..573 + 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase/2-oxohepta-3-ene-1,7-dioic acid hydratase (catechol pathway) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2173 features k127_3245683 1224..583 - Glutathione S-transferase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2174 features k127_3245683 1285..1479 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2175 features k127_3254538 3..3458 + Lysophospholipid transporter LplT, 2-acylglycerophosphoethanolamine acyltransferase (EC, Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2176 features k127_3254538 3510..4388 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2177 features k127_3254538 4610..4774 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2178 features k127_3256399 3..140 + Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2179 features k127_3256399 261..683 + Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase ArfB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2180 features k127_3256399 1145..750 - Putative membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2181 features k127_3256399 1752..1288 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2182 features k127_3256399 1852..3225 + DNA mismatch repair protein MutL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2183 features k127_3256519 3..1232 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2184 features k127_3257448 3..1436 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2185 features k127_3257448 1433..1888 + Xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2186 features k127_3257448 2512..2021 - Ribonuclease E inhibitor RraA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2187 features k127_3257448 2557..3459 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2188 features k127_3257448 4091..3513 - Sulfopyruvate decarboxylase - beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2189 features k127_3282041 536..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2190 features k127_3282041 1452..703 - Glutamine amidotransferase, class I KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2191 features k127_3282041 2334..1516 - Short-chain dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2192 features k127_3282041 2588..2334 - FIG00450953: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2193 features k127_3285778 1..216 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2194 features k127_3285778 305..946 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2195 features k127_3285778 1816..953 - putative exported peptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2196 features k127_3291466 305..3 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2197 features k127_3291466 1300..302 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2198 features k127_3291466 2157..1297 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2199 features k127_3291466 3599..2358 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2200 features k127_3291466 4628..3711 - 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2201 features k127_3291466 4839..5282 + protein of unknown function DUF336 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2202 features k127_3291466 5295..5903 + Maleylacetoacetate isomerase (EC, Glutathione S-transferase, zeta (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2203 features k127_3307991 3..1145 + RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2204 features k127_3308091 1..228 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2205 features k127_3308091 1754..393 - 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2206 features k127_3308091 2812..1781 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2207 features k127_3308192 762..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2208 features k127_3308192 783..2417 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2209 features k127_3308192 2525..3730 + Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2210 features k127_3310921 78..353 + LSU ribosomal protein L27p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2211 features k127_3310921 526..1014 + 50S ribosomal protein acetyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2212 features k127_3329157 1325..3 - Molybdopterin dehydrogenase, large subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2213 features k127_3329157 1411..1821 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2214 features k127_3333310 424..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2215 features k127_3333310 571..2709 + Indolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit IorA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2216 features k127_3333310 2706..4250 + Indolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit IorB II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2217 features k127_3333310 4413..6134 + Acetolactate synthase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2218 features k127_3333310 6474..6929 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2219 features k127_3336326 1..231 + Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (EC, Phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2220 features k127_3336326 228..707 + Deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2221 features k127_3336326 766..1188 + Predicted transcriptional regulator of cysteine synthase, Rrf2 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2222 features k127_3336326 1518..1396 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2223 features k127_3336326 1591..4038 + FIG056333: sensor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2224 features k127_3336326 4055..5590 + tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE, Phosphotransferase involved in threonylcarbamoyladenosine t(6)A37 formation in tRNA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2225 features k127_3336326 5587..5988 + Nucleotidyl transferase possibly involved in threonylcarbamoyladenosine formation KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2226 features k127_3341710 233..3 - Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2227 features k127_3341710 556..1956 + Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2228 features k127_3346204 1..264 + 2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2229 features k127_3346204 267..911 + 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC, 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2230 features k127_3346204 966..1067 + 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2231 features k127_3346546 1..123 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2232 features k127_3346546 739..176 - thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme-like TPP-binding KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2233 features k127_3346546 1278..736 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2234 features k127_3346546 2184..1282 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2235 features k127_3364439 1..210 + Urea ABC transporter, ATPase protein UrtE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2236 features k127_3364439 235..1074 + Urease accessory protein UreD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2237 features k127_3364439 1087..1389 + Urease gamma subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2238 features k127_3364439 1409..1714 + Urease beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2239 features k127_3364439 1716..3002 + Urease alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2240 features k127_3370775 757..2 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2241 features k127_3370775 913..2553 + Peptide chain release factor 3 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2242 features k127_3370775 2583..3353 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2243 features k127_3370775 3495..3755 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2244 features k127_3370775 4168..3818 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2245 features k127_3372825 1130..156 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2246 features k127_3372825 3674..1329 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2247 features k127_3373613 3..209 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2248 features k127_3373613 1857..565 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2249 features k127_3394321 1..726 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2250 features k127_3394321 728..1501 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2251 features k127_3394321 3199..1610 - 2-isopropylmalate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2252 features k127_3394321 4254..3535 - Bll6480 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2253 features k127_3394321 5150..4254 - Phenazine biosynthesis protein PhzF like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2254 features k127_3394321 5749..5372 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2255 features k127_3397122 169..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2256 features k127_3397122 1580..597 - 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2257 features k127_3397122 1981..1607 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2258 features k127_3397122 2925..1978 - Glutathione synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2259 features k127_3397122 3037..4719 + Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2260 features k127_3397122 5128..4775 - UPF0102 protein YraN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2261 features k127_3397122 6179..5187 - 16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2'-O)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2262 features k127_3397122 6270..6509 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2263 features k127_3397431 2..2089 + Alpha-2-macroglobulin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2264 features k127_3415775 22..420 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2265 features k127_3415775 487..1287 + FIG00984262: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2266 features k127_3415775 1312..1563 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2267 features k127_3415775 2782..1715 - L-lactate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2268 features k127_3415775 3037..3171 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2269 features k127_3432065 3..899 + Phosphoserine phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2270 features k127_3432065 1171..1049 - HtrA protease/chaperone protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2271 features k127_3437635 3..896 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2272 features k127_3437635 1133..2011 + High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2273 features k127_3437635 2011..2847 + ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2274 features k127_3437635 2844..3662 + Energy-dependent translational throttle protein EttA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2275 features k127_3437635 3662..4378 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2276 features k127_3437635 4507..5106 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2277 features k127_3437635 7568..5217 - ATP-dependent protease La (EC Type I KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2278 features k127_3437635 8043..7621 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2279 features k127_3438104 1082..3 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2280 features k127_3438104 1575..1426 - Transcriptional regulator, AraC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2281 features k127_3443873 1..543 + Phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase, nitrogen regulation associated KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2282 features k127_3443873 690..1763 + Peptide chain release factor 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2283 features k127_3443873 1760..2668 + Peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2284 features k127_3443873 3120..3803 + Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 10 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2285 features k127_3443873 4213..3878 - SAM-dependent methyltransferase 2, in cluster with Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2286 features k127_3447321 1427..3 - Putative Zn-dependent protease PA5047 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2287 features k127_3447321 2224..1424 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2288 features k127_3447321 2471..3451 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2289 features k127_3447321 3535..3759 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2290 features k127_3447321 5399..3966 - UbiD family decarboxylase, blr3531 type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2291 features k127_3451403 213..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2292 features k127_3451403 923..498 - FIG00442141: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2293 features k127_3451403 1138..1070 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2294 features k127_3461730 1..597 + Nitrogen regulation protein NtrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2295 features k127_3461730 615..2060 + Nitrogen regulation protein NR(I), GlnG (=NtrC) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2296 features k127_3461730 2238..2113 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2297 features k127_3461730 2289..3569 + Nitrogen regulation protein NtrY (EC 2.7.3.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2298 features k127_3469092 786..31 - Hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2299 features k127_3469092 1957..845 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2300 features k127_3469092 2001..2216 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2301 features k127_3471983 229..2 - Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2302 features k127_3471983 454..996 + HTH-type transcriptional regulator PetP KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2303 features k127_3471983 1020..1721 + DNA-binding response regulator PetR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2304 features k127_3471983 1842..3269 + Putative two-component sensor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2305 features k127_3471983 4007..3303 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2306 features k127_3471983 4958..4128 - Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2307 features k127_3471983 5123..5055 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2308 features k127_3484013 362..2212 + Phosphocarrier protein kinase/phosphorylase, nitrogen regulation associated KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2309 features k127_3496472 1..111 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2310 features k127_3496472 108..986 + Triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthetase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2311 features k127_3506878 556..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2312 features k127_3506878 1821..688 - Quinone oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2313 features k127_3506878 1849..1971 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2314 features k127_3506878 2003..2962 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2315 features k127_3506878 3013..4023 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2316 features k127_3506878 5004..4039 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2317 features k127_3506878 5136..5017 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2318 features k127_3511567 527..3 - 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2319 features k127_3511567 1447..743 - Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2320 features k127_3511567 1653..1447 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2321 features k127_3521343 3..782 + Flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2322 features k127_3521343 793..1743 + Flagellar basal-body P-ring formation protein FlgA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2323 features k127_3521521 545..3 - TRAP dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit, unknown substrate 3 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2324 features k127_3521521 1059..538 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2325 features k127_3521521 1353..1174 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2326 features k127_3533759 498..1 - Ferrochelatase, protoheme ferro-lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2327 features k127_3533759 581..2101 + 5'-nucleotidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2328 features k127_3535141 1681..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2329 features k127_3535141 2496..1759 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2330 features k127_3535141 2681..3790 + Methionine synthase II (cobalamin-independent) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2331 features k127_3544079 1..126 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2332 features k127_3544079 1095..127 - Cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2333 features k127_3544079 2201..1092 - Biosynthetic Aromatic amino acid aminotransferase beta (EC, Histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2334 features k127_3544079 3081..2221 - Chorismate mutase I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2335 features k127_3544079 3276..4463 + Homoserine O-acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2336 features k127_3544079 4469..5122 + Methionine biosynthesis protein MetW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2337 features k127_3544079 5383..5126 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2338 features k127_3544079 6302..5544 - MOSC domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2339 features k127_3544079 6627..6442 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2340 features k127_3575468 89..1063 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2341 features k127_3575468 1243..1073 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2342 features k127_3575468 1490..1609 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2343 features k127_3575468 1651..2820 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2344 features k127_3575468 2823..4157 + Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) alpha and beta chains, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2345 features k127_3576665 3..314 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2346 features k127_3576665 1298..339 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2347 features k127_3576665 2103..1519 - PhbF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2348 features k127_3577445 1..123 + Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2349 features k127_3577445 250..155 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2350 features k127_3577445 801..499 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2351 features k127_3577445 1333..986 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2352 features k127_3592037 1..594 + Pentapeptide repeat family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2353 features k127_3592037 635..982 + FIG00443258: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2354 features k127_3592037 1856..1005 - Dihydropteroate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2355 features k127_3592037 2940..2125 - Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit C (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2356 features k127_3592037 3821..2937 - Formylmethanofuran--tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2357 features k127_3592037 4450..3833 - Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2358 features k127_3595041 1..666 + UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2359 features k127_3595041 1030..668 - Putative secreted glycosyl hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2360 features k127_3604805 3..683 + putative cyclase SCIF3.09c KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2361 features k127_3604805 800..1651 + Acetolactate synthase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2362 features k127_3607298 106..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2363 features k127_3607298 2181..148 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2364 features k127_3607298 2923..2312 - Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2365 features k127_3607298 3067..4647 + Periplasmic sensor signal transduction histidine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2366 features k127_3607298 4682..4882 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2367 features k127_3607298 4890..5591 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2368 features k127_3610704 3..443 + Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2369 features k127_3610704 1494..508 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2370 features k127_3610704 1670..2632 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2371 features k127_3610704 3027..2692 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2372 features k127_3610704 3195..3854 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2373 features k127_3610704 5083..3908 - Probable cytochrome c-552 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2374 features k127_3610704 5296..6090 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2375 features k127_3610704 6832..6137 - Nicotinamidase/isochorismatase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2376 features k127_3610704 9844..6968 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2377 features k127_3610704 10869..9985 - MBL-fold metallo-hydrolase superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2378 features k127_3610704 11963..10992 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2379 features k127_3610704 12514..12065 - Epi-inositol hydrolase (EC 3.7.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2380 features k127_3613660 49..1803 + Heparinase II/III-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2381 features k127_3613660 1881..3473 + IMP cyclohydrolase (EC, Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2382 features k127_3613660 3935..3489 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2383 features k127_3626364 1061..3 - Ribonuclease D (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2384 features k127_3626364 1371..3167 + Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (EC, Aspartyl-tRNA(Asn) synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2385 features k127_3628310 422..3 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2386 features k127_3628310 907..419 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2387 features k127_3628310 1406..933 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2388 features k127_3637245 1808..3 - Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2389 features k127_3637245 2920..1886 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2390 features k127_3637245 3783..2917 - ABC transporter, permease protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2391 features k127_3637245 4651..3950 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2392 features k127_3637245 5369..4644 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2393 features k127_3637245 6709..5420 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2394 features k127_3637245 7650..6742 - 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2395 features k127_3637245 8006..7653 - 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2396 features k127_3648543 2..70 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2397 features k127_3648543 1228..86 - Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2398 features k127_3664727 1174..2 - Transketolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2399 features k127_3669088 674..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2400 features k127_3669088 1517..726 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2401 features k127_3669088 2341..1514 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2402 features k127_3669088 2428..3234 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2403 features k127_3669088 3255..4439 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2404 features k127_3669088 5143..4562 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2405 features k127_3669088 6058..5156 - Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2406 features k127_3669088 6963..6160 - ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2407 features k127_3669088 7729..6956 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2408 features k127_3669088 8744..7731 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2409 features k127_3669088 8835..9746 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2410 features k127_3669088 10991..9939 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2411 features k127_3669088 11023..11568 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2412 features k127_3669088 11876..12157 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2413 features k127_3669088 12949..12221 - cAMP-binding proteins - catabolite gene activator and regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2414 features k127_3670637 47..685 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2415 features k127_3670637 1497..766 - Excinuclease ABC subunit B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2416 features k127_3671209 641..3 - COGs COG3683 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2417 features k127_3671209 2377..779 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (EC, Glutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2418 features k127_3671209 3743..2475 - Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase Dcp (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2419 features k127_3677368 806..3 - Chaperone protein DnaJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2420 features k127_3677368 2885..927 - Chaperone protein DnaK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2421 features k127_3677368 3511..2972 - Heat shock protein GrpE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2422 features k127_3677368 4079..3678 - Ribosome-associated heat shock protein implicated in the recycling of the 50S subunit (S4 paralog) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2423 features k127_3677368 5216..4116 - Ferrochelatase, protoheme ferro-lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2424 features k127_3677368 7401..5272 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2425 features k127_3677368 7490..8182 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2426 features k127_3677368 9128..8184 - Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2427 features k127_3677368 10855..9218 - RNA polymerase sigma factor RpoD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2428 features k127_3678230 552..1 - tRNA (adenine37-N(6))-methyltransferase TrmN6 (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2429 features k127_3678230 793..542 - Bsr2531 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2430 features k127_3678230 921..1931 + Decaprenyl diphosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2431 features k127_3678230 2816..1953 - 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2432 features k127_3678230 4596..2821 - FIG140336: TPR domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2433 features k127_3678230 4712..4593 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2434 features k127_3678230 5973..4768 - Electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2435 features k127_3678521 1..666 + FIG01005994: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2436 features k127_3678521 1625..753 - Quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase [decarboxylating] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2437 features k127_3682713 2..1651 + Bis-ABC ATPase YheS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2438 features k127_3686459 2..1603 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2439 features k127_3700040 1265..6 - L-sorbosone dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2440 features k127_3700040 1540..1710 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2441 features k127_3702136 799..