Generated November 9, 2022

DRAM Annotation for WCRC_4

Import a GFF3 and FASTA file from your staging area into your Narrative as a Genome data object
This app completed without errors in 2m 26s.
Created Object Name Type Description
WCRC_4_scaffolds.fna_genome Genome Imported Genome
Output from Import GFF3/FASTA file as Genome from Staging Area
The viewer for the output created by this App is available at the original Narrative here:
Annotate your assemblies, isolate genomes, or MAGs with DRAM and distill resulting annotations to create an interactive functional summary per genome or assembly. For KBase assembly objects.
This app completed without errors in 27m 1s.
Created Object Name Type Description
WCRC_4_scaffolds.fna_genome.assembly_DRAM Genome Annotated Genome
annotated_WCRC_4 GenomeSet WCRC DRAM
Here are the results from your DRAM run.
These are only available in the live Narrative:
  • annotations.tsv - DRAM annotations in a tab separate table format
  • genes.fna - Genes as nucleotides predicted by DRAM with brief annotations
  • genes.faa - Genes as amino acids predicted by DRAM with brief annotations
  • genes.gff - GFF file of all DRAM annotations
  • rrnas.tsv - Tab separated table of rRNAs as detected by barrnap
  • trnas.tsv - Tab separated table of tRNAs as detected by tRNAscan-SE
  • genbank.tar.gz - Compressed folder of output genbank files
  • product.tsv - DRAM product in tabular format
  • metabolism_summary.xlsx - DRAM metabolism summary tables
  • genome_stats.tsv - DRAM genome statistics table

Released Apps

  1. Import GFF3/FASTA file as Genome from Staging Area
    no citations

Apps in Beta

  1. Annotate and Distill Assemblies with DRAM
    • DRAM source code
    • DRAM documentation
    • DRAM publication