Generated November 19, 2020

Ecogenomics of groundwater viruses suggests niche differentiation linked to specific environmental tolerance

Ankita Kothari, Simon Roux, Hanqiao Zhang, Anatori Prieto, John-Marc Chandonia, Sarah Spencer, Xiaoqin Wu, Adam M. Deutschbauer, Adam P. Arkin, Eric J. Alm, Romy Chakraborty, Aindrila Mukhopadhyay

Submitted to mBio

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Data


This work uses some data from a prior study, Kothari et al, 2019, mBio, "Plasmidomes Span Multiple Incompatibility Groups and Are Enriched in Multimetal Resistance Genes." A narrative describing that paper is here:

All raw reads from background wells for the current study are available in this Narrative.


Virus sequences

The 200 viral genome sequences have been imported into this Narrative, as an object called "viral_sequences".

Isolate genomes

The 260 genomes described in this study will be used in several other ENIGMA studies. Therefore, they are included in a separate Narrative, here:

Import a FASTA file from your staging area into your Narrative as an Assembly data object
This app completed without errors in 2m 9s.
Created Object Name Type Description
viral_sequences Assembly Imported Assembly
Annotate Assembly and Re-annotate Genomes with Prokka annotation pipeline.
This app completed without errors in 3m 24s.
Created Object Name Type Description
viral_sequences_prokka Genome Annotated Genome
Annotated Genome saved to: jmc:narrative_1605034122360/viral_sequences_prokka Number of genes predicted: 5942 Number of protein coding genes: 5851 Number of genes with non-hypothetical function: 410 Number of genes with EC-number: 136 Number of genes with Seed Subsystem Ontology: 105 Average protein length: 227 aa.
Output from Annotate Assembly and Re-annotate Genomes with Prokka(v1.12)
The viewer for the output created by this App is available at the original Narrative here:
Annotate or re-annotate genome/assembly using RASTtk (Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology toolkit).
This app produced errors.
No output found.


  1. Annotate Assembly and Re-annotate Genomes with Prokka(v1.12)
    • Seemann T. Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation. Bioinformatics. 2014;30: 2068 2069. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu153
  2. Annotate Genome/Assembly with RASTtk - v1.073
    • [1] Aziz RK, Bartels D, Best AA, DeJongh M, Disz T, Edwards RA, et al. The RAST Server: Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology. BMC Genomics. 2008;9: 75. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-75
    • [2] Overbeek R, Olson R, Pusch GD, Olsen GJ, Davis JJ, Disz T, et al. The SEED and the Rapid Annotation of microbial genomes using Subsystems Technology (RAST). Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42: D206 D214. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1226
    • [3] Brettin T, Davis JJ, Disz T, Edwards RA, Gerdes S, Olsen GJ, et al. RASTtk: A modular and extensible implementation of the RAST algorithm for building custom annotation pipelines and annotating batches of genomes. Sci Rep. 2015;5. doi:10.1038/srep08365
    • [4] Kent WJ. BLAT The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool. Genome Res. 2002;12: 656 664. doi:10.1101/gr.229202
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    • [8] Meyer F, Overbeek R, Rodriguez A. FIGfams: yet another set of protein families. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009;37 6643-54. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp698.
    • [9] van Belkum A, Sluijuter M, de Groot R, Verbrugh H, Hermans PW. Novel BOX repeat PCR assay for high-resolution typing of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains. J Clin Microbiol. 1996;34: 1176 1179.
    • [10] Croucher NJ, Vernikos GS, Parkhill J, Bentley SD. Identification, variation and transcription of pneumococcal repeat sequences. BMC Genomics. 2011;12: 120. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-120
    • [11] Hyatt D, Chen G-L, Locascio PF, Land ML, Larimer FW, Hauser LJ. Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010;11: 119. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-119
    • [12] Delcher AL, Bratke KA, Powers EC, Salzberg SL. Identifying bacterial genes and endosymbiont DNA with Glimmer. Bioinformatics. 2007;23: 673 679. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm009
    • [13] Akhter S, Aziz RK, Edwards RA. PhiSpy: a novel algorithm for finding prophages in bacterial genomes that combines similarity- and composition-based strategies. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012;40: e126. doi:10.1093/nar/gks406
  3. Import FASTA File as Assembly from Staging Area
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