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2442 features k127_3702136 1750..887 - Uracil-DNA glycosylase, family 4 (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2443 features k127_3716277 502..2 - tRNA-specific 2-thiouridylase MnmA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2444 features k127_3716277 653..1609 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2445 features k127_3719141 183..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2446 features k127_3719141 2673..448 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2447 features k127_3719141 3149..2685 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, 2Fe-2S subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2448 features k127_3719141 3511..3284 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2449 features k127_3734486 882..1 - Nicel/Cobalt-specific TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2450 features k127_3734486 1099..1584 + Nickel responsive regulator NikR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2451 features k127_3734486 1673..2038 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2452 features k127_3734486 2080..2559 + TonB-dependent receptor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2453 features k127_3762978 559..2 - FIG003492: Threonine dehydrogenase and related Zn-dependent dehydrogenases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2454 features k127_3762978 3413..582 - FIG003603: membrane protein, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2455 features k127_3762978 4369..3410 - FIG139612: Possible conserved membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2456 features k127_3762978 5383..4373 - FIG017823: ATPase, MoxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2457 features k127_3765230 1..1452 + Signal recognition particle protein Ffh KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2458 features k127_3765230 1527..1862 + SSU ribosomal protein S16p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2459 features k127_3765230 1886..2410 + 16S rRNA processing protein RimM KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2460 features k127_3765230 2414..2566 + tRNA (guanine(37)-N(1))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2461 features k127_3769076 856..2 - Gene Transfer Agent terminase protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2462 features k127_3769076 1445..813 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2463 features k127_3785304 1487..3 - UbiD family decarboxylase associated with menaquinone via futalosine KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2464 features k127_3785304 1656..2378 + Dienelactone hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2465 features k127_3785304 2539..2964 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2466 features k127_3785304 2996..4804 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2467 features k127_3785304 5582..4953 - FMN-dependent NADH-azoreductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2468 features k127_3785304 5708..6673 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2469 features k127_3785304 6899..7147 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2470 features k127_3785304 8730..7282 - Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2471 features k127_3820246 1..927 + NAD-dependent protein deacetylases, SIR2 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2472 features k127_3820246 3208..887 - Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2473 features k127_3820246 3681..3205 - Xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit (EC, Xanthine dehydrogenase, FAD binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2474 features k127_3850568 1019..186 - Adenylate cyclase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2475 features k127_3866942 1270..2 - N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2476 features k127_3866942 3366..1267 - N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2477 features k127_3880784 3..1160 + 3-polyprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2478 features k127_3880784 1427..1648 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2479 features k127_3880784 1632..1949 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2480 features k127_3880784 2999..1959 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2481 features k127_3880784 4034..3024 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2482 features k127_3885185 1..642 + UPF0307 protein YjgA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2483 features k127_3885185 620..1144 + Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2484 features k127_3887162 286..1461 + Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2485 features k127_3887162 1608..2333 + Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2486 features k127_3887162 2765..2343 - FIG018171: hypothetical protein of Cupin superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2487 features k127_3887162 3556..2789 - Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2488 features k127_3887162 3664..4194 + SAM-dependent methyltransferase 2, in cluster with Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2489 features k127_3888178 3..407 + FIG00740902: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2490 features k127_3888178 568..1815 + 23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase, tRNA (adenine(37)-C(2))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2491 features k127_3888178 1832..2272 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2492 features k127_3888178 2405..2812 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2493 features k127_3888178 2812..3279 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2494 features k127_3888178 3362..3598 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2495 features k127_3888178 3733..3960 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2496 features k127_3897606 3..401 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2497 features k127_3897606 626..1036 + LSU ribosomal protein L21p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2498 features k127_3897606 1124..1396 + LSU ribosomal protein L27p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2499 features k127_3897606 1542..2153 + 50S ribosomal protein acetyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2500 features k127_3897606 2607..3590 + GTP-binding protein Obg KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2501 features k127_3926040 3..485 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2502 features k127_3926040 1589..630 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2503 features k127_3937722 159..1961 + DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2504 features k127_3937722 2028..2348 + Nucleoid-associated protein YaaK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2505 features k127_3937722 2390..2665 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2506 features k127_3963944 540..1 - Spermidine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2507 features k127_3963944 1936..734 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2508 features k127_3981618 3..656 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2509 features k127_3981618 751..1296 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2510 features k127_3999165 2..469 + Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2511 features k127_3999165 471..1427 + Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC, Periplasmic molybdate-binding domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2512 features k127_4003724 3..1106 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2513 features k127_4010548 714..1 - Cyclohexanone monooxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2514 features k127_4010548 899..1267 + Esterase/lipase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2515 features k127_4014240 2..310 + Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2516 features k127_4014240 307..1014 + Hypothetical ABC transport system, periplasmic component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2517 features k127_4020162 464..3 - FIG147869: Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2518 features k127_4020162 748..461 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2519 features k127_4020162 1546..779 - Competence protein F homolog, phosphoribosyltransferase domain, protein YhgH required for utilization of DNA as sole source of carbon and energy KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2520 features k127_4024049 884..3 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2521 features k127_4024049 1755..949 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2522 features k127_4026055 2..184 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2523 features k127_4026055 1327..380 - Glyoxalase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2524 features k127_4026055 1404..2270 + Short chain dehydrogenase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2525 features k127_4026055 2382..2939 + Acetylspermidine deacetylase (EC, Deacetylases, including yeast histone deacetylase and acetoin utilization protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2526 features k127_4026856 709..2 - Phosphate regulon sensor protein PhoR (SphS) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2527 features k127_4026856 1140..700 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2528 features k127_4042385 543..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2529 features k127_4042385 1919..543 - InterPro IPR002797 COGs COG2244 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2530 features k127_4042385 3545..2046 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2531 features k127_4042385 4031..3558 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2532 features k127_4042385 4950..4054 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2533 features k127_4052491 557..3 - ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose-6-epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2534 features k127_4052491 722..1786 + ADP-heptose--lipooligosaccharide heptosyltransferase II KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2535 features k127_4052491 1783..2322 + D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2536 features k127_4052491 3339..2437 - Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis mannosyltransferase WadC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2537 features k127_4061553 1..420 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2538 features k127_4061553 434..616 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2539 features k127_4061553 726..634 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2540 features k127_4061553 1009..1920 + Glycyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2541 features k127_4061553 1920..2162 + Glutamate synthase [NADPH] large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2542 features k127_4061553 3770..2187 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2543 features k127_4085445 202..717 + Transcriptional regulator MraZ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2544 features k127_4085445 714..1748 + 16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2545 features k127_4085445 1752..2129 + Cell division protein FtsL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2546 features k127_4085445 2129..3898 + Cell division protein FtsI [Peptidoglycan synthetase] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2547 features k127_4085445 3989..5443 + UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-dipeptide--2,6-diaminopimelate ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2548 features k127_4085445 5440..6873 + UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide--D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2549 features k127_4085445 6878..7963 + Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2550 features k127_4085445 7966..9369 + UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine--D-glutamate ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2551 features k127_4085445 9369..10523 + Peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase FtsW (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2552 features k127_4085445 10520..11656 + UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2553 features k127_4085445 11653..12846 + UDP-N-acetylmuramate--L-alanine ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2554 features k127_4093795 1..129 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2555 features k127_4093795 1275..145 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2556 features k127_4093795 1529..1972 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2557 features k127_4093795 2270..1980 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2558 features k127_4137568 212..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2559 features k127_4137568 347..1156 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2560 features k127_4153647 1..825 + Dihydropteroate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2561 features k127_4153647 822..1139 + Dihydroneopterin aldolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2562 features k127_4171122 106..576 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2563 features k127_4171122 1728..610 - N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelate desuccinylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2564 features k127_4171122 2447..1725 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2565 features k127_4171122 3220..2444 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2566 features k127_4171122 4308..3217 - ABC transporter, permease protein 2 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2567 features k127_4179224 3..485 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, iron-sulfur subunit YagT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2568 features k127_4179224 489..1487 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, FAD binding subunit YagS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2569 features k127_4179224 1484..3613 + Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, molybdenum binding subunit YagR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2570 features k127_4179224 4599..3676 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2571 features k127_4184042 968..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2572 features k127_4187879 1..375 + Diacylglycerol kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2573 features k127_4187879 533..2281 + NAD synthetase (EC, Glutamine amidotransferase chain of NAD synthetase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2574 features k127_4187879 3515..2388 - FIG00442049: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2575 features k127_4205574 1..588 + FIG00852472: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2576 features k127_4211182 1..258 + Cystathionine beta-lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2577 features k127_4211182 2029..326 - 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase and related glycosyltransferases of PMT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2578 features k127_4211182 4332..2230 - Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2579 features k127_4211182 5126..4329 - Alpha-2-macroglobulin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2580 features k127_4219391 582..1 - Gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2581 features k127_4219391 1082..771 - Glutamate 5-kinase (EC, RNA-binding C-terminal domain PUA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2582 features k127_4228842 1..1659 + N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2583 features k127_4228842 1656..2465 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2584 features k127_4228842 2510..2698 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2585 features k127_4238925 1163..3 - Acetylornithine deacetylase/Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase and related deacylases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2586 features k127_4238925 2786..1242 - Uncharacterized protein YjgR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2587 features k127_4238925 3362..3724 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2588 features k127_4238925 3768..4175 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2589 features k127_4238925 4239..5084 + Dihydropteroate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2590 features k127_4238925 5081..5473 + Dihydroneopterin aldolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2591 features k127_4238925 5466..5945 + 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine pyrophosphokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2592 features k127_4238925 5902..7488 + Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase small subunit, MutA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2593 features k127_4253435 463..2 - Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2594 features k127_4253435 1403..546 - Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha and beta subunits KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2595 features k127_4286340 3..842 + Transglutaminase-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2596 features k127_4286340 1025..870 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2597 features k127_4286340 1107..2789 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2598 features k127_4286340 2915..3877 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2599 features k127_4287375 1..1116 + Carboxyl-terminal protease (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2600 features k127_4287375 1249..2427 + Putative periplasmic protein YibQ, distant homology with nucleoside diphosphatase and polysaccharide deacetylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2601 features k127_4289336 1..297 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2602 features k127_4289336 1496..285 - N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelate desuccinylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2603 features k127_4292721 1027..2 - D-alanine-D-alanine ligase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2604 features k127_4305039 86..1357 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2605 features k127_4305039 3056..1473 - UPF0324 membrane protein RB9488 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2606 features k127_4305039 4429..3218 - RNA-2',3'-PO4:RNA-5'-OH ligase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2607 features k127_4318039 1001..735 - SSU ribosomal protein S20p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2608 features k127_4318039 2377..1193 - Uncharacterized oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2609 features k127_4318039 3322..2426 - Dihydrodipicolinate synthase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2610 features k127_4318039 5708..3429 - NADP-dependent malic enzyme (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2611 features k127_4318039 5951..6109 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2612 features k127_4321104 1..555 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2613 features k127_4321104 557..1453 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2614 features k127_4327396 1..846 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2615 features k127_4327396 1551..1102 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2616 features k127_4327396 2729..1749 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2617 features k127_4327396 3591..2767 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2618 features k127_4327396 4217..3588 - NADPH-dependent FMN reductase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2619 features k127_4327396 4367..4792 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2620 features k127_4327396 5807..4818 - 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2621 features k127_4327396 7016..6039 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2622 features k127_4327396 7149..8204 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2623 features k127_4327396 8341..8577 + Fumarylacetoacetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2624 features k127_4331316 190..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2625 features k127_4331316 368..1294 + Penicillin-insensitive murein endopeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2626 features k127_4331316 2086..1325 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2627 features k127_4332936 3..2003 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2628 features k127_4332936 2000..2827 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2629 features k127_4332936 2815..3321 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2630 features k127_4332936 3314..4450 + Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2631 features k127_4335605 2..430 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2632 features k127_4335605 2206..575 - FIG003492: Threonine dehydrogenase and related Zn-dependent dehydrogenases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2633 features k127_4336135 1262..3 - Large exoproteins involved in heme utilization or adhesion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2634 features k127_4336135 1433..1513 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2635 features k127_4336667 2..790 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2636 features k127_4336667 790..1770 + D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2637 features k127_4336667 2097..1981 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2638 features k127_4365045 256..101 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2639 features k127_4365045 299..1036 + cAMP-binding proteins - catabolite gene activator and regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2640 features k127_4365045 1105..1848 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2641 features k127_4365985 352..2 - Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2642 features k127_4365985 841..362 - Cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2643 features k127_4365985 1374..838 - Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2644 features k127_4387943 439..236 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2645 features k127_4387943 2499..661 - Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2646 features k127_4387943 2872..2567 - Mlr4646 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2647 features k127_4387943 3522..2869 - Thioredoxin reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2648 features k127_4388523 145..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2649 features k127_4388523 326..934 + Glutathione S-transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2650 features k127_4388523 1634..1005 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2651 features k127_4391028 1458..199 - Gene Transfer Agent capsid protein, Phage major capsid protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2652 features k127_4391028 2404..2186 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2653 features k127_4397578 1..333 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2654 features k127_4397578 397..1101 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2655 features k127_4402136 533..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2656 features k127_4402136 771..1106 + Valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2657 features k127_4406506 3..776 + Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2658 features k127_4406506 773..2431 + 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2659 features k127_4406506 2526..2978 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2660 features k127_4406506 3395..3048 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2661 features k127_4408778 1..1278 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2662 features k127_4408778 1275..2231 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2663 features k127_4414738 956..3 - L-alanine-DL-glutamate epimerase (EC 5.1.1.n1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2664 features k127_4414738 1144..2274 + ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 9, phospholipid) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2665 features k127_4414738 2276..2824 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 9, phospholipid) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2666 features k127_4416438 822..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2667 features k127_4416438 1343..819 - Aerobic cobaltochelatase CobT subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2668 features k127_4416836 152..769 + Holliday junction ATP-dependent DNA helicase RuvA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2669 features k127_4416836 766..1257 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2670 features k127_4416836 1254..2096 + Holliday junction ATP-dependent DNA helicase RuvB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2671 features k127_4419194 365..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2672 features k127_4419194 1880..630 - Response regulator of zinc sigma-54-dependent two-component system KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2673 features k127_4427560 181..2 - Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2674 features k127_4427560 1501..401 - Lipid A export permease/ATP-binding protein MsbA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2675 features k127_4434648 68..808 + DNA recombination and repair protein RecO KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2676 features k127_4434648 1168..899 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2677 features k127_4434648 1650..1390 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2678 features k127_4434648 1825..1941 + DNA topoisomerase IV subunit A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2679 features k127_4455700 494..3 - FMN reductase (NADH) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2680 features k127_4455700 1507..503 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2681 features k127_4455700 2790..1813 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2682 features k127_4455700 3265..2912 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2683 features k127_4455700 6177..3394 - Malto-oligosyltrehalose synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2684 features k127_4457921 1..288 + 5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2685 features k127_4457921 285..1940 + Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2686 features k127_4457921 2406..2801 + Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2687 features k127_4462011 417..