Test ==== In order to run tests: * MongoDB must be installed, but not necessarily running. * Shock must be installed, but not necessarily running. * A Linux Shock binary is provided in ``shock_builds``. * Minio must be installed, but not necessarily running. * Minio version must be greater than 2019-05-23T00-29-34Z. * The Handle Service must be installed, but not necessarily running. See ``test.cfg.example`` for setup instructions. * The KBase Jars repo must be cloned into the parent directory of the workspace repo directory, e.g:: ls jars workspace_deluxe See :ref:`servicedeps` for more information about these test dependencies. Next, copy the ``test.cfg.example`` file to ``test.cfg`` and fill in appropriately. Then:: cd python_dependencies/ pipenv shell cd .. make test The tests currently take 20-30 minutes to run on spinning disks, or 8-10 minutes on SSDs.