Genome associated with "Genome sequences of four bacterial strains isolated from organofluorine compound enrichment cultures"
The publication by Jennifer L. Goff, Chris Hahn, Rebecca A. Ingrassia, Chanistha Tiyapun, Gray G. Waldschmidt, Emma R. Smith, Miranda N. Marini, Olga Shevchenko, Julia A. Maresca is located at [url]
This Narrative explored the genome of and identified one colony type from the four colony types cultured from Wilmington Wastewater Treatment Plant influent sample. Nocardioides sp. was the result of this Narrative's genomic investigation described in detail below. These aerobic bacteria, a part of the Actinobacterium phylum, are gram positive, appear rod-like to cocci-form and can survive in low-nutrient conditions. They have outstanding degradation qualities such as high degradation rates and the ability to degrade pollutants considered hard-to-degrade(1).
Note that WV_118_6 = PFAS_118_6
1.) High-quality reads were obtained by filtering the raw reads using the app Filtlong v0.2.1
2.) This genome was assembled using the Flye app v2.9.2, which uses the Quality Assesment Tool for Genome Assemblies (QUAST).
3.) Further quality checking was performed with CheckM v1.0.18.
4.) RASTtk v1.073 was used to annotate this genome.
5.) The genome is made up of 1 contig, has a GC content of 72.74% and is 5555804 bp in length.
6.) The circular genome was depicted via the Circular Genome Visualization Tool application.
7.) The circular genome was trimmed and rotated in Flye automatically.
2.) A phylogenetic tree was generated using the Insert Genome into SpeciesTree v2.2.0 application.
(1) Ma Y, Wang J, Liu Y, Wang X, Zhang B, Zhang W, Chen T, Liu G, Xue L, Cui X. 2023. Nocardioides: "Specialists" for Hard-to-Degrade Pollutants in the Environment. Molecules. 21:7433
(2) Alexandrino DAM, Ribeiro I, Pinto LM, Cambra R, Oliveira RS, Pereira F, Carvalho MF. 2018. Biodegradation of mono-, di- and trifluoroacetate by microbial cultures with different origins. New Biotechnol 43:23–29.
(3) Kiledal EA, Maresca JA. 2023. Chromosomal DNA extraction from Gram-positive bacteria, V3.