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2688 features k127_4462011 483..1100 + Probable 3-phenylpropionic acid transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2689 features k127_4495270 411..4 - Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2690 features k127_4495270 1092..418 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2691 features k127_4500560 3..2159 + Cyclic beta-1,2-glucan synthase (EC 2.4.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2692 features k127_4515320 3..1064 + Type II/IV secretion system ATP hydrolase TadA/VirB11/CpaF, TadA subfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2693 features k127_4515320 1069..1818 + Flp pilus assembly protein TadB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2694 features k127_4516639 1..816 + Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP)-dependent ornithine decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2695 features k127_4516639 957..1526 + Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2696 features k127_4516639 1562..3013 + Homospermidine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2697 features k127_4516639 4153..3149 - WD40 repeat domain-containing protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2698 features k127_4516639 5306..4257 - Metal chaperone, involved in Zn homeostasis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2699 features k127_4516639 6298..5405 - Zinc ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein ZnuA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2700 features k127_4516639 7079..6315 - Zinc ABC transporter, permease protein ZnuB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2701 features k127_4534729 182..3 - NAD(FAD)-utilizing dehydrogenases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2702 features k127_4534729 1151..351 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2703 features k127_4557705 333..61 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2704 features k127_4557705 2802..589 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase [isoleucine degradation] (EC, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2705 features k127_4557705 3257..2799 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2706 features k127_4557705 4088..3276 - 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (EC, Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2707 features k127_4560343 953..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2708 features k127_4560343 1050..2000 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2709 features k127_4560343 2026..2823 + salicylate esterase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2710 features k127_4560343 2960..2838 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2711 features k127_4569553 473..1414 + DNA topoisomerase IV subunit B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2712 features k127_4594339 2..904 + Putative oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2713 features k127_4594339 901..1005 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2714 features k127_4622877 1..1188 + Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2715 features k127_4622877 1193..1732 + Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2716 features k127_4622877 1904..3514 + serine protease DO-like precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2717 features k127_4622877 3874..4557 + Two-component transcriptional response regulator SMc02366, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2718 features k127_4622877 4711..6123 + Two-component system sensor histidine kinase SMc02367 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2719 features k127_4622877 6120..9098 + Glutamine synthetase adenylyl-L-tyrosine phosphorylase (EC, Glutamate-ammonia-ligase adenylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2720 features k127_4622877 9479..9363 - Two-component sensor histidine kinase PleC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2721 features k127_4625828 3..107 + Kinesin-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2722 features k127_4625828 301..206 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2723 features k127_4625828 1228..563 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2724 features k127_4625828 2300..1293 - ABC-type transport system involved in resistance to organic solvents, periplasmic component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2725 features k127_4625828 2812..2459 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 9, phospholipid) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2726 features k127_4627843 707..183 - protein of unknown function DUF336 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2727 features k127_4627843 1707..736 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2728 features k127_4627843 1869..4184 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2729 features k127_4642718 2..610 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2730 features k127_4642718 607..1764 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2731 features k127_4642718 3769..1838 - Cell division-associated, ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2732 features k127_4642718 3881..4420 + Chaperone protein ClpB (ATP-dependent unfoldase) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2733 features k127_4649644 736..2 - NAD(FAD)-utilizing dehydrogenases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2734 features k127_4649644 1393..782 - Glutamine amidotransferases class-II KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2735 features k127_4649644 2796..1498 - FIG00447258: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2736 features k127_4649644 4264..2786 - Asparagine synthetase [glutamine-hydrolyzing] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2737 features k127_4658605 46..1452 + 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2738 features k127_4658605 1925..1611 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2739 features k127_4658605 2333..1992 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2740 features k127_4658605 2475..2768 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2741 features k127_4665405 3..653 + Transcriptional regulator GabR of GABA utilization (GntR family with aminotransferase-like domain) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2742 features k127_4665405 1360..692 - FIG00443388: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2743 features k127_4665405 1968..1549 - Bll5862 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2744 features k127_4667481 188..1213 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2745 features k127_4683379 66..263 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2746 features k127_4683379 291..1142 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2747 features k127_4699379 81..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2748 features k127_4699379 1112..78 - OmpA/MotB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2749 features k127_4727890 224..3 - Deoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2750 features k127_4727890 412..1596 + O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (EC, O-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2751 features k127_4727890 2483..1734 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2752 features k127_4727890 3124..2480 - OpgC protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2753 features k127_4735582 1..189 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2754 features k127_4735582 1842..205 - Aromatic--CoA ligase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2755 features k127_4750342 2..1351 + Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2756 features k127_4765534 662..3 - Helicase PriA essential for oriC/DnaA-independent DNA replication KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2757 features k127_4765534 785..1735 + Site-specific tyrosine recombinase XerC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2758 features k127_4765534 1832..2455 + FIG00804290: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2759 features k127_4765534 3190..2612 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2760 features k127_4765534 4795..3395 - Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2761 features k127_4765534 5692..4826 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2762 features k127_4791424 949..2 - Oxidoreductase, GMC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2763 features k127_4791424 1145..2116 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2764 features k127_4791424 2216..2506 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2765 features k127_4803148 3..155 + Carboxyl-terminal protease (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2766 features k127_4803148 334..1542 + Putative periplasmic protein YibQ, distant homology with nucleoside diphosphatase and polysaccharide deacetylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2767 features k127_4803208 295..2 - Signal recognition particle protein Ffh KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2768 features k127_4803208 443..1513 + Bll0480 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2769 features k127_4803208 2121..1534 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2770 features k127_4803208 2263..3132 + Diaminopimelate epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2771 features k127_4803208 3136..3657 + tRNA t(6)A37-methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2772 features k127_4809645 1..132 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2773 features k127_4809645 873..301 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2774 features k127_4809645 1258..1025 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2775 features k127_4814346 779..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2776 features k127_4814346 1724..873 - FAD dependent oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2777 features k127_4829800 3..1757 + Gene Transfer Agent host specificity protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2778 features k127_4830572 1..834 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2779 features k127_4830572 1302..895 - FIG00027233: possible membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2780 features k127_4830572 1971..1405 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2781 features k127_4830572 4130..2061 - TonB-dependent receptor, Outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2782 features k127_4830572 4917..5471 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2783 features k127_4830572 5503..6102 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2784 features k127_4830572 6459..6127 - Periplasmic divalent cation tolerance protein CutA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2785 features k127_4830572 6515..7297 + NAD kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2786 features k127_4830572 8002..7367 - Methionine synthase II (Cobalamin-independent) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2787 features k127_4838477 378..1 - Cyanate hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2788 features k127_4838477 1322..375 - Cyanate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2789 features k127_4838477 2199..1360 - Cyanate ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2790 features k127_4838477 3667..2234 - Cyanate ABC transporter, substrate binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2791 features k127_4838477 3951..4736 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2792 features k127_4845526 1..2301 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2793 features k127_4847191 164..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2794 features k127_4847191 1233..208 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2795 features k127_4847191 1412..1606 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2796 features k127_4847191 1774..1628 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2797 features k127_4852239 158..1936 + Bipolar DNA helicase HerA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2798 features k127_4852239 2075..1953 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2799 features k127_4858065 395..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2800 features k127_4858065 1396..596 - Radical SAM protein required for addition of adenosine to hopane skeleton, HpnH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2801 features k127_4863792 3..650 + Periplasmic sulfane dehydrogenase, molybdopterin-containing subunit SoxC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2802 features k127_4863792 647..1363 + Fumarate reductase iron-sulfur protein (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2803 features k127_4863792 1360..1689 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2804 features k127_4863792 1686..2036 + Succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome b-556 subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2805 features k127_4863792 2036..3772 + Fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2806 features k127_4863792 3780..4568 + Fumarate hydratase class I, alpha region (EC, L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2807 features k127_4867521 2..301 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2808 features k127_4867521 638..312 - Uncharacterized conserved protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2809 features k127_4867521 1555..635 - Luciferase-like monooxygenase YhbW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2810 features k127_4869491 3..1319 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2811 features k127_4877294 165..2210 + Transketolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2812 features k127_4877294 2365..3372 + NADP-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, NAD-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2813 features k127_4877294 3405..3554 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2814 features k127_4877294 3568..4767 + Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2815 features k127_4877294 5880..4795 - Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2816 features k127_4877294 6168..7193 + Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase class I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2817 features k127_4877294 7353..8009 + thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2818 features k127_4877294 8006..9061 + FOG: TPR repeat, SEL1 subfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2819 features k127_4877294 9135..9830 + Inositol-1-monophosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2820 features k127_4888445 2..685 + ATP synthase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2821 features k127_4888445 725..1141 + ATP synthase epsilon chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2822 features k127_4888445 1781..1209 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2823 features k127_4888445 2391..1879 - FIG004694: Hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2824 features k127_4888445 3337..2402 - Beta-propeller domains of methanol dehydrogenase type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2825 features k127_4894553 3..1049 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2826 features k127_4894553 2171..1128 - tRNA/rRNA cytosine-C5-methylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2827 features k127_4928473 506..3 - Ribonuclease E (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2828 features k127_4928473 721..837 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2829 features k127_4928473 1152..1706 + N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2830 features k127_4947191 155..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2831 features k127_4947191 1129..158 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2832 features k127_4947191 1575..1129 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2833 features k127_4954315 1..1155 + L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2834 features k127_4954315 1213..2175 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2835 features k127_4954315 2911..2222 - Thiamin-phosphate pyrophosphorylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2836 features k127_4954315 3641..2922 - N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2837 features k127_4957816 2..325 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 (cluster 4, leucine/isoleucine/valine/benzoate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2838 features k127_4957816 318..2690 + Probable VANILLIN dehydrogenase oxidoreductase protein (EC 1.-.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2839 features k127_4957816 2731..3570 + Integral membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2840 features k127_4957816 4347..3661 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2841 features k127_5043981 1..996 + 16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2842 features k127_5043981 1185..1262 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2843 features k127_5063557 548..3 - Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2844 features k127_5063557 1161..559 - Anthranilate synthase, amidotransferase component (EC, Para-aminobenzoate synthase, amidotransferase component (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2845 features k127_5063557 1435..1286 - GTP-binding protein related to HflX KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2846 features k127_5069605 1..1092 + ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2847 features k127_5079366 1..702 + FOG: TPR repeat KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2848 features k127_5079366 931..2019 + Inositol-1-phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2849 features k127_5079366 2028..2627 + Hypothetical, related to broad specificity phosphatases COG0406 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2850 features k127_5079366 2624..3721 + Uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2851 features k127_5079366 3723..4526 + Sugar-phosphate nucleotidyl transferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2852 features k127_5079366 4541..5308 + Uncharacterized SAM-dependent methyltransferase SMb20238, type 11 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2853 features k127_5079366 5305..5391 + Xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2854 features k127_5091763 1252..89 - Cysteine desulfurase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2855 features k127_5099669 704..3 - Type II/IV secretion system ATP hydrolase TadA/VirB11/CpaF, TadA subfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2856 features k127_5099669 1996..716 - Type II/IV secretion system ATPase TadZ/CpaE, associated with Flp pilus assembly KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2857 features k127_5099669 2733..1993 - Flp pilus assembly protein CpaD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2858 features k127_5099669 4249..2798 - Type II/IV secretion system secretin RcpA/CpaC, associated with Flp pilus assembly KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2859 features k127_5099669 5062..4271 - Flp pilus assembly protein RcpC/CpaB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2860 features k127_5105170 427..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2861 features k127_5105170 962..1894 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2862 features k127_5105170 2241..2026 - Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2863 features k127_5149686 2..580 + acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, putative phosphotransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2864 features k127_5149686 577..1395 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2865 features k127_5149686 2025..1573 - tRNA-specific adenosine-34 deaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2866 features k127_5149686 2083..2988 + LSU rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2867 features k127_5165907 1227..1 - RNA polymerase ECF-type sigma factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2868 features k127_5165907 1595..1224 - RNA polymerase ECF-type sigma factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2869 features k127_5165907 1864..3081 + RND efflux system, membrane fusion protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2870 features k127_5165907 3084..5780 + RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2871 features k127_5170082 353..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2872 features k127_5170082 1476..589 - FIG00932277: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2873 features k127_5170082 2348..1629 - Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase-like protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2874 features k127_5170082 3631..2363 - Dehydratase, IlvD/Edd family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2875 features k127_5179391 1315..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2876 features k127_5187707 2..451 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2877 features k127_5187707 1249..497 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2878 features k127_5187707 2196..1246 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2879 features k127_5187707 2732..2511 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2880 features k127_5198366 557..72 - protein of unknown function DUF992 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2881 features k127_5198366 1278..757 - protein of unknown function DUF992 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2882 features k127_5210601 1..999 + Ubiquinone biosynthesis regulatory protein kinase UbiB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2883 features k127_5210601 1044..2378 + Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (EC, Phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2884 features k127_5213787 1..207 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2885 features k127_5213787 489..292 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2886 features k127_5213787 887..630 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2887 features k127_5213787 1273..884 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2888 features k127_5213787 1914..1276 - Phage lysozyme R (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2889 features k127_5213787 2048..1911 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2890 features k127_5213787 2158..2051 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2891 features k127_5220593 693..100 - Flavin prenyltransferase UbiX KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2892 features k127_5220593 1238..690 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2893 features k127_5222985 1..2316 + Glycogen phosphorylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2894 features k127_5222985 2388..3320 + Putative sugar kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2895 features k127_5222985 4563..3364 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2896 features k127_5222985 5706..4717 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2897 features k127_5222985 5957..6910 + Cobalt/zinc/cadmium resistance protein CzcD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2898 features k127_5222985 6992..7630 + Cell division topological determinant MinJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2899 features k127_5223766 3..1340 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2900 features k127_5223766 1822..1364 - cAMP-binding proteins - catabolite gene activator and regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2901 features k127_5223766 2480..1839 - Two-component transcriptional response regulator, LuxR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2902 features k127_5224843 763..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2903 features k127_5224843 1391..789 - Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2904 features k127_5237481 2..544 + Protein lysine acetyltransferase Pat (EC 2.3.