.. _buildconfigdeploy: Build, configure, and deploy ============================ These instructions assume the reader is familiar with the process of deploying a KBase module, including the `runtime `_ and `dev_container `_, and has access to a system with the KBase runtime installed. These instructions are based on the ``kbase-image-v26`` runtime image. Unlike many modules the WSS can be built and tested outside the ``dev_container``, but the ``dev_container`` is required to build and test the scripts. These instructions are for deploying the server and so do not address the scripts. Building outside the ``dev_container`` means the Makefile uses several default values for deployment - if you wish to use other values deploy from the ``dev_container`` as usual. Build the workspace service --------------------------- First checkout the ``dev_container``:: /kb$ sudo git clone https://github.com/kbase/dev_container Cloning into 'dev_container'... remote: Counting objects: 1097, done. remote: Total 1097 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1097 Receiving objects: 100% (1097/1097), 138.81 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (661/661), done. .. note:: In the v26 image, ``/kb`` is owned by ``root``. As an alternative to repetitive ``sudo`` s, ``chown`` ``/kb`` to the user. Bootstrap and source the user environment file, which sets up Java and Perl paths which the WSS build needs:: /kb$ cd dev_container/ /kb/dev_container$ sudo ./bootstrap /kb/runtime/ /kb/dev_container$ source user-env.sh Now the WSS may be built. If building inside the ``dev_container`` all the dependencies from the ``DEPENDENCIES`` file are required, but to build outside the ``dev_container``, only the ``jars`` and ``workspace_deluxe`` repos are necessary:: ~$ mkdir kb ~$ cd kb ~/kb$ git clone https://github.com/kbase/workspace_deluxe Cloning into 'workspace_deluxe'... remote: Counting objects: 21961, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done. remote: Total 21961 (delta 20), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 21921 Receiving objects: 100% (21961/21961), 21.42 MiB | 16.27 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (13979/13979), done. ~/kb$ git clone https://github.com/kbase/jars Cloning into 'jars'... remote: Counting objects: 1466, done. remote: Total 1466 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1466 Receiving objects: 100% (1466/1466), 59.43 MiB | 21.49 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (626/626), done. ~/kb$ cd workspace_deluxe/ ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ make *snip* ``make`` will build: * A workspace client jar in ``/dist/client`` * A workspace server jar in ``/dist`` * This documentation in ``/docs`` .. note:: If the build fails due to a sphinx error, sphinx may require an upgrade to >= 1.3:: $ sudo pip install sphinx --upgrade .. _servicedeps: Service dependencies -------------------- The WSS requires `MongoDB `_ 3.6+ to run. The WSS may optionally use: * Any AWS S3 compatible storage system as a file storage backend. * `Shock `_ for linking WSS objects to Shock nodes. * The `Handle Service `_ to mediate linking workspace objects to Shock nodes (see :ref:`shockintegration`). * The `Sample Service `_ version 0.1.1 and above to allow linking workspace objects to samples (see :ref:`sampleserviceintegration`). * Apache Kafka as a notification service. The WSS is tested against: * The auth2 branch of the KBase fork of Shock version ``0.9.6`` (``e9f0e1618e265042bf5cb96429995b5e6ec0a06a``) * MongoDB version ``3.6.23`` with and without WiredTiger * Minio version ``2019-05-23T00-29-34Z`` * Handle service commit ``aae2f70120e75d2ccccab1b1c01dbb9e8327eee8`` with ``log.py`` commit ``b549c557e3c519e0a55eadf7863a93db25cd6806`` * Sample service commit ``b549c557e3c519e0a55eadf7863a93db25cd6806`` Please see the respective service documentation to set up and run the services required. .. note:: The WSS is only compatible with versions of Shock that have been patched to work with KBase authentication. As of this writing, that is only the version of Shock linked above. .. note:: The alternative to S3 as a file storage backend is MongoDB GridFS. GridFS is simpler to set up, but locks the entire database when writing files. Since the workspace can consume very large files, this can cause a significant impact on other database operations. Configuration ------------- The workspace configuration is contained in the ``deploy.cfg`` file in the repository root (see :ref:`configurationparameters`). Copy the provided ``deploy.cfg.example`` file to ``deploy.cfg`` to create the file. .. note:: See :ref:`configlistener` for configuration parameters for event listeners. .. warning:: ``deploy.cfg`` contains several sets of credentials, and thus should be protected like any other file containing unencryted passwords or tokens. It is especially important to protect the credentials that the WSS uses to talk to S3 (``backend-token``) as they can be used to delete or corrupt the workspace data. At minimum, only the user that runs the WSS (which should **not** be ``root``) should have read access to ``deploy.cfg``. Also be aware that the ``deploy.cfg`` contents are copied to, by default, ``/kb/deployment/deployment.cfg`` when the workspace is deployed from the ``dev_container``. .. _configurationparameters: Configuration parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mongodb-host """""""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: Host and port of the MongoDB server, eg. localhost:27017 mongodb-database """""""""""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: Name of the workspace MongoDB database mongodb-type-database """"""""""""""""""""" **Required**: If not delegating type operations **Description**: Name of the workspace MongoDB types database. This database name must not be the same as ``mongodb-database``. .. warning:: Once any data has been saved by the workspace, changing the type database will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. type-delegation-target """""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: If delegating type operations **Description**: URL of the workspace service to which type operations should be delegated. If this parameter is set ``mongodb-type-database`` is ignored. .. warning:: Read :ref:`workspacescaling` carefully before delegating types. .. warning:: Once any data has been saved by the workspace, changing the type database will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. mongodb-retrywrites """"""""""""""""""" **Required**: No **Description**: Setting for the `MongoDB retryWrites `_ connection parameter. ``true`` is true, anything else is false. Defaults to false. mongodb-user """""""""""" **Required**: If the MongoDB instance requires authorization **Description**: Username for an account with readWrite access to the MongoDB database mongodb-pwd """"""""""" **Required**: If the MongoDB instance requires authorization **Description**: Password for an account with readWrite access to the MongoDB database auth2-service-url """"""""""""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: URL of the KBase authentication service MKII auth2-ws-admin-read-only-roles """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: No **Description**: KBase authentication server custom roles that designate that the user possessing the role has authority to run administration methods requiring only read access. If a role is entered in this field, workspace administrator management is delegated to the KBase authentication server, and administrators specified in the configuration or added to the workspace database are ignored. Multiple roles may be specified as a comma separated list. auth2-ws-admin-full-roles """"""""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: No **Description**: KBase authentication server custom roles that designate that the user possessing the role has authority to run all administration methods. If a role is entered in this field, workspace administrator management is delegated to the KBase authentication server, and administrators specified in the configuration or added to the workspace database are ignored. Multiple roles may be specified as a comma separated list. ignore-handle-service """"""""""""""""""""" **Required**: If not using handles **Description**: Set to anything (``true`` is good) to not use handles. In this case attempting to save an object with a handle will fail. Delete or leave blank to use handles (the default). handle-service-url """""""""""""""""" **Required**: If using handles **Description**: The URL of the Handle Service handle-service-token """""""""""""""""""" **Required**: If using handles **Description**: Credentials for the account approved to assign/modify shock node ACLs. ws-admin """""""" **Required**: No **Description**: the user name for a workspace administrator. This name, unlike names added via the ``administer`` API call, is not permanently stored in the database and thus the administrator will change if this name is changed and the server restarted. This administrator cannot be removed by the ``administer`` API call. If either ``auth2-ws-admin-read-only-roles`` or ``auth2-ws-admin-full-roles`` contain text, this parameter is ignored and workspace administrator management is delegated to the KBase authentication server. backend-type """""""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: Determines which backend will be used to store the workspace object data. Either ``GridFS`` or ``S3``. Note all data other than the object data is stored in MongoDB. .. warning:: Once any data has been saved by the workspace, changing the backend type will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. backend-url """"""""""" **Required**: If using S3 as the file backend. **Description**: The root url of the S3 server. .. warning:: Once any data has been saved by the workspace, changing the S3 server instance will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. backend-user """""""""""" **Required**: If using S3 as the file backend. **Description**: For S3, the access key for the S3 account that will own the workspace data. .. warning:: Once any data has been saved by the workspace, changing the backend user will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. backend-token """"""""""""" **Required**: If using S3 as the file backend. **Description**: For S3, the access secret for the S3 account that will own the workspace data. backend-container """"""""""""""""" **Required**: If using S3 as the file backend. **Description**: The name of the S3 bucket in which data will be stored. backend-region """""""""""""" **Required**: If using S3 as the file backend. **Description**: The S3 region the server will communicate with, e.g. ``us-west-1``. backend-trust-all-ssl-certificates """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: No **Description**: Set to ``true`` to trust all SSL certificates, including self-signed certificates, presented by an S3 backend. Other backend types are unaffected. Any other value handles certificates normally, which is the default behavior. .. warning:: Setting this parameter to ``true`` exposes the workspace to Man-In-The-Middle attacks. bytestream-url """""""""""""" **Required**: If linking WSS objects to Shock nodes is desired (See :ref:`shockintegration`). **Description**: The root url of the Shock server. This may be different from ``backend-url`` if Shock is also used as the file backend. .. warning:: Once any data containing Shock node IDs has been saved by the workspace, changing the shock server instance will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. bytestream-user """"""""""""""" **Required**: If linking WSS objects to Shock nodes is desired. **Description**: The KBase user account that will be used to interact with Shock for the purposes of linking WSS objects to Shock nodes. This is provided in the configuration as a safety feature, as the shock token may change, but the user should not. The user associated with the shock token is checked against ``bytestream-user``, and if the names differ, the server will not start. .. warning:: Once any data containing Shock node IDs has been saved by the workspace, changing the shock user will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. .. note:: It is strongly encouraged to use different accounts for the backend shock user and the linking shock user so that core workspace data can be distinguished from linked data. bytestream-token """""""""""""""" **Required**: If linking WSS objects to Shock nodes is desired. **Description**: Token for the shock user account used by the WSS to communicate with Shock. sample-service-url """""""""""""""""" **Required**: If linking WSS objects to samples is desired (See :ref:`sampleserviceintegration`). **Description**: The root url of the Sample server. .. warning:: Once any data containing sample IDs has been saved by the workspace, changing the sample server instance will result in unspecified behavior, including data corruption. sample-service-admin-token """""""""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: If linking WSS objects to samples is desired. **Description**: Token for the user account used by the WSS to communicate with the Sample service. Must have full administration permissions for the service. port """" **Required**: Yes **Description**: The port on which the service will listen server-threads """""""""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: See :ref:`serverthreads` min-memory """""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: See :ref:`minmaxmemory` max-memory """""""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: See :ref:`minmaxmemory` temp-dir """""""" **Required**: Yes **Description**: See :ref:`tempdir` dont-trust-x-ip-headers """"""""""""""""""""""" **Required**: No **Description**: When ``true``, the server ignores the ``X-Forwarded-For`` and ``X-Real-IP`` headers. Otherwise (the default behavior), the logged IP address for a request, in order of precedence, is 1) the first address in ``X-Forwarded-For``, 2) ``X-Real-IP``, and 3) the address of the client. .. _configurationscript: Deploy and start the server --------------------------- To avoid various issues when deploying, ``chown`` the deployment directory to the user. Alternatively, chown ``/kb/`` to the user, or deploy as root. :: ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ sudo mkdir /kb/deployment ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ sudo chown ubuntu /kb/deployment ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ make deploy *snip* Makefile:53: Warning! Running outside the dev_container - scripts will not be deployed or tested. Since the service was deployed outside of the ``dev_container``, the service needs to be told where ``deploy.cfg`` is located. When built in the ``dev_container``, the contents of ``deploy.cfg`` are automatically copied to a global configuration and this step is not necessary. :: ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ export KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=~/kb/workspace_deluxe/deploy.cfg Next, start the service. If using Shock or the Handle services, ensure they are up and running before starting the WSS. The workspace service can be run under multiple servlet 3.1 compliant containers. The first set of instructions below describe starting/stopping using the Glassfish 3.1.x servlet container. The Glassfish 3.1.x branch no longer has public support and is scheduled to be end of lifed entirely in 2019, as a consequence after January 2018, Tomcat 8.5.x will be the supported servlet engine. The second set of instructions detail how to start and stop workspace under Tomcat. The directions up to this point for configuration files, environment variables and dependent services remain the same for both Glassfish and Tomcat. **Run under Glassfiash 3.1.2** :: ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ /kb/deployment/services/workspace/start_service Creating domain Workspace at /kb/deployment/services/workspace/glassfish_domain Using default port 4848 for Admin. Using default port 8080 for HTTP Instance. *snip* No domain initializers found, bypassing customization step Domain Workspace created. Domain Workspace admin port is 4848. Domain Workspace allows admin login as user "admin" with no password. Command create-domain executed successfully. Starting domain Workspace Waiting for Workspace to start ....... Successfully started the domain : Workspace domain Location: /kb/deployment/services/workspace/glassfish_domain/Workspace Log File: /kb/deployment/services/workspace/glassfish_domain/Workspace/logs/server.log Admin Port: 4848 Command start-domain executed successfully. Removing options [] Setting option -Xms10000m Removing options ['-Xmx512m'] Setting option -Xmx15000m Restarting Workspace, please wait Successfully restarted the domain Command restart-domain executed successfully. Creating property KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=/home/ubuntu/kb/workspace_deluxe/deploy.cfg Command create-system-properties executed successfully. Command create-virtual-server executed successfully. Command create-threadpool executed successfully. Command create-http-listener executed successfully. server.network-config.network-listeners.network-listener.http-listener-7058.thread-pool=thread-pool-7058 Command set executed successfully. server.network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-7058.http.timeout-seconds=1800 Command set executed successfully. Application deployed with name app-7058. Command deploy executed successfully. The server started successfully. Stop the service:: ~/kb/workspace_deluxe$ /kb/deployment/services/workspace/stop_service Domain Workspace exists at /kb/deployment/services/workspace/glassfish_domain, skipping creation Domain Workspace is already running on port 4848 Command undeploy executed successfully. Command delete-http-listener executed successfully. Command delete-threadpool executed successfully. Command delete-virtual-server executed successfully Note that the ``stop_service`` script leaves the Glassfish server running. ``kill`` the Glassfish instance to completely shut down the server. If any problems occur, check the glassfish logs (by default at ``/kb/deployment/services/workspace/glassfish_domain/Workspace/logs/server.log`` and system logs (on Ubuntu, at ``/var/log/syslog``). If the JVM can't start at all (for instance, if the JVM can't allocate enough memory), the glassfish logs are the most likely place to look. If the JVM starts but the workspace application does not, the system logs should provide answers. **Run under Tomcat 8.5.x** As of January 2018, Tomcat 8.5.24 is the production/stable release of Tomcat. The server can be downloaded from . The workspace service should be able to run on older and newer versions of Tomcat that support the Servlet 3.1 specification. For production purposes, it is not recommended to run Workspace on versions of Tomcat that do not support Non-Blocking IO due to potential performance bottlenecks under high concurrency. Download Tomcat and unzip into working directory:: Steves-MBP:workspace_deluxe sychan$ cd tmp Steves-MBP:tmp sychan$ wget http://apache.mirrors.ionfish.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.24/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz --2018-01-18 09:40:34-- http://apache.mirrors.ionfish.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.5.24/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz Resolving apache.mirrors.ionfish.org... Connecting to apache.mirrors.ionfish.org||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 9487006 (9.0M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz’ apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz 100%[==========================================================================================================>] 9.05M 1.01MB/s in 9.1s 2018-01-18 09:40:47 (1018 KB/s) - ‘apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz’ saved [9487006/9487006] Steves-MBP:tmp sychan$ tar xzf apache-tomcat-8.5.24.tar.gz Steves-MBP:tmp sychan$ ls apache-tomcat-8.5.24 LICENSE NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES RUNNING.txt bin conf lib logs temp webapps work Steves-MBP:tmp sychan$ The next step is to remove the default Tomcat distributed root servlet container and replace it with the workspace WAR file generated by make, so that the the only code running is the workspace service. Update Tomcat ROOT warfile:: Steves-MBP:tmp sychan$ cd apache-tomcat-8.5.24 Steves-MBP:apache-tomcat-8.5.24 sychan$ ls LICENSE NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES RUNNING.txt bin conf lib logs temp webapps work Steves-MBP:apache-tomcat-8.5.24 sychan$ cd webapps/ Steves-MBP:webapps sychan$ ls ROOT docs examples host-manager manager Steves-MBP:webapps sychan$ rm -rf * Steves-MBP:webapps sychan$ cp ~/src/workspace_deluxe/dist/WorkspaceService.war ROOT.war Steves-MBP:webapps sychan$ ls -l total 39704 -rw-r--r-- 1 sychan staff 20324677 Jan 18 09:50 ROOT.war Steves-MBP:webapps sychan$ At this point, we can start Tomcat and it will deploy the WorkspaceService.war file as the root handler on the default listener port of 8080. However the directives in the KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG file for *port*, *server-threads*, *min-memory* and *max_memory* are not implemented in the WARfile code, but in glassfish wrapper scripts. These will need to be updated manually in the Tomcat configuration files. *Updating the listener port* Under the Tomcat root there is a conf/server.xml file, update the following stanza, replacing the port="8080" assignment with the appropriate port conf/server.xml:: Note that in a environment with high load, the protocol="HTTP/1.1" argument should be replaced with protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol" to use the non-blocking IO connector. *Updating the min/max memory for the JVM* JVM configurations are handled via environment variables defined a bin/setenv.sh file that needs to be defined by the developer. Create the following file under the Tomcat root, and substitute the appropriate values for min_memory and max_memory into the -Xms and -Xmx flags for JAVA_OPTS. The given values here are reasonable for a test service on a developer workstation. In production typically 10G is the minimum and 15G is the maximum. bin/setenv.sh:: #!/bin/sh # JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -server -Xms1000m -Xmx3000m -XX:+UseG1GC" *Configure the size of the thread pool* The thread pool is configured in the conf/server.xml file in the following stanza. conf/server.xml::