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2905 features k127_5237481 1211..549 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2906 features k127_5237481 2971..1286 - Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2907 features k127_5237481 3371..3048 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2908 features k127_5237481 3530..3459 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2909 features k127_5240882 1102..2 - Hopanoid-associated RND transporter, HpnN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2910 features k127_5242052 2..1087 + Putative cytochrome P450 hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2911 features k127_5242052 1242..2645 + AsmA family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2912 features k127_5252036 3..677 + FIG00442790: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2913 features k127_5252036 1492..722 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2914 features k127_5265677 2..1612 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2915 features k127_5265677 3843..1699 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2916 features k127_5265677 3962..4147 + putative periplasmic protein kinase ArgK and related GTPases of G3E family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2917 features k127_5272946 3..335 + Flagellar hook-length control protein FliK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2918 features k127_5272946 345..1034 + Flagellar basal-body rod modification protein FlgD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2919 features k127_5272946 1203..1478 + FIG01031092: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2920 features k127_5272946 1882..2562 + Glutamate 5-kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2921 features k127_5272946 2636..2992 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2922 features k127_5311128 1633..2 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2923 features k127_5311128 1809..2684 + Exopolyphosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2924 features k127_5311305 1334..3 - Type I secretion system ATPase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2925 features k127_5311305 1814..2233 + FIG00027233: possible membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2926 features k127_5311305 2260..2328 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2927 features k127_5320925 3..506 + Gifsy-2 prophage protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2928 features k127_5320925 1055..618 - uncharacterized protein SCO0976 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2929 features k127_5328978 3..770 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2930 features k127_5328978 964..1371 + Tricarboxylate transport protein TctB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2931 features k127_5328978 1381..1812 + Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2932 features k127_5338112 3..1763 + Two-component system sensor histidine kinase/response regulator hybrid KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2933 features k127_5341190 2..70 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2934 features k127_5341190 1059..295 - Mobile element protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2935 features k127_5341190 1232..1056 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2936 features k127_5349621 195..49 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2937 features k127_5349621 353..955 + Shikimate kinase I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2938 features k127_5349621 952..2079 + 3-dehydroquinate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2939 features k127_5349621 2082..3368 + Co2 transporter containing CBS domains KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2940 features k127_5349621 3465..4442 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2941 features k127_5349621 5416..4505 - putative Metapyrocatechase (MPC) (CatO2ase) (Catechol 2,3- dioxygenase)( EC: ) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2942 features k127_5349621 6410..5430 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2943 features k127_5349621 7842..6427 - 2-methylcitrate dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2944 features k127_5349621 8086..7814 - Cell division protein BolA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2945 features k127_5349621 8253..8522 + FIG003437: hypothetical with DnaJ-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2946 features k127_5352345 1..1788 + Membrane alanine aminopeptidase N (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2947 features k127_5352345 1971..4325 + Two-component sensor histidine kinase PleC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2948 features k127_5373248 1..387 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2949 features k127_5373248 398..1369 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2950 features k127_5373248 1390..2343 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2951 features k127_5373248 2340..3293 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2952 features k127_5373248 3329..4300 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2953 features k127_5373248 4463..4588 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2954 features k127_5382150 3..110 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2955 features k127_5382150 197..622 + Universal stress protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2956 features k127_5382150 928..692 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2957 features k127_5382150 1119..1559 + Transcriptional regulator GabR of GABA utilization (GntR family with aminotransferase-like domain) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2958 features k127_5383639 3..902 + L-lactate dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2959 features k127_5383639 1033..1368 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2960 features k127_5394839 3..701 + LSU ribosomal protein L2p (L8e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2961 features k127_5394839 698..985 + SSU ribosomal protein S19p (S15e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2962 features k127_5394839 986..1465 + LSU ribosomal protein L22p (L17e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2963 features k127_5394839 1465..2616 + SSU ribosomal protein S3p (S3e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2964 features k127_5394839 2619..2819 + LSU ribosomal protein L16p (L10e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2965 features k127_5395394 241..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2966 features k127_5395394 2642..291 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2967 features k127_5395394 3124..2642 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2968 features k127_5395394 4005..3121 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2969 features k127_5395394 4387..4037 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2970 features k127_5410023 269..3 - Broad-specificity amino acid ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2971 features k127_5410023 1000..380 - Periplasmic molybdate-binding protein/domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2972 features k127_5415269 1..972 + pyridoxal-phosphate dependent enzyme family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2973 features k127_5415269 995..1963 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2974 features k127_5415269 3551..2058 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2975 features k127_5432782 1489..32 - Serine protease precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2976 features k127_5432782 2245..1571 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2977 features k127_5432782 2802..2242 - RNA polymerase ECF-type sigma factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2978 features k127_5435078 356..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2979 features k127_5435078 1848..364 - Two-component system sensor histidine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2980 features k127_5452031 1..669 + Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase BBta_2767/6, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2981 features k127_5452031 673..1074 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2982 features k127_5452031 1083..2345 + Flavocytochrome c:sulfide dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2983 features k127_5452031 2342..2788 + Sulfur oxidation cycle carrier protein SoxY-Cys110-persulfide--sulfur compound transferase, SoxX subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2984 features k127_5452031 2793..2855 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2985 features k127_5457654 1..3810 + Glutamate synthase [NADPH] large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2986 features k127_5457654 3822..4697 + Glutamate synthase [NADPH] small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2987 features k127_5458453 81..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2988 features k127_5458453 278..1048 + Hypothetical ABC transport system, periplasmic component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2989 features k127_5458453 2148..1177 - TRAP transporter solute receptor, unknown substrate 5 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2990 features k127_5458453 2341..5862 + 5-oxoprolinase (EC, HyuA-like domain, 5-oxoprolinase (EC, HyuB-like domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2991 features k127_5461224 3..998 + Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase BBta_2767/6, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2992 features k127_5464847 1070..180 - CDP-diacylglycerol--serine O-phosphatidyltransferase (EC, Archaetidylserine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2993 features k127_5464847 1553..1155 - Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2994 features k127_5478547 2..1411 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2995 features k127_5478547 2335..1466 - 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2996 features k127_5478547 2471..3613 + [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly scaffold protein Mrp (=ApbC) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2997 features k127_5479962 3..584 + Sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2998 features k127_5479962 1832..765 - Probable dipeptidyl aminopeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.2999 features k127_5479962 3980..1896 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3000 features k127_5488696 2..388 + Chemotaxis regulator - transmits chemoreceptor signals to flagellar motor components CheY KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3001 features k127_5488696 385..2655 + Signal transduction histidine kinase CheA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3002 features k127_5488696 2652..2879 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3003 features k127_5488696 3043..3168 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3004 features k127_5492368 48..791 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3005 features k127_5492368 1110..868 - Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein MoaB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3006 features k127_5504183 937..2 - Putative diheme cytochrome c-553 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3007 features k127_5504183 1909..1049 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3008 features k127_5504183 2627..1938 - Glycosyl transferase, group 2 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3009 features k127_5512507 353..3 - Phosphoglycolate phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3010 features k127_5512507 543..1241 + Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3011 features k127_5512507 1269..1781 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3012 features k127_5512507 1793..3178 + Glutathione reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3013 features k127_5512507 4073..3204 - Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3014 features k127_5512507 4233..5624 + 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3015 features k127_5515936 3..1343 + Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3016 features k127_5529725 2..1177 + Methyl-accepting chemotaxis sensor/transducer protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3017 features k127_5532417 1..624 + Acetoin dehydrogenase E1 component beta-subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3018 features k127_5532417 747..2198 + Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3019 features k127_5532417 2249..2512 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3020 features k127_5539182 103..726 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3021 features k127_5539182 867..1787 + Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3022 features k127_5539492 3..509 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3023 features k127_5539492 731..2449 + Ferric iron ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3024 features k127_5539492 2457..3830 + Immune-responsive protein 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3025 features k127_5539492 3836..4594 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3026 features k127_5539492 4730..6157 + 2,5-dioxovalerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3027 features k127_5539492 6313..7527 + Bll2902 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3028 features k127_5539492 7877..7536 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3029 features k127_5561702 75..317 + Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase, PurS subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3030 features k127_5561702 321..848 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3031 features k127_5561702 848..1549 + Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase, glutamine amidotransferase subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3032 features k127_5561702 1567..1683 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3033 features k127_5561702 1785..3899 + Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase, synthetase subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3034 features k127_5572402 1..528 + NADH-dependent dehydrogenase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3035 features k127_5572402 1278..544 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3036 features k127_5575744 1..912 + Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase STM0857 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3037 features k127_5575744 956..1729 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3038 features k127_5576190 3..146 + D-amino acid dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3039 features k127_5576190 1153..182 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3040 features k127_5576190 1601..1329 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3041 features k127_5576348 1..651 + SSU ribosomal protein S1p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3042 features k127_5576348 841..1818 + Protease IV KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3043 features k127_5576348 1899..2195 + Integration host factor beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3044 features k127_5576348 2260..2610 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3045 features k127_5586553 25..483 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3046 features k127_5586553 512..1051 + Inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3047 features k127_5586553 2240..1056 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3048 features k127_5586553 2510..2424 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3049 features k127_5607109 209..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3050 features k127_5607109 372..1619 + Mesaconyl-CoA C1-C4 CoA transferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3051 features k127_5607109 1616..1738 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3052 features k127_5633264 110..3 - Probable low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3053 features k127_5633264 776..132 - Phosphate transport regulator (distant homolog of PhoU) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3054 features k127_5633264 1803..949 - 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3055 features k127_5633264 3240..1807 - FIG00439680: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3056 features k127_5645514 34..189 + Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3057 features k127_5645514 271..149 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3058 features k127_5645514 437..1747 + Citrate synthase (si) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3059 features k127_5645514 2254..1886 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3060 features k127_5645514 2812..2321 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3061 features k127_5645514 2982..2800 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3062 features k127_5645514 3072..4040 + Similar to F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, SCO7290 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3063 features k127_5645514 4206..4682 + MaoC-like dehydratase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3064 features k127_5645514 5831..4671 - Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3065 features k127_5654174 112..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3066 features k127_5654174 378..662 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3067 features k127_5654174 1577..708 - Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3068 features k127_5654174 1842..2249 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3069 features k127_5654174 2383..3615 + Argininosuccinate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3070 features k127_5654174 3747..5171 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3071 features k127_5696731 327..1028 + DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3072 features k127_5696731 1959..1009 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3073 features k127_5696731 2696..2172 - Valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3074 features k127_5701105 213..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3075 features k127_5701105 797..426 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3076 features k127_5701105 916..3018 + Transcriptional regulator, AfsR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3077 features k127_5715878 494..3 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3078 features k127_5715878 732..1385 + FIG167255: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3079 features k127_5726270 1..684 + Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase (EC, 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3080 features k127_5726270 669..1277 + Riboflavin synthase eubacterial/eukaryotic (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3081 features k127_5726270 1453..1548 + 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3082 features k127_5748368 1..948 + 2-methylcitrate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3083 features k127_5748368 1389..943 - FIG139438: lipoprotein B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3084 features k127_5752596 1192..2 - Inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (EC, CBS domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3085 features k127_5752596 1623..1450 - 23S rRNA (uridine(2552)-2'-O)-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3086 features k127_5771927 2..778 + Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3087 features k127_5771927 891..1160 + Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3088 features k127_5774013 2..1531 + Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3089 features k127_5800027 333..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3090 features k127_5800027 565..1563 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3091 features k127_5826947 3..398 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3092 features k127_5826947 1331..471 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3093 features k127_5826947 2213..1413 - 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3094 features k127_5826947 2510..2217 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3095 features k127_5826954 21..365 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3096 features k127_5826954 1349..399 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3097 features k127_5826954 1641..1862 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3098 features k127_5826954 2256..2050 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3099 features k127_5826954 2371..2291 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3100 features k127_5832598 245..3 - Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, iron-sulfur subunit YagT KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3101 features k127_5832598 2684..483 - Transcription accessory protein (S1 RNA-binding domain) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3102 features k127_5868928 1..309 + 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit (EC 1.2.7.-), 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit (EC 1.2.7.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3103 features k127_5868928 306..1361 + 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, beta subunit (EC 1.2.7.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3104 features k127_5868928 1648..1376 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3105 features k127_5868928 2109..1666 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3106 features k127_5868928 2257..2355 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3107 features k127_5868928 3711..2371 - LSU rRNA pseudouridine(955/2504/2580) synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3108 features k127_5868928 4755..3748 - Replication-associated recombination protein RarA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3109 features k127_5869438 177..1058 + Polysaccharide deacetylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3110 features k127_5869438 1127..1921 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3111 features k127_5896548 3..1136 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3112 features k127_5896548 1518..1291 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3113 features k127_5896548 1895..1758 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3114 features k127_5911925 1407..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3115 features k127_5911925 1565..1942 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3116 features k127_5916913 515..3 - RNA binding S1 domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3117 features k127_5916913 623..1081 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3118 features k127_5924844 419..3 - Thioredoxin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3119 features k127_5924844 3016..509 - Excinuclease ABC subunit A paralog of unknown function KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3120 features k127_5924844 3268..3810 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3121 features k127_5924844 4287..3841 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3122 features k127_5974107 190..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3123 features k127_5974107 1569..430 - DNA recombination and repair protein RecF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3124 features k127_5974107 2829..1711 - DNA polymerase III beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3125 features k127_5974107 4524..3109 - Chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3126 features k127_5982365 905..3 - Heme O synthase, protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, COX10-CtaB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3127 features k127_5982365 2576..957 - Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3128 features k127_5982365 2861..2622 - Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3129 features k127_5988791 1..729 + Cell division protein FtsI [Peptidoglycan synthetase] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3130 features k127_5988791 726..1931 + Rod shape-determining protein RodA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3131 features k127_5988791 1953..2267 + Ribonuclease G KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3132 features k127_5989817 32..274 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3133 features k127_5989817 832..398 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3134 features k127_5989817 3318..1027 - Xanthine dehydrogenase family protein, large subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3135 features k127_5989817 4246..3338 - RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3136 features k127_6003748 2..949 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3137 features k127_6003748 1814..1020 - Phospholipid phosphatase, PAP2 superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3138 features k127_6003748 2146..1949 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3139 features k127_6021717 890..3 - Mitochondrial processing peptidase-like protein (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3140 features k127_6021717 2302..887 - Threonine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3141 features k127_6021717 3224..2469 - Cytochrome oxidase biogenesis protein Surf1, facilitates heme A insertion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3142 features k127_6021717 3325..3221 - conserved hypothetical protein in cyt c oxidase gene clusters KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3143 features k127_6073858 75..1346 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3144 features k127_6083793 1330..11 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) alpha and beta chains, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3145 features k127_6096231 448..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3146 features k127_6096231 678..427 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3147 features k127_6096231 2683..767 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3148 features k127_6096231 2881..3642 + FIG00761799: membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3149 features k127_6096231 3858..4205 + 3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA ligase (EC of DmdB1 type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3150 features k127_6104836 3..131 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3151 features k127_6104836 639..160 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3152 features k127_6104836 1511..639 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3153 features k127_6104836 1795..2094 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3154 features k127_6105484 700..2 - Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3155 features k127_6105484 796..1473 + Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3156 features k127_6115181 191..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3157 features k127_6115181 1256..300 - Protease HtpX homolog KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3158 features k127_6115181 1457..2014 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3159 features k127_6115181 2186..2079 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3160 features k127_6116737 1013..12 - FAD-dependent oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3161 features k127_6118934 1378..14 - Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3162 features k127_6118934 1578..2306 + L-carnitine dehydratase/bile acid-inducible protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3163 features k127_6164017 3..1070 + Type II/IV secretion system ATP hydrolase TadA/VirB11/CpaF, TadA subfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3164 features k127_6164017 1077..2045 + Flp pilus assembly protein TadB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3165 features k127_6164017 2047..2994 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3166 features k127_6170038 327..752 + COGs COG0537 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3167 features k127_6170038 976..1914 + NADH pyrophosphatase (EC, decaps 5'-NAD modified RNA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3168 features k127_6170038 1901..2812 + Ribokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3169 features k127_6170038 2809..3267 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3170 features k127_6170038 3431..3273 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3171 features k127_6170038 4518..3439 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3172 features k127_6192071 3..536 + Guanylate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3173 features k127_6192071 1491..544 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3174 features k127_6192834 245..3 - Sorbitol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3175 features k127_6192834 417..1580 + Nitrate/nitrite transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3176 features k127_6192834 1699..2019 + FIG00983977: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3177 features k127_6199241 145..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3178 features k127_6199241 1374..376 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3179 features k127_6199241 2470..1454 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3180 features k127_6199241 3353..2493 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3181 features k127_6199241 4083..3379 - Transcriptional regulator, IclR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3182 features k127_6213280 1..522 + Vitamin B12 ABC transporter, permease protein BtuC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3183 features k127_6213280 540..1304 + Vitamin B12 ABC transporter, ATPase component BtuD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3184 features k127_6213280 3116..1323 - K(+)/H(+) antiporter NhaP2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3185 features k127_6213280 3177..3308 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3186 features k127_6242926 447..1 - tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3187 features k127_6242926 1890..616 - S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3188 features k127_6242926 2417..2007 - Transcriptional regulator, Xre family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3189 features k127_6242926 4219..2627 - Apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase, Copper homeostasis protein CutE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3190 features k127_6242926 5193..4216 - Magnesium and cobalt efflux protein CorC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3191 features k127_6270102 3..953 + Transposase (class II) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3192 features k127_6303532 70..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3193 features k127_6303532 314..1834 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3194 features k127_6308153 1..387 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3195 features k127_6308153 1299..412 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC, Delta(3)-cis-delta(2)-trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase (EC, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3196 features k127_6318270 1..201 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3197 features k127_6318270 360..2096 + Ferric iron ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3198 features k127_6318270 2096..3208 + Spermidine/putrescine import ABC transporter ATP-binding protein PotA (TC 3.A.1.11.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3199 features k127_6318270 3224..4153 + Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3200 features k127_6318270 4188..5198 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3201 features k127_6318270 5257..6345 + (R)-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, similar to L-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3202 features k127_6324999 803..618 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3203 features k127_6324999 925..1815 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3204 features k127_6324999 2668..1943 - Two-component hybrid sensor and regulator KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3205 features k127_6328696 102..1706 + Urea ABC transporter, permease protein UrtB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3206 features k127_6328696 1703..2869 + Urea ABC transporter, permease protein UrtC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3207 features k127_6328696 2866..3654 + Urea ABC transporter, ATPase protein UrtD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3208 features k127_6328696 3657..3863 + Urea ABC transporter, ATPase protein UrtE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3209 features k127_6338470 3..1406 + 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase and related glycosyltransferases of PMT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3210 features k127_6338470 1481..1807 + Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3211 features k127_6377548 1..216 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3212 features k127_6377548 304..1293 + UbiD family decarboxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3213 features k127_6397969 1278..220 - N-acyl-D-aspartate/D-glutamate deacylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3214 features k127_6418758 1001..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3215 features k127_6425304 1..195 + tRNA-5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine(34) synthesis protein MnmE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3216 features k127_6425304 312..1085 + tRNA-5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine(34) synthesis protein MnmG KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3217 features k127_6451665 318..1067 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3218 features k127_6451665 1590..1195 - 16 kDa heat shock protein A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3219 features k127_6503487 64..783 + Inner membrane protein YbhL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3220 features k127_6503487 881..1894 + Luciferase-like monooxygenase YhbW KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3221 features k127_6503487 2548..1928 - AAA+ ATPase superfamily protein YifB/ComM, associated with DNA recombination KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3222 features k127_6510322 2..100 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3223 features k127_6510322 324..1544 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3224 features k127_6510322 1563..3830 + diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3225 features k127_6540576 1..1038 + FIG110192: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3226 features k127_6540576 1107..1532 + Bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3227 features k127_6540576 1776..1537 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3228 features k127_6581358 1..522 + Hopanoid-associated sugar epimerase HpnA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3229 features k127_6581358 519..1700 + Hopene-associated glycosyltransferase HpnB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3230 features k127_6581358 1697..2569 + Squalene synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3231 features k127_6581358 2566..2856 + Phytoene synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3232 features k127_6584936 140..3 - 16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3233 features k127_6584936 324..554 + Uncharacterized protein RSP_1104 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3234 features k127_6584936 647..1120 + InterPro IPR006021 COGs COG1525 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3235 features k127_6649349 512..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3236 features k127_6649349 698..1363 + Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase MsrA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3237 features k127_6649349 1619..1915 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3238 features k127_6649349 1933..3330 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3239 features k127_6667537 700..2 - TRAP-type uncharacterized transport system, fused permease component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3240 features k127_6667537 1733..843 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3241 features k127_6667537 1886..3955 + N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3242 features k127_6667537 3952..4212 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3243 features k127_6724037 1273..11 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3244 features k127_6725890 66..341 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3245 features k127_6725890 1010..696 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3246 features k127_6725890 1387..1196 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3247 features k127_6725890 2738..1464 - Malonamidase E2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3248 features k127_6725890 3004..2738 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3249 features k127_6731854 2..127 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3250 features k127_6731854 497..943 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3251 features k127_6731854 2651..978 - Two-component system sensor histidine kinase/response regulator hybrid KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3252 features k127_6731854 3714..2662 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3253 features k127_6731854 3930..4196 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3254 features k127_6740201 1081..5 - Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3255 features k127_6745595 74..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3256 features k127_6745595 1447..146 - Uncharacterized DUF763 protein AF1496 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3257 features k127_6745595 1952..1536 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3258 features k127_6770634 1184..3 - Acetolactate synthase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3259 features k127_6779676 239..3 - Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase MsrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3260 features k127_6779676 838..236 - Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase MsrA (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3261 features k127_6779676 989..1831 + ATPase associated with various cellular activities, AAA_5 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3262 features k127_6779676 2681..1965 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3263 features k127_6779676 2944..2786 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3264 features k127_6782100 290..33 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3265 features k127_6782100 735..520 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3266 features k127_6782100 1181..738 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3267 features k127_6786616 1574..3 - Excinuclease ABC subunit A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3268 features k127_6806174 1..348 + RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3269 features k127_6806174 398..1375 + Possible hypoxanthine oxidase XdhD (EC 1.-.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3270 features k127_6815106 1232..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3271 features k127_6821914 3..194 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3272 features k127_6821914 669..364 - LSU ribosomal protein L28p, LSU ribosomal protein L28p, zinc-independent KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3273 features k127_6821914 1008..1229 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3274 features k127_6865714 1..321 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3275 features k127_6865714 663..421 - Transcriptional regulator, AsnC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3276 features k127_6865714 1309..731 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3277 features k127_6865714 1904..1314 - Nickel-binding accessory protein UreJ-HupE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3278 features k127_6868689 1..744 + Chaperone protein DnaK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3279 features k127_6868689 857..1534 + Chaperone protein DnaJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3280 features k127_6898720 626..3 - probable sufite oxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3281 features k127_6898720 1171..638 - Thiosulfate reductase cytochrome B subunit (membrane anchoring protein) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3282 features k127_6901597 847..2 - Lysophospholipase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3283 features k127_6901597 908..1183 + Exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3284 features k127_6915624 50..1222 + Exopolyphosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3285 features k127_6931348 864..1 - Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3286 features k127_6931348 1301..867 - Transcriptional regulator, Xre family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3287 features k127_6975672 1432..2 - Two-component system sensor histidine kinase/response regulator hybrid KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3288 features k127_6975672 2883..1456 - Mercuric ion reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3289 features k127_6975672 3443..2910 - COG0398: uncharacterized membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3290 features k127_6993316 280..2079 + Methanol dehydrogenase large subunit protein (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3291 features k127_6993316 2171..2323 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3292 features k127_7050292 1123..2 - Serine protease precursor MucD/AlgY associated with sigma factor RpoE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3293 features k127_7051530 940..2 - Pirin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3294 features k127_7051530 1598..960 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3295 features k127_7051530 2536..1598 - Glyoxalase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3296 features k127_7051530 4262..2652 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3297 features k127_7051530 4699..4322 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3298 features k127_7051530 5494..4895 - NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone), Type IV (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3299 features k127_7051530 5718..6647 + Transcriptional regulator, LysR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3300 features k127_7051530 6753..6947 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3301 features k127_7051530 7136..7252 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3302 features k127_7051530 7304..7450 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3303 features k127_7051530 8718..7453 - putative lipoprotein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3304 features k127_7073019 121..2 - Riboflavin synthase eubacterial/eukaryotic (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3305 features k127_7073019 1241..123 - Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase (EC, 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3306 features k127_7073019 1720..1238 - Ribonucleotide reductase transcriptional regulator NrdR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3307 features k127_7073019 2935..1736 - Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3308 features k127_7083258 2..556 + Bis-ABC ATPase YheS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3309 features k127_7083258 1231..704 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3310 features k127_7096193 1679..6 - Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3311 features k127_7097102 1..222 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3312 features k127_7097102 224..1744 + Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3313 features k127_7097102 1747..2232 + RidA/YER057c/UK114 superfamily, group 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3314 features k127_7097102 3207..2242 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3315 features k127_7118943 1..633 + Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3316 features k127_7118943 842..1078 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3317 features k127_7136289 983..3 - Homoserine dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3318 features k127_7150344 3..638 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3319 features k127_7150344 707..1696 + 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3320 features k127_7150344 1696..2799 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3321 features k127_7176726 2..163 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3322 features k127_7176726 283..1230 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3323 features k127_7176726 2117..1335 - Alkanesulfonates transport system permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3324 features k127_7176726 2182..2114 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3325 features k127_7190029 2..160 + O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (EC, O-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3326 features k127_7190029 1347..265 - Heme A synthase, cytochrome oxidase biogenesis protein Cox15-CtaA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3327 features k127_7190029 1427..1648 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3328 features k127_7196707 995..3 - Succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3329 features k127_7196707 1115..1002 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3330 features k127_7197025 107..1261 + Glycine oxidase ThiO (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3331 features k127_7197025 1278..1532 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3332 features k127_7197025 1535..2317 + Thiazole synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3333 features k127_7197025 2508..2344 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3334 features k127_7197025 2746..3369 + Thiamin-phosphate pyrophosphorylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3335 features k127_7197025 3876..3400 - NADPH-dependent 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3336 features k127_7197025 3996..5279 + Enolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3337 features k127_7197025 5447..6196 + FIG01006337: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3338 features k127_7209797 179..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3339 features k127_7209797 1321..1554 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3340 features k127_7209797 3695..2046 - Uncharacterized protein EC-HemY in Proteobacteria (unrelated to HemY-type PPO in GramPositives) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3341 features k127_7212237 2630..3 - Cyclic beta-1,2-glucan synthase (EC 2.4.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3342 features k127_7266580 264..1 - Bll8113 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3343 features k127_7266580 895..290 - Recombination protein RecR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3344 features k127_7266580 1221..901 - Nucleoid-associated protein YaaK KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3345 features k127_7280264 288..1145 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3346 features k127_7280264 1142..1630 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3347 features k127_7280264 1644..3983 + Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC parolog without usual motifs KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3348 features k127_7280264 3989..4075 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3349 features k127_7291261 1..690 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3350 features k127_7291261 734..1060 + Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3351 features k127_7306256 3..428 + protein of unknown function DUF992 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3352 features k127_7306256 1129..548 - blr1246, unknown protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3353 features k127_7306256 1266..1180 - blr1245, unknown protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3354 features k127_7319479 276..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3355 features k127_7319479 1052..627 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3356 features k127_7365721 961..2 - Mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase (EC, Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3357 features k127_7365721 1139..1423 + Peptidoglycan lipid II flippase MurJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3358 features k127_7370588 1022..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3359 features k127_7379027 777..1 - 2-dehydrotetronate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3360 features k127_7379027 1719..796 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3361 features k127_7393251 1040..3 - bll0558, unknown protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3362 features k127_7400283 203..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3363 features k127_7400283 1088..225 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3364 features k127_7400283 1496..1125 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3365 features k127_7419082 1729..2 - Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3366 features k127_7425726 1382..3 - Pyrophosphate-energized proton pump (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3367 features k127_7425785 1136..3 - Biotin carboxylase of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3368 features k127_7455418 3..188 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3369 features k127_7455418 355..669 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3370 features k127_7455418 666..818 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3371 features k127_7455418 1450..917 - FIG00440480: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3372 features k127_7455418 2012..1554 - Acryloyl-CoA reductase AcuI/YhdH (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3373 features k127_7474865 1007..30 - DNA polymerase III subunits gamma and tau (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3374 features k127_7552466 1..1260 + Mobile element protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3375 features k127_7603410 1..846 + Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3376 features k127_7603410 874..2067 + Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3377 features k127_7603410 2081..2332 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3378 features k127_7624838 2083..272 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3379 features k127_7624856 236..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3380 features k127_7624856 1595..414 - Salicylate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3381 features k127_7661772 250..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3382 features k127_7661772 309..1013 + Ribose 1,5-bisphosphate phosphokinase PhnN (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3383 features k127_7661772 1177..1031 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3384 features k127_7661772 1186..1350 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3385 features k127_7661772 2314..1451 - Prephenate dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3386 features k127_7661772 3077..2334 - 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3387 features k127_7661772 3266..3841 + Cytochrome c, class I precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3388 features k127_7683930 1..2217 + Pyruvate,phosphate dikinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3389 features k127_7683930 2465..2283 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3390 features k127_7683930 2491..3876 + Cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance protein CzcA, Cation efflux system protein CusA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3391 features k127_7683930 4003..4293 + CzcABC family efflux RND transporter, transmembrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3392 features k127_7692010 1..198 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3393 features k127_7692010 216..809 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3394 features k127_7692010 2243..891 - Error-prone repair homolog of DNA polymerase III alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3395 features k127_7706743 1..510 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3396 features k127_7706743 580..840 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3397 features k127_7706743 1086..883 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3398 features k127_7706743 1798..1286 - Glutamine synthetase type I (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3399 features k127_7727626 518..3 - (R)-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, similar to L-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3400 features k127_7727626 1537..515 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3401 features k127_7727626 1721..1596 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3402 features k127_7727626 1788..4133 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3403 features k127_7727626 4726..4262 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3404 features k127_7727626 4902..5381 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3405 features k127_7731917 3..596 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase alpha subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3406 features k127_7731917 659..1486 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3407 features k127_7731917 1498..3339 + Sulfate permease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3408 features k127_7733065 1214..3 - Chromosome segregation ATPases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3409 features k127_7733065 2002..1421 - FIG00450386: membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3410 features k127_7733065 2109..2612 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3411 features k127_7733065 2878..2609 - 3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3412 features k127_7746987 3..449 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3413 features k127_7746987 1263..607 - Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3414 features k127_7746987 2344..1268 - Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3415 features k127_7746987 2785..3303 + Cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming), eukaryotic type Cls-II (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3416 features k127_7746987 3335..4402 + Putative permease often clustered with de novo purine synthesis KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3417 features k127_7746987 4407..5087 + DnaA inactivator Hda (shorter homolog of DnaA) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3418 features k127_7746987 5330..7483 + Polyphosphate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3419 features k127_7746987 7476..8999 + Exopolyphosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3420 features k127_7779079 3..788 + Formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3421 features k127_7779079 1292..852 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3422 features k127_7782947 1043..3 - putative transferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3423 features k127_7810401 3..389 + 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3424 features k127_7810401 536..1522 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3425 features k127_7810401 1744..1962 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3426 features k127_7819046 195..314 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3427 features k127_7819046 324..821 + RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor RpoN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3428 features k127_7819046 835..1662 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3429 features k127_7819046 2597..1635 - DnaJ-class molecular chaperone CbpA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3430 features k127_7819046 3229..2717 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3431 features k127_7819046 3255..3896 + Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3432 features k127_7819046 4034..4786 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3433 features k127_7819046 5862..5113 - Gifsy-2 prophage protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3434 features k127_7819046 5946..6467 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3435 features k127_7833758 1..249 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3436 features k127_7833758 549..265 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3437 features k127_7833758 1149..658 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3438 features k127_7833758 1640..1380 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3439 features k127_7844700 1..342 + Cell division coordinator CpoB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3440 features k127_7844700 393..1016 + tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3441 features k127_7875516 1116..1 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3442 features k127_7884017 3..536 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3443 features k127_7884017 789..583 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3444 features k127_7884017 944..786 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3445 features k127_7884017 2166..949 - Transposase, Franean1_6319 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3446 features k127_7897445 2..73 + Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase MsrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3447 features k127_7897445 443..778 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3448 features k127_7897445 1007..1186 + Flagellar hook protein FlgE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3449 features k127_7902622 911..3 - YpfJ protein, zinc metalloprotease superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3450 features k127_7902622 1142..2263 + Type II restriction adenine-specific methylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3451 features k127_7902622 2599..2417 - Gluconolactonase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3452 features k127_7916378 472..2 - 5-aminolevulinate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3453 features k127_7916378 772..2352 + Dehydratase, IlvD/Edd family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3454 features k127_7917783 135..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3455 features k127_7917783 210..536 + probable iron binding protein from the HesB_IscA_SufA family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3456 features k127_7917783 1513..551 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3457 features k127_7917783 2922..1627 - RND efflux system, inner membrane transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3458 features k127_7922914 2..1261 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3459 features k127_7922914 1258..1626 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3460 features k127_7922914 1914..1657 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3461 features k127_7922914 2131..1901 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3462 features k127_7943160 3..218 + Amidophosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3463 features k127_7943160 296..415 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3464 features k127_7943160 643..1380 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3465 features k127_7943160 2878..1520 - GTP-binding protein EngA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3466 features k127_7943160 3358..3023 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3467 features k127_7962012 1233..100 - Outer membrane protein, OmpA/MotB family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3468 features k127_7962012 1548..2018 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3469 features k127_7962012 2558..2265 - Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3470 features k127_7970014 2..373 + Transcription-repair coupling factor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3471 features k127_7970014 1029..379 - 2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate isomerase/DsbA-like thioredoxin domain KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3472 features k127_7970014 1383..1042 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3473 features k127_7970014 2761..1502 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3474 features k127_7970014 4270..2867 - 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3475 features k127_7983801 269..3 - conserved protein of unknown function, putative outer membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3476 features k127_7983801 427..1575 + Histidyl-tRNA synthetase-like protein CC_3512 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3477 features k127_7983801 1572..2303 + ATP phosphoribosyltransferase (EC => HisGl KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3478 features k127_8001102 2..1801 + TRAP transporter, 4TM/12TM fusion protein, unknown substrate 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3479 features k127_8001102 1801..2913 + TRAP transporter solute receptor, TAXI family precursor, unknown substrate 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3480 features k127_8008803 1..756 + Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3481 features k127_8008803 813..1784 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3482 features k127_8008803 1932..2942 + Myo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3483 features k127_8008803 2944..3747 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3484 features k127_8008803 3766..5145 + Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3485 features k127_8017908 78..500 + LSU ribosomal protein L17p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3486 features k127_8017908 688..1518 + Putative diheme cytochrome c-553 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3487 features k127_8017908 3375..1687 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3488 features k127_8018388 44..772 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3489 features k127_8018388 801..1868 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3490 features k127_8018388 2169..1978 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3491 features k127_8018813 542..3 - HflK protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3492 features k127_8018813 1224..655 - Dihydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3493 features k127_8023574 3..851 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3494 features k127_8023574 926..1048 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3495 features k127_8034748 2368..104 - DNA internalization-related competence protein ComEC/Rec2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3496 features k127_8034748 2540..3280 + Uncharacterized chaperone protein YegD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3497 features k127_8048569 1..156 + Enoyl-CoA hydratase [isoleucine degradation] (EC, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC, 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3498 features k127_8048569 215..1225 + D-amino acid dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3499 features k127_8071954 336..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3500 features k127_8071954 742..398 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3501 features k127_8071954 866..1444 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3502 features k127_8071954 1880..1458 - Universal stress protein F KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3503 features k127_8071954 2426..2052 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3504 features k127_8124868 183..1100 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3505 features k127_8124868 2109..1183 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3506 features k127_8124868 2208..2693 + FIG00820637:: Acyl dehydratase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3507 features k127_8124868 2762..3643 + Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3508 features k127_8124868 4105..3635 - Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3509 features k127_8124868 4826..4197 - GTP cyclohydrolase I (EC type 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3510 features k127_8124868 5054..5506 + Putative iron-sulfur cluster assembly scaffold protein for SUF system, SufE2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3511 features k127_8124868 6819..5521 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3512 features k127_8124868 6877..7020 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3513 features k127_8124868 7106..7420 + Membrane protein insertion efficiency factor YidD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3514 features k127_8124868 7548..8126 + Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3515 features k127_8140950 1..573 + Transcriptional regulator, ArsR family, Methyltransferase fusion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3516 features k127_8140950 573..1511 + 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3517 features k127_8140950 1622..5353 + 5-methyltetrahydrofolate--homocysteine methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3518 features k127_8140950 5581..6084 + tRNA (adenine(37)-N6)-methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3519 features k127_8140950 6916..6101 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3520 features k127_8146241 1..564 + L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3521 features k127_8146241 591..1199 + Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3522 features k127_8147713 1477..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3523 features k127_8147713 2184..1708 - UPF0260 protein YcgN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3524 features k127_8147713 2454..4685 + Multimodular transpeptidase-transglycosylase (EC (EC 3.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3525 features k127_8147713 4695..5273 + Putative transmembrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3526 features k127_8147713 5270..5818 + Mll7655 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3527 features k127_8147713 6093..6028 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3528 features k127_8153988 3..125 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3529 features k127_8153988 335..2701 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3530 features k127_8153988 2784..3599 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3531 features k127_8153988 3819..3667 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3532 features k127_8181317 802..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3533 features k127_8181317 1169..831 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3534 features k127_8181317 2670..1150 - Type II/IV secretion system secretin RcpA/CpaC, associated with Flp pilus assembly KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3535 features k127_8181317 2920..2711 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3536 features k127_8193668 988..2 - ATP-dependent helicase HrpA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3537 features k127_8193668 1042..1677 + N-acetylglutamate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3538 features k127_8196228 508..23 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3539 features k127_8196228 631..786 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3540 features k127_8196228 1476..853 - FIG139438: lipoprotein B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3541 features k127_8196228 1943..1551 - Similar to phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3542 features k127_8196228 2392..2054 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3543 features k127_8199924 778..101 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3544 features k127_8199924 1646..822 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3545 features k127_8212607 1..534 + Uncharacterized Nudix hydrolase NudL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3546 features k127_8212607 531..794 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3547 features k127_8212607 791..1558 + CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3548 features k127_8213455 1..549 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3549 features k127_8213455 546..1274 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivG (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3550 features k127_8213455 1267..1971 + Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3551 features k127_8213455 1976..2950 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3552 features k127_8213455 2952..3512 + FIG00440100: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3553 features k127_8213455 3514..4002 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3554 features k127_8213455 4002..4112 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3555 features k127_8216601 1..234 + Transposase and inactivated derivatives KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3556 features k127_8216601 1761..322 - NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, large form KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3557 features k127_8252333 552..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3558 features k127_8252333 647..1804 + D-amino acid dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3559 features k127_8259934 1058..3 - tRNA t(6)A37-methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3560 features k127_8259934 1321..1058 - Diaminopimelate epimerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3561 features k127_8272263 1784..159 - Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC, Molybdenum cofactor cytidylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3562 features k127_8272263 2497..1781 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase molybdenum cofactor insertion protein CoxF KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3563 features k127_8272263 2827..2504 - Xanthine and CO dehydrogenases maturation factor, XdhC/CoxF family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3564 features k127_8272263 4014..2869 - Carbon monoxide oxidation accessory protein CoxE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3565 features k127_8275047 3..1250 + FAD-dependent oxidoreductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3566 features k127_8281794 209..466 + FIG01005477: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3567 features k127_8281794 498..743 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3568 features k127_8281794 770..928 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3569 features k127_8281794 1047..940 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3570 features k127_8309435 2..394 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3571 features k127_8309435 1080..400 - Ribonuclease BN (EC 3.1.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3572 features k127_8321503 3..1253 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3573 features k127_8321503 1326..2570 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3574 features k127_8321503 2592..3068 + Acryloyl-CoA reductase AcuI/YhdH (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3575 features k127_8360442 1112..3 - Thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzymes KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3576 features k127_8366306 165..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3577 features k127_8366306 1298..162 - FIG00440991: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3578 features k127_8366306 1848..1753 - Bll5638 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3579 features k127_8376303 1..117 + Acetylornithine deacetylase/Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase and related deacylases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3580 features k127_8376303 274..1134 + Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3581 features k127_8376303 2823..1216 - Bll3066 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3582 features k127_8376303 3003..2824 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3583 features k127_8376303 3266..3150 - Superoxide dismutase [Fe] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3584 features k127_8437518 128..511 + Chemotaxis regulator - transmits chemoreceptor signals to flagellar motor components CheY KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3585 features k127_8437518 614..1249 + COG3143: Chemotaxis protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3586 features k127_8437518 2191..1322 - HAD superfamily protein involved in N-acetyl-glucosamine catabolism KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3587 features k127_8437518 3683..2274 - FIG00742057: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3588 features k127_8437518 3961..5451 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3589 features k127_8437518 5562..6302 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3590 features k127_8437518 6467..6802 + Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3591 features k127_8465700 1149..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3592 features k127_8505241 24..215 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3593 features k127_8505241 334..1233 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3594 features k127_8505241 1284..1697 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3595 features k127_8535985 3..836 + Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein E KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3596 features k127_8535985 1561..848 - Possible serine protease, htrA-like KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3597 features k127_8554186 1223..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3598 features k127_8562163 188..3 - Tripartite tricarboxylate transporter TctC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3599 features k127_8562163 1066..341 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3600 features k127_8562163 1191..1063 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3601 features k127_8603510 1367..3 - sigma-54-dependent transcriptional regulator KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3602 features k127_8604633 527..1219 + Tungstate ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3603 features k127_8604633 1222..1944 + Tungstate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3604 features k127_8604633 1957..2625 + Tungstate ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3605 features k127_8620421 261..1 - Nitrogen regulation protein NtrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3606 features k127_8620421 1187..258 - tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase DusB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3607 features k127_8646293 148..918 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3608 features k127_8646293 1789..929 - 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3609 features k127_8646293 2191..1958 - Rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3610 features k127_8664342 3..281 + Protein translocase subunit SecA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3611 features k127_8664342 1107..415 - probable exported protein STY0357 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3612 features k127_8673531 1..309 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3613 features k127_8673531 306..1142 + Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3614 features k127_8673531 1238..2254 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3615 features k127_8673531 2263..3090 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3616 features k127_8673531 3116..4345 + Cytosine deaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3617 features k127_8689899 131..700 + Hydroxymethylpyrimidine ABC transporter, transmembrane component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3618 features k127_8689899 1414..713 - Nicotinamidase/isochorismatase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3619 features k127_8689899 1715..2707 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3620 features k127_8689899 3550..2756 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3621 features k127_8695180 2..1492 + Large exoproteins involved in heme utilization or adhesion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3622 features k127_8771366 1..276 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3623 features k127_8771366 298..1260 + Auxin efflux carrier family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3624 features k127_8771366 1330..2421 + Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3625 features k127_8771366 3771..2578 - 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3626 features k127_8771366 3900..4826 + FIG00741200: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3627 features k127_8771366 4872..5486 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3628 features k127_8771366 5488..6219 + Phosphatidylcholine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3629 features k127_8771366 6232..6600 + UPF0053 inner membrane protein YgdQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3630 features k127_8847495 611..3 - Oxamate carbamoyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3631 features k127_8847495 847..608 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3632 features k127_8847495 1050..1673 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3633 features k127_8847495 2770..1790 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3634 features k127_8847495 3496..2798 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3635 features k127_8849457 1319..24 - putative transposase for insertion sequence element KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3636 features k127_8891612 2..304 + ATP-dependent, 3'-5' DNA helicase with strand annealing activity KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3637 features k127_8891612 390..1130 + FIG006285: ICC-like protein phosphoesterase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3638 features k127_8891612 1187..2218 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3639 features k127_8900124 102..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3640 features k127_8900124 122..316 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3641 features k127_8900124 323..565 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3642 features k127_8900124 1746..652 - Membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3643 features k127_8900124 1982..2392 + NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 17.2 kD subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3644 features k127_8900124 2619..2867 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3645 features k127_8959342 3..821 + Glycogen debranching enzyme KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3646 features k127_8959342 926..1627 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3647 features k127_8972512 3..785 + Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3648 features k127_8972512 1048..845 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3649 features k127_8972512 1431..1078 - Holliday junction ATP-dependent DNA helicase RuvB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3650 features k127_8989966 37..834 + Putative membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3651 features k127_8989966 1110..850 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3652 features k127_8989966 1255..1461 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3653 features k127_8989966 1625..1554 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3654 features k127_9000706 683..3 - Serine--glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3655 features k127_9000706 905..3850 + Fe-S protein, homolog of lactate dehydrogenase SO1521 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3656 features k127_9000706 4602..3856 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3657 features k127_9000706 4805..4969 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3658 features k127_9039309 1..132 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3659 features k127_9039309 356..1051 + Outer-membrane immunogenic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3660 features k127_9051227 965..3 - ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3661 features k127_9051227 1949..1059 - ABC transporter, permease protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3662 features k127_9060382 2..235 + Octanoate-[acyl-carrier-protein]-protein-N-octanoyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3663 features k127_9060382 552..247 - Acylphosphate phosphohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3664 features k127_9060382 998..549 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3665 features k127_9069172 1..1458 + Glycine dehydrogenase [decarboxylating] (glycine cleavage system P protein) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3666 features k127_9073082 1088..3 - Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) depolymerase (EC 3.1.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3667 features k127_9073082 1775..1161 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3668 features k127_9082944 197..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3669 features k127_9082944 1132..203 - Uricase (urate oxidase) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3670 features k127_9082944 2337..1135 - FIG137887: membrane protein related to purine degradation KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3671 features k127_9115863 341..3 - Periplasmic sulfane dehydrogenase, molybdopterin-containing subunit SoxC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3672 features k127_9115863 557..1105 + FIG00439588: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3673 features k127_9117298 1..978 + Cytochrome c551 peroxidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3674 features k127_9117298 1083..1235 + 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3675 features k127_9124252 1..591 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3676 features k127_9124252 943..689 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3677 features k127_9130135 803..9 - Metal-dependent hydrolases of the beta-lactamase superfamily I, PhnP protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3678 features k127_9130135 1174..800 - Uncharacterized metal-dependent hydrolase YcfH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3679 features k127_9136549 1150..2 - Sensor histidine kinase PrrB (RegB) (EC 2.7.3.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3680 features k127_9136549 1378..2139 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3681 features k127_9136549 2136..2834 + Efflux ABC transporter, permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3682 features k127_9155771 2..70 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3683 features k127_9155771 67..918 + Molybdopterin dehydrogenase, FAD-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3684 features k127_9155771 915..1187 + Isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase alpha subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3685 features k127_9171561 553..5 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3686 features k127_9171561 1204..566 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3687 features k127_9181178 479..3 - FIG01008274: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3688 features k127_9181178 636..1994 + FIG00441701: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3689 features k127_9181178 4421..2004 - Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3690 features k127_9181178 5589..4507 - Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3691 features k127_9181178 5757..5954 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3692 features k127_9181178 6328..5963 - LSU ribosomal protein L20p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3693 features k127_9181178 6563..6363 - LSU ribosomal protein L35p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3694 features k127_9181178 6837..7214 + COG3210: Large exoproteins involved in heme utilization or adhesion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3695 features k127_9182815 3..980 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3696 features k127_9191139 112..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3697 features k127_9191139 133..903 + Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3698 features k127_9191139 2029..965 - 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase and related FAD-dependent oxidoreductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3699 features k127_9268230 364..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3700 features k127_9268230 1432..515 - 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3701 features k127_9287259 2..1318 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3702 features k127_9287259 1339..2559 + Oxalate/formate antiporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3703 features k127_9287259 2585..3046 + Glyoxalase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3704 features k127_9287259 3056..3184 + 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3705 features k127_9379898 2..649 + Two-component system sensor histidine kinase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3706 features k127_9379898 1453..770 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3707 features k127_9381397 1..90 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain D (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3708 features k127_9381397 87..677 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3709 features k127_9381397 751..1533 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain E (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3710 features k127_9381397 1533..2186 + NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain F (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3711 features k127_9396611 1037..3 - DNA internalization-related competence protein ComEC/Rec2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3712 features k127_9396611 1177..1506 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3713 features k127_9396611 1914..1531 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3714 features k127_9396611 2396..1938 - Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3715 features k127_9435402 470..3 - macromolecule metabolism, macromolecule degradation, degradation of proteins, peptides, glycopeptides KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3716 features k127_9435402 519..671 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3717 features k127_9435402 1040..696 - tRNA (adenine37-N(6))-methyltransferase TrmN6 (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3718 features k127_9452509 2..109 + Uncharacterized protein RSP_1104 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3719 features k127_9452509 148..750 + InterPro IPR006021 COGs COG1525 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3720 features k127_9452509 1011..844 - L,D-transpeptidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3721 features k127_9461491 1..1425 + Oxidoreductase, GMC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3722 features k127_9462431 1..756 + Large exoproteins involved in heme utilization or adhesion KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3723 features k127_9462431 1539..847 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3724 features k127_9505673 1..252 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3725 features k127_9505673 511..1800 + UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3726 features k127_9505673 1892..2272 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3727 features k127_9516437 835..2 - Thiamine-monophosphate kinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3728 features k127_9516437 1126..1001 - Transcription termination protein NusB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3729 features k127_9517523 1430..270 - 23S rRNA (uracil(1939)-C(5))-methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3730 features k127_9520180 696..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3731 features k127_9520180 1571..696 - Propionyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3732 features k127_9545790 1..300 + putative membrane protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3733 features k127_9545790 1330..410 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3734 features k127_9545790 2412..1417 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3735 features k127_9545790 3213..2434 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3736 features k127_9545790 3544..3311 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3737 features k127_9581801 198..1 - Cobyric acid synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3738 features k127_9581801 280..1077 + FIG01075174: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3739 features k127_9581801 1185..1475 + Radical SAM KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3740 features k127_9664123 1..186 + benzoate degradation ring-cleavage hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3741 features k127_9664123 337..2019 + Benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3742 features k127_9664123 2098..2583 + Benzoyl-CoA oxygenase component B KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3743 features k127_9670735 1..816 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3744 features k127_9670735 827..1195 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3745 features k127_9678439 3..914 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3746 features k127_9678439 1054..1683 + Nickel-binding accessory protein UreJ-HupE KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3747 features k127_9678439 3053..1851 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3748 features k127_9680906 442..2 - Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP)-dependent ornithine decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3749 features k127_9680906 1231..980 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3750 features k127_9680906 1374..2186 + Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase Dcp (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3751 features k127_9687966 1..651 + Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3752 features k127_9687966 865..746 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3753 features k127_9687966 2777..981 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3754 features k127_9687966 3146..3454 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3755 features k127_9687966 3948..3640 - Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (EC, Glutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3756 features k127_9697925 140..1213 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3757 features k127_9698193 2..157 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3758 features k127_9698193 1594..422 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3759 features k127_9698193 2180..1578 - Undecaprenyl-phosphate alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyl 1-phosphate transferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3760 features k127_9719384 1222..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3761 features k127_9719384 1397..2512 + RecD-like DNA helicase Atu2026 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3762 features k127_9719384 2693..3184 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3763 features k127_9720148 3..218 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3764 features k127_9720148 1001..291 - Oxidoreductase, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3765 features k127_9742218 3..494 + Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (EC, Glutathione hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3766 features k127_9742218 806..1300 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3767 features k127_9759677 2..157 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3768 features k127_9759677 1220..213 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3769 features k127_9759677 2415..1309 - 1-carboxy-3-chloro-3,4-dihydroxycyclo hexa-1,5-diene dehydrogenase (EC 1.-.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3770 features k127_9759677 2888..2412 - oxidoreductase domain protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3771 features k127_9792491 1035..1 - AsmA family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3772 features k127_9798106 372..112 - RNA-binding protein Hfq KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3773 features k127_9798106 1413..556 - D-alanine aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3774 features k127_9798106 2794..1427 - Nitrogen regulation protein NtrX KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3775 features k127_9798106 3552..2797 - Nitrogen regulation protein NtrY (EC 2.7.3.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3776 features k127_9838462 450..1 - Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3777 features k127_9838462 1374..460 - Acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3778 features k127_9856922 224..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3779 features k127_9856922 514..1626 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3780 features k127_9935759 2..592 + 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3781 features k127_9935759 737..1996 + Dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase component (E2) of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3782 features k127_9935759 2033..2506 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3783 features k127_9936005 775..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3784 features k127_9936005 1002..2792 + Carbon starvation protein A KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3785 features k127_9978831 98..3 - Zinc uptake regulation protein ZUR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3786 features k127_9978831 229..1023 + 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3787 features k127_9978831 1023..2168 + Ferredoxin reductase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3788 features k127_9978831 2311..2556 + O-acetyl-ADP-ribose deacetylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3789 features k127_10020439 98..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3790 features k127_10020439 298..1536 + FIG00440757: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3791 features k127_10046690 3..116 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3792 features k127_10046690 217..1221 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3793 features k127_10046690 2190..1249 - Bll3346 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3794 features k127_10046690 2340..2543 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3795 features k127_10046690 2575..3345 + Ankyrin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3796 features k127_10046690 3897..3508 - RidA/YER057c/UK114 superfamily protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3797 features k127_10046690 4053..5717 + Trehalose synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3798 features k127_10046690 6846..5884 - Similar to F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, Mext_1273 family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3799 features k127_10046690 7370..7218 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3800 features k127_10055842 579..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3801 features k127_10055842 1326..730 - Tungstate ABC transporter, substrate-binding protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3802 features k127_10079764 1523..213 - Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3803 features k127_10079764 2097..1528 - ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3804 features k127_10079764 2210..2097 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3805 features k127_10079764 2995..2222 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3806 features k127_10079764 3978..3013 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3807 features k127_10079764 4967..3993 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3808 features k127_10143761 2..1303 + Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3809 features k127_10143761 1536..1411 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3810 features k127_10164359 515..3 - P-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3811 features k127_10164359 1158..577 - FIG01006956: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3812 features k127_10164359 1365..1234 - Hydroxypyruvate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3813 features k127_10166004 67..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3814 features k127_10166004 751..128 - Molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3815 features k127_10166004 1299..748 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3816 features k127_10166004 2170..1289 - Sulfur carrier protein FdhD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3817 features k127_10271464 1353..1 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3818 features k127_10332937 111..1 - Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE, heme chaperone KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3819 features k127_10332937 1308..160 - Cytochrome c heme lyase subunit CcmH KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3820 features k127_10346423 136..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3821 features k127_10346423 1196..210 - DTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3822 features k127_10346423 2230..1193 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3823 features k127_10346423 2333..4480 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3824 features k127_10346423 5430..4477 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3825 features k127_10346423 6647..5502 - TRAP-type uncharacterized transport system, fused permease component KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3826 features k127_10351321 1027..26 - Bll5482 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3827 features k127_10353022 868..14 - High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein LivH (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3828 features k127_10353022 1234..875 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3829 features k127_10358056 1841..3 - Translation initiation factor 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3830 features k127_10358056 2525..1857 - COG2740: Predicted nucleic-acid-binding protein implicated in transcription termination, Ribosomal protein L7Ae family protein YlxQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3831 features k127_10358056 3961..2537 - Transcription termination protein NusA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3832 features k127_10409596 1..852 + putative beta (1-6) glucans synthase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3833 features k127_10409596 1117..812 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3834 features k127_10453632 1088..3 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3835 features k127_10453632 1591..1088 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3836 features k127_10453632 2448..1588 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3837 features k127_10453632 3303..2587 - Branched-chain amino acid transport ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3838 features k127_10521120 1751..3 - Glucans biosynthesis glucosyltransferase H KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3839 features k127_10521120 2746..1739 - Glucans biosynthesis protein G precursor KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3840 features k127_10540634 221..3 - Formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3841 features k127_10540634 284..1051 + 2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3842 features k127_10540634 1071..1541 + Ubiquinone biosynthesis regulatory protein kinase UbiB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3843 features k127_10552308 3..1682 + Signal transduction histidine kinase CheA KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3844 features k127_10596302 3..1046 + Oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3845 features k127_10620613 3..575 + Hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes activator => OxyR KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3846 features k127_10620613 653..1024 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3847 features k127_10620613 1021..2382 + Allophanate hydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3848 features k127_10643547 1384..2 - NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain M (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3849 features k127_10644085 640..2 - Transcriptional regulator, AcrR family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3850 features k127_10644085 661..774 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3851 features k127_10644085 983..1693 + Tol-Pal system protein TolQ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3852 features k127_10644085 1716..2165 + Tol biopolymer transport system, TolR protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3853 features k127_10644085 2212..3120 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3854 features k127_10644085 3157..4440 + Tol-Pal system beta propeller repeat protein TolB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3855 features k127_10651675 234..1 - Molybdenum ABC transporter ATP-binding protein ModC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3856 features k127_10651675 931..236 - Molybdenum ABC transporter permease protein ModB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3857 features k127_10662244 566..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3858 features k127_10662244 713..1069 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3859 features k127_10662244 1232..1080 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3860 features k127_10670117 910..2 - Cystathionine gamma-lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3861 features k127_10670117 993..1184 + Uncharacterized protein RL4316 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3862 features k127_10670117 1199..1774 + ATP:Cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3863 features k127_10670117 1846..2538 + FIG056164: rhomboid family serine protease KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3864 features k127_10670117 2688..3437 + Electron transfer flavoprotein, beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3865 features k127_10713049 2..805 + Oxamate carbamoyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3866 features k127_10713049 807..1223 + FIG00441296: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3867 features k127_10713049 1220..1300 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3868 features k127_10714445 261..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3869 features k127_10714445 707..258 - FIG01261915: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3870 features k127_10714445 1615..704 - Flagellar motor switch protein FliM KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3871 features k127_10715803 82..426 + FIG005495: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3872 features k127_10715803 423..1517 + Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3873 features k127_10715803 2481..1519 - MATE efflux family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3874 features k127_10721621 1..252 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3875 features k127_10721621 1222..275 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3876 features k127_10721621 1697..1311 - Major facilitator superfamily transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3877 features k127_10746677 115..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3878 features k127_10746677 482..177 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3879 features k127_10746677 1198..479 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3880 features k127_10748781 67..1416 + Murein hydrolase activator EnvC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3881 features k127_10748781 1416..1652 + Carboxyl-terminal protease (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3882 features k127_10764895 61..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3883 features k127_10764895 1082..270 - Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3884 features k127_10769706 2..535 + Inner membrane protein YihY, formerly thought to be RNase BN KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3885 features k127_10769706 658..1680 + diguanylate phosphodiesterase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3886 features k127_10776741 1..930 + Adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3887 features k127_10776741 2148..961 - Ribosomal protein S12p Asp88 (E. coli) methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3888 features k127_10929001 625..2 - 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3889 features k127_10929001 1528..686 - Shikimate 5-dehydrogenase I alpha (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3890 features k127_10929001 1646..2341 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3891 features k127_10929001 3910..2459 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3892 features k127_10929001 3932..4111 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3893 features k127_10929001 4783..4124 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3894 features k127_10941066 22..243 + Flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3895 features k127_10941066 503..3082 + Sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3896 features k127_10941066 3456..3298 - Transmembrane protein Msl3831 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3897 features k127_10941066 3642..4553 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3898 features k127_10941066 4777..4637 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3899 features k127_10941066 4776..5255 + CopG protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3900 features k127_10941066 5414..5319 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3901 features k127_10962913 3..572 + InterPro IPR000694:IPR002528 COGs COG0534 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3902 features k127_10962913 1046..612 - Polyketide cyclase/dehydrase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3903 features k127_10962913 1558..1199 - FIG00445893: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3904 features k127_10962913 1778..1614 - Transcriptional regulator, AraC family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3905 features k127_10992670 617..3 - Pirin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3906 features k127_10992670 921..1481 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3907 features k127_11004071 539..3 - Omega-amino acid--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3908 features k127_11004071 1218..631 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3909 features k127_11026576 1398..1 - Copper resistance protein CopC, Copper resistance protein CopD KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3910 features k127_11026576 1944..1423 - Conserved membrane protein in copper uptake, YcnI KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3911 features k127_11060794 2..991 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3912 features k127_11077635 2..286 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3913 features k127_11077635 674..880 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3914 features k127_11077635 983..888 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3915 features k127_11077635 1400..1317 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3916 features k127_11079817 1271..3 - Gene Transfer Agent associated protein Pden_3078 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3917 features k127_11079817 1642..1364 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3918 features k127_11107641 745..2 - ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 1, maltose/g3p/polyamine/iron), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 10, nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3919 features k127_11107641 1803..841 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3920 features k127_11107641 2189..1821 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3921 features k127_11109853 265..83 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3922 features k127_11109853 663..472 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3923 features k127_11109853 1322..813 - Alkaline phosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3924 features k127_11153452 752..3 - Uncharacterized MFS-type transporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3925 features k127_11153452 2337..1315 - Alkanal monooxygenase alpha chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3926 features k127_11153452 4338..2545 - Benzoylformate decarboxylase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3927 features k127_11153452 4499..4744 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3928 features k127_11180339 2..1099 + Allantoate amidohydrolase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3929 features k127_11181411 1291..2 - FIG003603: membrane protein, putative KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3930 features k127_11190745 1..405 + Bis-ABC ATPase Uup KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3931 features k127_11190745 1084..413 - Spermidine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3932 features k127_11190745 1310..1125 - FIG00800590: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3933 features k127_11190745 1815..1363 - Acyl-CoA:1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3934 features k127_11222294 80..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3935 features k127_11222294 645..202 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3936 features k127_11222294 1326..658 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3937 features k127_11240329 526..2 - FIG00451283: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3938 features k127_11240329 1142..537 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3939 features k127_11243038 602..3 - Metal-dependent hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3940 features k127_11243038 2529..757 - Oxidoreductase, molybdopterin-binding KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3941 features k127_11320447 1..273 + N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3942 features k127_11320447 273..1688 + N-methylhydantoinase A (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3943 features k127_11325633 1..1074 + Peptidoglycan lipid II flippase MurJ KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3944 features k127_11350558 496..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3945 features k127_11350558 620..1654 + Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3946 features k127_11350558 2054..1887 - Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3947 features k127_11351154 2..556 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3948 features k127_11351154 2008..605 - 3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA ligase (EC of DmdB1 type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3949 features k127_11388843 1..813 + InterPro IPR002085 COGs COG0604 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3950 features k127_11388843 949..1020 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3951 features k127_11451233 3..173 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3952 features k127_11451233 829..287 - Oxidoreductase probably involved in sulfite reduction KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3953 features k127_11451233 2471..816 - Sulfite reductase [NADPH] hemoprotein beta-component (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3954 features k127_11451233 2808..2488 - Conserved hypothetical protein probably involved in sulfate reduction KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3955 features k127_11451233 4202..2805 - Precorrin-2 oxidase (EC, Sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase activity of CysG (EC, Uroporphyrinogen-III methyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3956 features k127_11451233 4973..4359 - Assimilatory nitrate reductase large subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3957 features k127_11466291 2..853 + COGs COG3777 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3958 features k127_11466291 1066..1713 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3959 features k127_11501651 236..60 - LSU ribosomal protein L30p (L7e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3960 features k127_11501651 1006..242 - SSU ribosomal protein S5p (S2e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3961 features k127_11501651 1359..1009 - LSU ribosomal protein L18p (L5e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3962 features k127_11501651 1892..1359 - LSU ribosomal protein L6p (L9e) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3963 features k127_11501651 2287..1892 - SSU ribosomal protein S8p (S15Ae) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3964 features k127_11501651 2585..2298 - SSU ribosomal protein S14p (S29e), SSU ribosomal protein S14p (S29e), zinc-independent KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3965 features k127_11514302 601..2 - Cell division coordinator CpoB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3966 features k127_11514302 791..1714 + Hydrolase, alpha/beta fold family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3967 features k127_11514302 1848..1738 - Tol-Pal system peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein PAL KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3968 features k127_11536995 262..2 - Uncharacterized protein DUF983 associated with cytochrome c oxidase? KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3969 features k127_11536995 1143..298 - Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3970 features k127_11536995 1805..1191 - Cytochrome oxidase biogenesis protein Cox11-CtaG, copper delivery to Cox1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3971 features k127_11536995 1968..1816 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3972 features k127_11556542 98..331 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3973 features k127_11556542 1457..537 - Malyl-CoA lyase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3974 features k127_11668294 960..1 - Two-component system sensor histidine kinase/response regulator hybrid KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3975 features k127_11668294 1952..1056 - Glutamyl-Q tRNA(Asp) synthetase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3976 features k127_11668294 1976..2653 + HhH-GPD base excision DNA repair family protein, Probable 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase/8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3977 features k127_11668294 2751..2843 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3978 features k127_11673927 113..1222 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3979 features k127_11673927 1240..1842 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3980 features k127_11673927 1867..2694 + Flagellar motor switch protein FliM KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3981 features k127_11686836 1149..217 - FIG01095098: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3982 features k127_11686836 1558..1184 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3983 features k127_11736886 331..546 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3984 features k127_11736886 710..564 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3985 features k127_11736886 1130..723 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3986 features k127_11753517 1..189 + Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3987 features k127_11753517 254..1066 + Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3988 features k127_11753517 1072..1554 + Cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3989 features k127_11753517 1567..2763 + Molybdopterin molybdenumtransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3990 features k127_11753517 2832..2921 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3991 features k127_11809939 2..685 + ATP synthase gamma chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3992 features k127_11809939 700..1104 + Organic hydroperoxide resistance protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3993 features k127_11809939 1129..1602 + ATP synthase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3994 features k127_11822972 110..1126 + Mobile element protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3995 features k127_11829726 3..1406 + UPF0061 protein YdiU KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3996 features k127_11842216 315..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3997 features k127_11842216 545..1264 + Ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3998 features k127_11862287 2..97 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.3999 features k127_11862287 87..1175 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4000 features k127_11909871 2..88 + Phosphotransferase system, phosphocarrier protein HPr KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4001 features k127_11909871 88..1224 + Phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase of PTS system (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4002 features k127_11951546 1030..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4003 features k127_11986717 466..2 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4004 features k127_11986717 685..572 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4005 features k127_11986717 846..1913 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4006 features k127_11988713 1..312 + ATP phosphoribosyltransferase (EC => HisGl KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4007 features k127_11988713 604..1551 + Polymyxin resistance protein ArnC, glycosyl transferase (EC 2.4.-.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4008 features k127_12161914 266..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4009 features k127_12161914 483..277 - Gene Transfer Agent (GTA) ORFG10b KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4010 features k127_12161914 830..480 - Gene Transfer Agent (GTA) ORFG10 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4011 features k127_12161914 1258..851 - Gene Transfer Agent tail protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4012 features k127_12161914 1794..1387 - Gene Transfer Agent (GTA) ORFG08 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4013 features k127_12161914 2150..1833 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4014 features k127_12161914 2299..2147 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4015 features k127_12197823 1..1305 + Beta-lactamase class C-like and penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) superfamily KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4016 features k127_12200411 15..1232 + Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4017 features k127_12200411 1304..1519 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4018 features k127_12231014 1510..2 - Glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4019 features k127_12348504 1232..3 - Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4020 features k127_12384864 630..1 - Fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4021 features k127_12384864 1220..693 - Fumarate hydratase class I, beta region (EC, L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4022 features k127_12408557 1..489 + Oxalate/formate antiporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4023 features k127_12408557 615..1007 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4024 features k127_12468609 1..882 + N5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4025 features k127_12468609 1003..1068 + SSU ribosomal protein S21p KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4026 features k127_12609465 1..879 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4027 features k127_12609465 896..3472 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase alpha subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4028 features k127_12651518 1123..338 - Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), large chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4029 features k127_12716454 257..3 - Periplasmic aromatic aldehyde oxidoreductase, FAD binding subunit YagS KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4030 features k127_12716454 1120..254 - Xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdenum binding subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4031 features k127_12748723 3..677 + D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4032 features k127_12748723 739..1419 + Amidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4033 features k127_12761654 3..665 + 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4034 features k127_12761654 667..1467 + Dethiobiotin synthase BioD (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4035 features k127_12761654 1486..2520 + Biotin synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4036 features k127_12761654 2565..2747 + Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase biotin-containing subunit (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4037 features k127_12876590 352..2 - Enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4038 features k127_12876590 1227..553 - FIG01008998: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4039 features k127_12879006 222..812 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4040 features k127_12879006 1452..835 - pyridoxal-phosphate dependent enzyme family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4041 features k127_12887163 793..2 - Bll4710 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4042 features k127_12887163 1275..793 - Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4043 features k127_12889158 793..2 - Bll4710 protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4044 features k127_12889158 1359..793 - Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4045 features k127_12901595 1..192 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4046 features k127_12901595 206..886 + Glycosyl transferase, family 2 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4047 features k127_12901595 879..1499 + Glycosyltransferase (EC 2.4.1.-) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4048 features k127_12901595 3173..1584 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4049 features k127_12956999 34..1035 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4050 features k127_12956999 1047..1175 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4051 features k127_12956999 1198..2067 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), medium chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4052 features k127_12956999 2078..2188 + Aerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (quinone), small chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4053 features k127_12964279 923..222 - Branched-chain amino acid ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein LivF (TC 3.A.1.4.1) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4054 features k127_12964279 1416..916 - Phenylacetate ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein 1 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4055 features k127_12988000 2..619 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4056 features k127_12988000 1247..771 - Deoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4057 features k127_13004188 420..1 - Spermidine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4058 features k127_13004188 764..417 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4059 features k127_13004188 1348..845 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4060 features k127_13053469 1..759 + S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4061 features k127_13053469 762..1724 + Queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4062 features k127_13059526 337..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4063 features k127_13059526 977..399 - FIG01005808: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4064 features k127_13059526 1312..974 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4065 features k127_13076085 1..948 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4066 features k127_13076085 1004..1792 + Membrane-fusion protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4067 features k127_13086823 397..2 - Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4068 features k127_13086823 1263..394 - 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase/2-oxohepta-3-ene-1,7-dioic acid hydratase (catechol pathway) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4069 features k127_13086823 1941..1276 - 2-polyprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase and related FAD-dependent oxidoreductases KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4070 features k127_13143457 187..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4071 features k127_13143457 1174..203 - Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4072 features k127_13143457 2597..1971 - Phosphohydrolase (MutT/nudix family protein) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4073 features k127_13143457 3575..2643 - tRNA t(6)A37-methylthiotransferase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4074 features k127_13165231 329..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4075 features k127_13165231 479..2245 + 3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA dehydrogenase (DmdC) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4076 features k127_13165231 2248..2982 + Enoyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4077 features k127_13165231 3282..3178 - Glyoxalase family protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4078 features k127_13169261 1..123 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4079 features k127_13169261 325..1626 + UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-dipeptide--2,6-diaminopimelate ligase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4080 features k127_13174707 1..294 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4081 features k127_13174707 492..1106 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4082 features k127_13184816 1..207 + Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4083 features k127_13184816 208..948 + 6-phosphogluconolactonase (EC, eukaryotic type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4084 features k127_13184816 938..1495 + Gluconokinase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4085 features k127_13184816 1492..1704 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4086 features k127_13223629 323..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4087 features k127_13223629 473..1366 + Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase, aerobic (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4088 features k127_13223629 2716..1961 - FIG00439656: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4089 features k127_13223629 3215..2718 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4090 features k127_13223629 3536..3288 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4091 features k127_13223629 3726..3589 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4092 features k127_13226775 112..2 - 3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA ligase (EC of DmdB2 type KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4093 features k127_13226775 1016..228 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4094 features k127_13259251 731..3 - Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, GlpX type (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4095 features k127_13259251 1222..827 - Homoserine dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4096 features k127_13268172 2..721 + Alkanesulfonates transport system permease protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4097 features k127_13268172 1195..866 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4098 features k127_13282538 1..75 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4099 features k127_13282538 72..869 + 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4100 features k127_13282538 880..1188 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4101 features k127_13310831 635..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4102 features k127_13310831 777..1736 + BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4103 features k127_13310831 1813..2013 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4104 features k127_13317538 358..2 - BUG/TctC family periplasmic protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4105 features k127_13317538 1020..469 - N-methylhydantoinase B (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4106 features k127_13326444 1034..3 - ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlE (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4107 features k127_13326444 1523..1218 - Inositol-1-monophosphatase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4108 features k127_13353941 148..2 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4109 features k127_13353941 361..1173 + Putative hydrolase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4110 features k127_13353941 1235..1399 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4111 features k127_13416201 654..184 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4112 features k127_13416201 915..1253 + ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose), ABC transporter, ATP-binding protein (cluster 2, ribose/xylose/arabinose/galactose) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4113 features k127_13440359 680..3 - hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4114 features k127_13440359 1148..963 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4115 features k127_13496254 2..442 + PQQ-dependent oxidoreductase, gdhB family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4116 features k127_13496254 1007..462 - Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4117 features k127_13524453 801..1 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4118 features k127_13524453 980..1357 + Cation transport protein ChaC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4119 features k127_13530816 1112..3 - Uncharacterized aldehyde oxidase, molybdopterin-binding subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4120 features k127_13590991 3..233 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4121 features k127_13590991 230..1288 + Amylo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4122 features k127_13768558 1208..3 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4123 features k127_13768558 1679..1371 - FIG01306808: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4124 features k127_13804847 2106..40 - diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (GGDEF & EAL domains) with PAS/PAC sensor(s) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4125 features k127_13831728 670..2 - 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogalactonate aldolase (EC (6-phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonate aldolase) (2- oxo-3-deoxygalactonate 6-phosphate aldolase), Galactonate dehydratase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4126 features k127_13831728 1123..800 - INTEGRAL MEMBRANE PROTEIN (Rhomboid family) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4127 features k127_13832454 3..155 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4128 features k127_13832454 1058..159 - Putative cytochrome P450 hydroxylase KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4129 features k127_13862950 2..871 + tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase DusB KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4130 features k127_13862950 868..1161 + Nitrogen regulation protein NtrB (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4131 features k127_13879707 3..524 + Acetyltransferase, GNAT family KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4132 features k127_13879707 600..986 + RidA/YER057c/UK114 superfamily, group 6 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4133 features k127_13903008 507..1 - FIG01008274: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4134 features k127_13903008 699..1973 + Amine oxidase, flavin-containing KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4135 features k127_14038066 820..2 - Methionine aminopeptidase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4136 features k127_14038066 1355..822 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4137 features k127_14080613 1162..5 - FIG065752: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4138 features k127_14230049 34..1185 + FIG006581: hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4139 features k127_14230049 1232..2140 + Uncharacterized protein EC-HemY in Proteobacteria (unrelated to HemY-type PPO in GramPositives) KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4140 features k127_14322472 3..1793 + hypothetical protein KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4141 features k127_14397187 3..779 + Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase light chain (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4142 features k127_14403278 357..1 - Protein of unknown function DUF55 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4143 features k127_14403278 1357..368 - Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4144 features k127_14403278 2175..1369 - N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4145 features k127_14420986 316..2 - Oxidoreductase, molybdopterin-binding KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4146 features k127_14420986 1115..438 - unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4147 features k127_14420986 1861..1121 - D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4148 features k127_14421118 3..1472 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase beta subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4149 features k127_14421118 1469..1879 + Tungsten-containing formate dehydrogenase alpha subunit KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4150 features k127_14736730 1..1164 + Na+/solute symporter KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4151 features k127_14751823 646..2 - Alpha-2-macroglobulin KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4152 features k127_14751823 1067..819 - Amidase family protein SAV_5232 KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4153 features k127_14879725 195..1 - Tricarboxylate transport protein TctC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4154 features k127_14879725 283..1380 + 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (EC KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4155 features k127_14879725 1390..1677 + unknown KNG.177__Fire_bins.RAST.CDS.4156 features k127_14879725 1939..1700 - Putative diheme cytochrome c-553
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    • Arkin AP, Cottingham RW, Henry CS, Harris NL, Stevens RL, Maslov S, et al. KBase: The United States Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase. Nature Biotechnology. 2018;36: 566. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4163

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    • [1] Aziz RK, Bartels D, Best AA, DeJongh M, Disz T, Edwards RA, et al. The RAST Server: Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology. BMC Genomics. 2008;9: 75. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-75
    • [2] Overbeek R, Olson R, Pusch GD, Olsen GJ, Davis JJ, Disz T, et al. The SEED and the Rapid Annotation of microbial genomes using Subsystems Technology (RAST). Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42: D206 D214. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1226
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    • Parks DH, Chuvochina M, Chaumeil PA, Rinke C, Mussig AJ, Hugenholtz P. A complete domain-to-species taxonomy for Bacteria and Archaea [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 27]. Nat Biotechnol. 2020;10.1038/s41587-020-0501-8. DOI:10.1038/s41587-020-0501-8
    • Matsen FA, Kodner RB, Armbrust EV. pplacer: linear time maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic placement of sequences onto a fixed reference tree. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010;11:538. Published 2010 Oct 30. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-538
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    • Hyatt D, Chen GL, Locascio PF, Land ML, Larimer FW, Hauser LJ. Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010;11:119. Published 2010 Mar 8. DOI:10.1186/1471-2105-11-119
    • Price MN, Dehal PS, Arkin AP. FastTree 2--approximately maximum-likelihood trees for large alignments. PLoS One. 2010;5(3):e9490. Published 2010 Mar 10. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0009490 link:
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    • Arkin AP, Cottingham RW, Henry CS, Harris NL, Stevens RL, Maslov S, et al. KBase: The United States Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase. Nature Biotechnology. 2018;36: 566. doi: 10.1038/nbt.4163